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Hell cat Vs Police chase


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I can't post it right now (at work) but there is an old video series of this guy called "Ghostrider" riding a 450hp turbo hayabusa evading Swedish(?) police. In the rain most of the time. I still remember the scenes of him going full bore up on one while a volvo police car slowly slides into a guardrail behind him. Now that's a police chase.


I'll see if I can find it when I get home, unless someone else wants to post it.

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I can't post it right now (at work) but there is an old video series of this guy called "Ghostrider" riding a 450hp turbo hayabusa evading Swedish(?) police. In the rain most of the time. I still remember the scenes of him going full bore up on one while a volvo police car slowly slides into a guardrail behind him. Now that's a police chase.


I'll see if I can find it when I get home, unless someone else wants to post it.




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I love police chases but there's not a whole lot of skill/car involved in getting away from anything in Europe. They don't chase like (many) American police do. Their vehicles are slower. My 2.5L Jetta would have the same success as this Benz would.
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Reminded me of this video, but not neatly as riveting.



Still convinced this guy hit warp 1.


I can certainly say I have no desire to ever go that fast. Especially with other vehicles on the road.

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