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Belgium Terrorist attack thread


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When the oil runs dry and they no longer have the means to purchase weapons and regress to throwing stones.


You're absolutely correct on this, and they know it. That's why they're trying to infiltrate other countries and establish themselves as the dominant force before the oil runs out. They actually have a plan, and a long-range plan at that. They know that if their culture is to survive they need to move out of the desert and into the major cities around the world. It's also why they are breeding like rabbits. Very dissimilar to our government, who's number one concern right now is global warming. ............

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You're absolutely correct on this, and they know it. That's why they're trying to infiltrate other countries and establish themselves as the dominant force before the oil runs out. They actually have a plan, and a long-range plan at that. They know that if their culture is to survive they need to move out of the desert and into the major cities around the world. It's also why they are breeding like rabbits. Very dissimilar to our government, who's number one concern right now is global warming. ............




It's also why we are targeting oil rigs and pumps. We are trying to cut off their funding in Syria. And it seems to be working, some ISIS members are fleeing because food and supplies are drying up quick now. I imagine most are scavenging for food much like Rick and the gang in TWD. Nobody is farming, reports are a day goes: wake up pray, 8 hrs of Islam class, patrol/kill fight, not much to eat, not much sleep.

Edited by Benjamin
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You're absolutely correct on this, and they know it. That's why they're trying to infiltrate other countries and establish themselves as the dominant force before the oil runs out. They actually have a plan, and a long-range plan at that. They know that if their culture is to survive they need to move out of the desert and into the major cities around the world. It's also why they are breeding like rabbits. Very dissimilar to our government, who's number one concern right now is global warming. ............




Guess they never got control and the chickens came home to roost

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On the topic of "refugees": there are plenty of Muslim countries with no war much closer to Syria. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, and even Iran. And the talking heads on TV can't seem to tell me why they are going to Europe. Are they going to these other countries?
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On the topic of "refugees": there are plenty of Muslim countries with no war much closer to Syria. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, and even Iran. And the talking heads on TV can't seem to tell me why they are going to Europe. Are they going to these other countries?


From what I understand they all hate each other based on what brand of Muslim they are, so instead they go to the places that let them in.

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So I have to ask the "diehard republicans" of this group - are you guys embarrassed by any of the leading conservative candidates' response to the terror attack?:




Donald Trump called for waterboarding and other torture tactics.


Ted Cruz voiced the need to "patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods."


Seems like the most un-american crock of shit we have heard since Japanese interment camps.

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So I have to ask the "diehard republicans" of this group - are you guys embarrassed by any of the leading conservative candidates' response to the terror attack?:








Seems like the most un-american crock of shit we have heard since Japanese interment camps.




Embarrassed? More like disappointed in how weak they are. The entire region needs turned to glass.




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For poor Arabs joining a terrorist organization like ISIS is like joining the military. Take young men with no job and train them that through their version the Quran murder of outsiders/infidels/innocents is glorified and rewarded. Give the same young man an AK47 or suicide vest, $1000 a month (for that region very good pay), and he will do whatever you want.


This might have been true 30 years ago, but is not the case today. Lots of these dingleberries are from middle class families. It's easy to explain away by saying they're just poor and destitute with their backs to the walls and no hope, but that is not the case. We're facing an existential crisis here, not an economic one.

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This is not a pro gun or anti gun situation. This is people have situational awareness, and being armed with the knowledge of reporting suspicious actions. Many people are so buried in their phones, that they have no clue of what's going on around them.


Why are there three guys pushing carts near each other, and two of them are only wearing one glove on their left hand? That's weird, maybe I need to pay attention and see if there are other things out of place with them.



When I was at the airport last week I caught myself visually inspecting pretty much every person I could see like it was second nature. Goes back to your point about former military though since I am. I seem to have a higher sense of situational awareness than any of my friends.

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This might have been true 30 years ago, but is not the case today. Lots of these dingleberries are from middle class families. It's easy to explain away by saying they're just poor and destitute with their backs to the walls and no hope, but that is not the case. We're facing an existential crisis here, not an economic one.


A fair number of them are recruited from the "West" and Europe for sure. Some are middle class from abroad and those are the leaders of their social media campaign (i.e Jihadi John from Britain who beheaded some of the journalists). Most of the ISIS group are Syrian and Iraqi, but not all. Of the foreign fighters the majority are from neighboring Arabic and Islamic countries.


The GDP of Iraq is almost half oil, 16% unemployed, and 25-28% below the poverty line currently. It has been both better and worse in the last 12 years. For the unemployed and poor, the appeal of joining an organization that provides food, clothing, pay, and security (of sorts) is tempting.


You're right though. Is the problem entirely economic? Definitely not. People are legendarily bloodthirsty, and using religion and ethnic warfare are common tools. Using social media to recruit and convert people abroad is new and difficult to stop. Hopefully Europe and some other powers can come together and run these barbarians over soon.

Edited by everlight44
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