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Is This Real Life?


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I coached my boy's baseball team 1 year......1. I absolutely hated it and it was hard for me to hide my hatred. Worst decision I made in a long time. The parents were terrible. Even the onion eaters were all stars in the parents minds. Since I was the "new" coach I got the worst of the worst. Didn't win a single game and had 10 year olds that didn't know where 1st base was. Every now and then I get tempted to help out with my daughter's soccer team and I remember back to baseball and keep my mouth shut.
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In my experience a lot of kids are raised to not be able to deal with issues and are weaker in general.


I coached youth football and high school wrestling when I was younger, heck I even wanted to go into the family trade of being a teacher for a while.


I gave up coaching and wanting to be a teacher because I could not deal with the parents of these kids.


Everybody thought their kid was the next Tom Brady, Charles Woodson, Dan Gable, or Curt Angle. If their kid sucked, it was your fault, the other coaches fault, or the team's fault, not their little Billy's fault.


Mind you, little Billy would forget the play from the sideline to the huddle, or had zero killer instinct on the mat....


Point is, we are now seeing these feeble, entitled, and sheltered kids in the wild and they can't deal with the fact that life can suck and you are going to get knocked around a bit.


My brother in law is a college football coach that has had to take phone calls from moms and dads wanting to know why their kid is not playing at the COLLEGE level. This shit is not fake, its real life and we are doomed.


My GF coaches a competitive travel girls hockey team and this is spot on. She loves coaching and inspiring kids with the sport she loves but the parents are literally the worst to deal with. She coaches a play or how to do something, then players forget or don't execute and the parents want the entire coaching staff and manager fired, its impossible to win with these people. I hear all of it, they're not the most talented team but hard work can go far in that sport and the kids just don't get it. Then all the parents look at other organizations thinking they'll just go there and win, well how do you think they win? There's no secret formula that that team is using, all of USA Hockey coaching certificates teach the same thing, those kids are just executing and your child isn't. But no one wants to hear that.


The best team to coach is a team full of orphans.

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YES, this. I've seen these people face to face and i can't help but think "wow, is there nothing you wont say or do to coddle your child?" That being said, I'm not a parent and cant relate to any maternal instinct that these people are having that they THINK this is normal behavior.

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My GF coaches a competitive travel girls hockey team and this is spot on. She loves coaching and inspiring kids with the sport she loves but the parents are literally the worst to deal with. She coaches a play or how to do something, then players forget or don't execute and the parents want the entire coaching staff and manager fired, its impossible to win with these people. I hear all of it, they're not the most talented team but hard work can go far in that sport and the kids just don't get it. Then all the parents look at other organizations thinking they'll just go there and win, well how do you think they win? There's no secret formula that that team is using, all of USA Hockey coaching certificates teach the same thing, those kids are just executing and your child isn't. But no one wants to hear that.


The best team to coach is a team full of orphans.


Had a nearly identical convo with my dental hygienist this morning. She coaches some travelling girls' basketball team in Marion or wherever the heck she is an hour north of Columbus - - - same. exact. thing: She loves the sport and was asked to coach after doing some club coaching locally for a few years after college. She's very bubbly and you'd think nothing could keep her down, but shes wrapping up the winter season and says this was the first and last year she'll do this. Parents pay way too much to travel around the state for mediocre ball with other "travelling teams", and complain to the coaches ALL THE TIME.


Holy shizz...people know I'm not a sports guy but eff that noise as my kids get older. You can't tell me that my kids won't have a satisfying sports experience through school or Parks & Rec. I'm already paying for it through taxes; that's the first avenue I'm going.

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Had a nearly identical convo with my dental hygienist this morning. She coaches some travelling girls' basketball team in Marion or wherever the heck she is an hour north of Columbus - - - same. exact. thing: She loves the sport and was asked to coach after doing some club coaching locally for a few years after college. She's very bubbly and you'd think nothing could keep her down, but shes wrapping up the winter season and says this was the first and last year she'll do this. Parents pay way too much to travel around the state for mediocre ball with other "travelling teams", and complain to the coaches ALL THE TIME.


Holy shizz...people know I'm not a sports guy but eff that noise as my kids get older. You can't tell me that my kids won't have a satisfying sports experience through school or Parks & Rec. I'm already paying for it through taxes; that's the first avenue I'm going.


Some leagues are better than others. We do rec ball here for soccer with my daughter and generally it's a good league. I won't do traveling teams. The most important reason is we take a lot of family trips and those come first, I also won't pay that much for a kid to play sports, and I'm not driving all over the state for kids sports. When my daughter gets older if it's something she wants to do we'll consider it but honestly I don't think she'll care one way or the other. As long as she's playing she's happy. She's actually pretty good and I don't mind her being the big fish in a small pond.

I'm always very easy on the coaches. I actually never say anything to them pertaining to how they coach. I tell my daughter after games what she did well and what she needs to work on then we practice it in the back yard. It's 100% about my daughter for me but I realize there are 10 other girls no the team so I never make it about my daughter at the field. I wish more parents did that. I hate sitting next to a "screamer". They scream instructions to their kid the whole game. Just let the kid play and the coach will handle the instructions.

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