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Puke smell removal


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Long story short, I got trashed Saturday night at a wedding (I don't drink, so 5-6 drinks and I was gone) and puked all over my wife's car on the way home. Not my finest hour, so when I woke up yesterday, I had to shamefully clean my own vomit from her entire car. It was literally everywhere- the back seat, front seat, center console, carpet, etc.


I cleaned the hell out of the car with soap and water, then brought it to a detail place where it was steamed with a 180* steamer. Picked it up last night and we can both still smell a HINT of crab cakes, patron and stomach acid.


Any recommendations for getting this smell out? It's a lease, so if we can't get it out I'm just going to trade it in and take the financial hit. Last thing I want is my wife driving around in a puke mobile.



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I remember my first drink....



Maybe a bunch of air freshners that go in the air vents and just let it air out.



Leave the windows open over night and drive with the windows down.


Lol again, not my proudest moment. I will say I had at least 5-6 rum and cokes after I got buzzed on beer. I ran the Cap City half earlier that day so I was de-hydrated as hell. This is well beyond air fresheners my friend. Well beyond.



Have you used this on something similar? I'm cautious about sprays...this stuff is pretty deep in there.

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Have you used this on something similar? I'm cautious about sprays...this stuff is pretty deep in there.


I'd buy the canister and let that thing sit in the car every night until it's gone. Pretty strong stuff. Fumes will permiate the materials and get it out in a couple days.

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I'd buy the canister and let that thing sit in the car every night until it's gone. Pretty strong stuff. Fumes will permiate the materials and get it out in a couple days.


Ordered a 2 pack...had a $10 gift card anyway so it won't hurt. Thanks!


Keep the ideas coming!

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Ordered a 2 pack...had a $10 gift card anyway so it won't hurt. Thanks!


Keep the ideas coming!

close the windows and leave a kids poopy diaper. Will offset the smell of the puke.


I know you said you did the steamer, but have you tried the shampooing of the carpets and seats?

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I used to manage budget hotels and ozone generators can work some magic. They're pricey, so I'd look to borrow or rent one. I know the one we used for rooms was the size of a shoebox and cost $500+. But a day or so with one running would get out the most nightmarish smells. I'm talking shit that'll give a dude PTSD for decades.
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Short of an ozone machine, shampoo the carpets or at least saturate problem areas with simple green / hot water solution. To do it properly I'd take the seats out. I speak from experience, unfortunately. Good luck.
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