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Ideas on how to mess with my neighbor.

Guest GMoney

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Problem with that is the car will sit there even longer...


Perfect, call city, city sees flat, car gets pavement marked, then should be towed in 72 hrs. Once he has to pay impound fees, call for a tow, change the flat, or carry around a air compressor, he should either get the message or start videoing the cars. Again You should post up some pics of all these cars. Wondering if you are embellishing this a bit.

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Tie a dead goose to his rear bumper. The first cop that sees him driving along with a dead goose dragging along will no doubt write him a ticket. It'll also send him a message because of the nature of the act
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Try to catch him when he is either parking or leaving with the car in front of your house and do your best in-person version of a Craigslist tax refund thousandaire. Just throw out low ball offers or to trade random shit in your garage and be annoying as possible. He'll stop parking near you just to avoid you.


Or you can do what my parent's neighbor did and water his car with a sprinkler every time.

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I have some douchebag's behind us that will be out on their back patio blasting country music and being stupid loud until 0530...sometimes it's on weeknights too. You would think rich white people in their $500k+ home neighborhood would have some sense. Obviously they do not. I did something that I am not going to disclose via the interwebz. But lets just say I have 3 big dogs and they have a pool.


Then I sent a short, to the point letter, highlighting the noise ordinance. The next time it happens, the letter won't be so nice and the authorities are getting called.


Not that this has anything to do with your situation though. :lolguy:


I like the manure idea. I'd be careful with anything that involves vandalism of the vehicle(s) though.

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I know this might be useless but have you talked to him? Maybe if ENOUGH people finally say something he will get the hint.


Also call the dealership and ask why there cars are always in your neighbor hood instead of there lot. Maybe his boss doesn't know hes always having multiple cars lol


Or call the dealership and complain that that his cars are creating issues in your area, due to so many and so frequent. Im sure this business name isant looking that great in your neighborhood.

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I get this is just goofing off, but it's fun sometimes to think of ways to torment someone who is bugging you.


I agree, the idea of competitors stickers/frames is fun. I was thinking too you could swap plates on the cars that don't have dealer tags. When the cops run the plates it'll come back to the wrong car. Maybe even swap only the rear plates so the front and rear don't match. Even swapping the front to the rear and the rear to the front would cause him some trouble.

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I have some douchebag's behind us that will be out on their back patio blasting country music and being stupid loud until 0530...sometimes it's on weeknights too. You would think rich white people in their $500k+ home neighborhood would have some sense. Obviously they do not.


From my experience in FL: just because people are living in a $500k+ home does not mean they own said real estate...nor are they socially-qualified to live in that sort of neighborhood. Rednecks gon' neck...


I'm sure Larry Joe is a 30+ year contractor that's owning/renting the house. He's passed out asleep inside while his football-star-son-now-doing-nothing LJ and his 25-34 year old friends are partying in the backyard because it's cheaper to hang out there with a 30-pack of Busch until 0530 than at a nightclub.


Lucky you.

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From my experience in FL: just because people are living in a $500k+ home does not mean they own said real estate...nor are they socially-qualified to live in that sort of neighborhood. Rednecks gon' neck...


I'm sure Larry Joe is a 30+ year contractor that's owning/renting the house. He's passed out asleep inside while his football-star-son-now-doing-nothing LJ and his 25-34 year old friends are partying in the backyard because it's cheaper to hang out there with a 30-pack of Busch until 0530 than at a nightclub.


Lucky you.


The owner is a realtor. His name is Benjamin "Chaz" Swint. I mean...I guess I shouldn't expect anything different from a bro with the name "Chaz."



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Maybe grow a set of balls and confront the guy and let him know that you don't appreciate him parking in front of your house. If he ignores you then grow another set of balls and get shit done.


3 pages and you prolly haven't done a single thing.


Cuckold level over 9000

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Has no one posted this:



Hey OP, would you mind asking him what he wants for the black Dodge RAM? Since you're neighbors and all?

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