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Finally back on 2 wheels after an 8 year hiatus...

Tim Davis

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Sold my last bike back in 2008 after riding for over 20 years. Finally decided to rejoin the world of riding so I started shopping about a month ago, was looking for a combo of a project and something fun to ride.


I wasn't really shopping for a sport bike even though they are all that I have owned since the late 80's. Was looking for more of a sport/touring bike but I happened upon a deal on a Triumph 955i Daytona. The triples have always interested me and this seemed like a fun project.


Doesn't look terribly dated and the triple sound and look are unique.







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I have one of those too. Same dumb bar-end mirrors lol get some spare o-rings for the tank quick-connects they love to tear every time you look at them. Let me know if you want a parts bike for cheap.
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I have one of those too. Same dumb bar-end mirrors lol get some spare o-rings for the tank quick-connects they love to tear every time you look at them. Let me know if you want a parts bike for cheap.


That's funny on the mirrors, I don't mind the look of them but hate the functionality, or lack of. Been looking for stockers or a better alternative.


Hopefully there's no need for a parts bike but you never know. Catching it up on maintenance right now. Still not sure if I'm going to keep it or sell to go to more of a sport/touring bike.

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Cool bike, but now you have to change your name to silverTriple.

What's the story with the gas pump?



Gas pumps belong to a friend in Cincy, he bought them restored last fall. He has the Sinclair in the pics and a Texaco pump. Both are glass top versions from the same era.

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Triples are fun!


I've owned two speed triples, and a bunch of other bikes. My favorites motors without a doubt.


Those three spokes need to go though!


Agreed on the wheels, typically not noticeable until the wheel is fully exposed like this.

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