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Anyone that says the game is rigged is a complete moron. The refs can only control so much and they can't control whether players make the shots or not. If someone believes the players are in on it and the NBA is essentially the WWE then there is no helping that person.
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The NBA is far too large of an organization for it to be rigged. Too many people would need to be involved. It wouldn't go one season without someone finding out, let alone the past however many years its been "rigged".
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Anyone that says the game is rigged is a complete moron. The refs can only control so much and they can't control whether players make the shots or not. If someone believes the players are in on it and the NBA is essentially the WWE then there is no helping that person.


Thank you, Einstein. If you think almost everything isn't rigged, when it comes to politics or sports you need to get your head out of the sand.

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Lmao. Okay, let's play.


Explain exactly how it is rigged? Who all is in on it? What are these individuals doing to ensure that team A or team B wins? Is the entire season rigged, or just the playoffs? How long has it been rigged?

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Nba rigged, that's great.


Let's just say the officials are in, only so much they can possibly do.


To even consider the players are in on something, is down right hillarious. If that were the case, something would have surfaced by now. These are people who the large majority cannot manage a check book, pay taxes, or stay out of trouble with the law.

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I stole this from sporting news.


The NBA is big business, so it would make the best business sense for the league's big markets to thrive. Yet, the Spurs have won five championships over the past two decades under coach Gregg Popovich. San Antonio is among the NBA's smallest media markets by population.


The Lakers, Bulls, Knicks and Nets all failed to reach the playoffs this season. If the NBA has no problem sacrificing its long-term credibility for the sake of maximizing its profits, wouldn't it behoove it to do whatever's necessary for its big-market teams to thrive year after year?

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Well nobody can answer the questions I asked, so it's easy to say it's "rigged" until you actually think about how that's even possible. There are way too many people that would need to be involved for that to happen.


According to you guys...

The last 2 games: Steve Kerr in the Warriors pre-game huddle - "Okay, guys you know what the NBA wants us to do. We need to get out there and sorta put up a fight but not much of one. We need to make sure this series goes 7! Get out there and lose for the NBA!"


I mean, really?

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Well nobody can answer the questions I asked, so it's easy to say it's "rigged" until you actually think about how that's even possible. There are way too many people that would need to be involved for that to happen.


According to you guys...

The last 2 games: Steve Kerr in the Warriors pre-game huddle - "Okay, guys you know what the NBA wants us to do. We need to get out there and sorta put up a fight but not much of one. We need to make sure this series goes 7! Get out there and lose for the NBA!"


I mean, really?


I know, it sounds far-fetched. But what if, and everything that we're talking about is hypothetical, but what if they let the season turn out the way that it just naturally turns out. But when you get to the finals......you try to produce a game 7 at all costs. Then game 7 is a real game, winner takes all.


It would be like telling the teams that they go out and play for fun and things will remain even through game six, use them as practice games but the real game is game 7.


It would be no different than having one game as a final game instead of a playoff series. Hell, playoff series was created for money in the first place. Otherwise not why not just play one game like football

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I think if that were happening we would have heard about it by now. With all the social media and hackers getting into things, there is no way that wouldn't have surfaced by now.


What if we're all just a simulation and the entire universe is rigged? lol

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It's not really a question of "if" when referring to a referee's ability to fix a game.


Hell, an NBA Ref served prison time for exactly that.


Can they control the game and outcome 100% of the time? No, ofcoarse not. But they can alter the results in their favor north of 75% of the time. If you put a team into bonus earlier than they should be, then call the iffy fouls that happen on every play, all of a sudden you have the ability to add undeserved points and affect the momentum.




I don't believe that anyone is "in on it" outside of big time NBA brass. These guys aren't calling refs and telling them to fix games. They are looking at historical records when these refs are in the close games, and figuring out what teams they secretly favor. It really doesn't take rocket science to figure it out. Look up the Warriors playoff record with and without Scott Foster officiating.

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