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50 dead in mass shooting in Florida


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So this dude partied in this club, and had accounts on several gay internet dating sites? Sounds like someone got rejected and took it too far.


Sounds like the gays are making up a story so they don't have to point fingers at the extremists.

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I agree, I think there conjuring up all kinds of false information to make this a gay/love/hate crime, rather than radical Islam. Our government does not want to believe that there are any Terrace in this country. I actually have not turned on the television in two days now, because of the lines of bullshit that's coming out of the media.
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I agree, I think there conjuring up all kinds of false information to make this a gay/love/hate crime, rather than radical Islam. Our government does not want to believe that there are any Terrace in this country. I actually have not turned on the television in two days now, because of the lines of bullshit that's coming out of the media.


Well, why would you admit there is a problem when it would undermine your terrible leadership?


I mean, clearly there is no global terror issue at all, its all a smoke and mirrors created by the right, just like this little gem that is getting no real attention: http://www.tacticalshit.com/muslim-terrorist-kills-french-cop-wife-while-livestreaming-on-facebook/

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Also, just an FYI, not all Muslims are bad people, so stop saying that shit.


Good friend of my wife and I is getting all kinds of shit for no reason at all. Its like blaming all camaro owners for bad haircuts and overuse of Jegs stickers, or all Mustang owners for burnouts at Cars and Coffee.

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Monday our security at Nationwide Plaza 1 was checking badges and taking blacks/indian aside and asking them for names and employee numbers without looking at their badge. Not a single Caucasian found.


Stating fact not opinion; people are on edge.

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Monday our security at Nationwide Plaza 1 was checking badges and taking blacks/indian aside and asking them for names and employee numbers without looking at their badge. Not a single Caucasian found.


Stating fact not opinion; people are on edge.


I highly, HIGHLY doubt this is true, considering this would violate nearly every employment and discrimination law ever created. This may have been your 2 minute view, but again, I HIGHLY doubt there is any truth to this at all.

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I highly, HIGHLY doubt this is true, considering this would violate nearly every employment and discrimination law ever created. This may have been your 2 minute view, but again, I HIGHLY doubt there is any truth to this at all.


Nope it's true during my 2 minute view. Our security guards are Paul Blart-esque on a good day. Thanks.

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Apparently the wife knew he was planning the attack. Lovely.


See something, Say something


if this is fact the case she needs charged with murder....allowing that to happen is the same as actually pulling the trigger if you knew it was coming and didn't say anything. I would've turned in my own momma if I knew mom was planning a mass murder. Although back in the day I did almost witness that happen at a jc penny's over a clearance sale. :D

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I agree, I think there conjuring up all kinds of false information to make this a gay/love/hate crime, rather than radical Islam. Our government does not want to believe that there are any Terrace in this country. I actually have not turned on the television in two days now, because of the lines of bullshit that's coming out of the media.


so...why can't it be both? The target was a LGBT club for a reason. It wasn't a church or a hospital or a park, it was targeted specifically because it would be filled with LGBT people and the shooters objection was with the lifestyle.


I said it before and I'll say it again, this guy was an ISIS operative like my local good humor man is the president of carvel. It isn't unreasonable to think that he picked this target for reasons other than militant Islamic retribution.


Was this an act of Terror with ties to religious extremism? yes. Was it a crime against LGBT people? also yes. Don't marginalize the act because maybe you don't agree with the lifestyle or want to emphasize the Islamic part because it fits your conservative rhetoric better.

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I didn't catch that before (Kerry is tough to keep up on). He types out 15 pages of material and expects everyone in CR to have read every word, like it's Scripture or there's a final exam on it later.


LOL. :lol:


I don't expect people to read every word. In fact there are some I know purposely don't and I am ok with it. its there for whomever wants to read it, if someone doesn't hey, no big deal.


you guys have some weird expectations for people on the internet.


Also I am glad someone found it funny.

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That or he is trying to be discredited as a martyr


also: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/06/14/what-jackd/85862874/


Thankfully debunked already. It was an internet troll seeking attention. A few more flip-flops and the media will have succeeded anyway. 10 people will have 10 different answers for what happened that day.

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I know and like Clay very much...I have a hard time understanding why he likes you. And no, I will not take you up on your offer to have a conversation and cup of coffee in person because your online persona has completely disgusted me. I have ZERO interest in ever meeting you face to face.


Kerry's been a friend to me. However, I hear ya Marc - I've told him on numerous occasions that he needs to "know his audience" but he hasn't quite gotten the memo: when he finds a channel to provide his opinion on myriad topics, including cars, he'll use it until it wears out.


As long as his freedom of speech is unencumbered, Kerry is a happy Kerry. Others may not be able to tolerate him as long as I have.

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Thankfully debunked already. It was an internet troll seeking attention. A few more flip-flops and the media will have succeeded anyway. 10 people will have 10 different answers for what happened that day.


this is always disappointing.....when something happens the media is in such a hurry to report it they print everything they come across as fact and it's days later that the truth, or at least a version of it, comes out. Drives me crazy and it makes me never trust first reports because they're rarely accurate. It carries over for a few weeks with places trying to scoop the details on what happened. I'm sure it's the pressures of trying to be the first to report things because of the competition that's out there in the media but we pay the price for it through wrong information.

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Kerry's been a friend to me. However, I hear ya Marc - I've told him on numerous occasions that he needs to "know his audience" but he hasn't quite gotten the memo: when he finds a channel to provide his opinion on myriad topics, including cars, he'll use it until it wears out.


As long as his freedom of speech is unencumbered, Kerry is a happy Kerry. Others may not be able to tolerate him as long as I have.


the problem with "know your audience" is that it translates to me as the most polite way of trying to enforce censorship.


This is a car forum, at the end of the day it should be welcome to all people who have a common interest in cars. Yet the "audience" seems to tolerate very conservative views while vigorously attacking those with a dissenting viewpoint. And yet somehow claims to also want to maintain an atmosphere of free speech. Under that reading clay "know your audience" interprets to assimilate to the conservative viewpoint or GTFO.


I don't accept it, car people come from all walks of life, if you can't acknowledge that then just rename the place to "Columbus car people who are also militant conservatives" and you won't have to bother with those pesky liberals and their progressive views. Or get rid of the sections that seem to cause the most controversy.


I like this place. It's actually a good resource to get event information and see some good car stuff (though it feels like a lot less of that lately). I try not to call people names, I provide an often needed dissenting opinion, and I try to preach openmindedness and education, and somehow I am like the forum's worst enemy.

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Monday our security at Nationwide Plaza 1 was checking badges and taking blacks/indian aside and asking them for names and employee numbers without looking at their badge. Not a single Caucasian found.


Stating fact not opinion; people are on edge.


I highly, HIGHLY doubt this is true, considering this would violate nearly every employment and discrimination law ever created. This may have been your 2 minute view, but again, I HIGHLY doubt there is any truth to this at all.


Last time I went downtown to Plaza 1 I didn't have my badge displayed. I was stopped by security before I even opened the door. I am Caucasian. The security guards are always on edge in my experience. Plaza 1 is the world headquarters of the company and there are tons of people in and out everyday.

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This is a car forum, at the end of the day it should be welcome to all people who have a common interest in cars. Yet the "audience" seems to tolerate very conservative views while vigorously attacking those with a dissenting viewpoint.


Actually, quite the opposite. Ask me how I know.



Under that reading clay "know your audience" interprets to assimilate to the conservative viewpoint or GTFO.


it refers to knowing how to sell your view vs just trying to prove you're right. the above two comments are indicators that it's not likely what you say Kerry but how you say it that you're getting the GTFO from people. From nearly all people not just a few.


I try to preach open mindedness and education, and somehow I am like the forum's worst enemy.


Know your audience.

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Last time I went downtown to Plaza 1 I didn't have my badge displayed. I was stopped by security before I even opened the door. I am Caucasian. The security guards are always on edge in my experience. Plaza 1 is the world headquarters of the company and there are tons of people in and out everyday.


Yep, my point was about security being on edge after the weekend. Everyone sort of is down here, or at least I suspect. I am. I don't want to be downtown this week.


That's what I was trying to get across. Not that Nationwide was putting security up to scrutinizing anyone of ethnicity. If it were happening, which I wouldn't put past those high caliber individuals, I would not be surprised.

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Last time I went downtown to Plaza 1 I didn't have my badge displayed. I was stopped by security before I even opened the door. I am Caucasian. The security guards are always on edge in my experience. Plaza 1 is the world headquarters of the company and there are tons of people in and out everyday.


Last time I was there I had my badge in my pocket, shoulder surfed someone in and hopped the turnstyle. Nobody seemed to care? Might have even been in my taliban-beard sportin days.


Time before that I forgot my badge, came in one of the back doors behind some dilberts, followed them through the turnstyles and walked around with impunity.



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Yep, my point was about security being on edge after the weekend. Everyone sort of is down here, or at least I suspect. I am. I don't want to be downtown this week.


That's what I was trying to get across. Not that Nationwide was putting security up to scrutinizing anyone of ethnicity. If it were happening, which I wouldn't put past those high caliber individuals, I would not be surprised.


Umm...if you weren't referring to scrutinizing people of a certain ethnicity, why was it even brought up? Get real man, you flat out said they were pulling aside certain races.

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