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50 dead in mass shooting in Florida


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Umm...if you weren't referring to scrutinizing people of a certain ethnicity, why was it even brought up? Get real man, you flat out said they were pulling aside certain races.


If you don't like seeing this happen in public I wouldn't suggest flying. It can and does happen. It has even happened before the mass shooting. That doesn't mean it is correct or that I agree with it.

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If you don't like seeing this happen in public I wouldn't suggest flying. It can and does happen. It has even happened before the mass shooting. That doesn't mean it is correct or that I agree with it.


No shit it happens, but I'd have a hard time believe it happened at a workplace. If it truly did (and again, I think it was his perception, not reality), they violated some serious workplace discrimination laws.


I realize profiling goes on...welcome to 2016, right? But a company to only pull out 'blacks' and minority races, that doesn't seem plausible. Surely they wouldn't be that dumb.

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the problem with "know your audience" is that it translates to me as the most polite way of trying to enforce censorship.


This is a car forum, at the end of the day it should be welcome to all people who have a common interest in cars. Yet the "audience" seems to tolerate very conservative views while vigorously attacking those with a dissenting viewpoint. And yet somehow claims to also want to maintain an atmosphere of free speech. Under that reading clay "know your audience" interprets to assimilate to the conservative viewpoint or GTFO.


I don't accept it, car people come from all walks of life, if you can't acknowledge that then just rename the place to "Columbus car people who are also militant conservatives" and you won't have to bother with those pesky liberals and their progressive views. Or get rid of the sections that seem to cause the most controversy.


I like this place. It's actually a good resource to get event information and see some good car stuff (though it feels like a lot less of that lately). I try not to call people names, I provide an often needed dissenting opinion, and I try to preach openmindedness and education, and somehow I am like the forum's worst enemy.


Kerry, you are so full of yourself it's ridic.


Thorne, greg, Benjamin, Trouble Maker...shit, I know a LOT of guys on this board that aren't right wing nutjobs like you feel the entirety of CR is. They just don't bother to fight to the guys that post regurgitated Glenn Beck/Trump/Hannity lines.


Honestly, the only person "vigorously attacked" is you. Seriously, dude. In 14 years and a few election cycles, you're the only one I see on CR that keeps typing and typing and typing about some torch you're carrying in the darkness, wielding your sword of justice to slay the dark souls of CR......and you're the first one to cry bloody murder when someone responds.

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Thorne, greg, Benjamin, Trouble Maker...shit, I know a LOT of guys on this board that aren't right wing nutjobs like you feel the entirety of CR is. They just don't bother to fight to the guys that post regurgitated Glenn Beck/Trump/Hannity lines.


Pretty sure nobody has every changed someone's mind on here politically, so it's pointless to try. Kerry can't comprehend that, he hasn't been here long enough.

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I was raised a Kennedy dem and voted that way a lot early on. In the 60 very liberal then when Reagan f'ed over the middle class, the 'pubs really pissed me off, then I was more liberal.

Later, I thought Busy 41 was ok, but still had problems. Bill came in and I liked him and voted 2x times for him. I even voted for Gore against Bush 43 and when he started the war I knew it was wrong and voted for Kerry.

Then came Obama I wanted the next Clinton but Obama took had the black vote plus all the hard core dems. I voted independent. After watching the big O tear this country apart I became more conservative and the more I hear the dems talking like idiots the more conservative I become. Why you ask, this is not the party of Kennedy any longer this is a party of let me give everything I can who don't deserve it. We, in the middle class, are getting screwed worse by Obama than we did by Reagan. Political correctness..wtf..keep it.

So we all didn't start as conservatives but have been turned into ones.


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Umm...if you weren't referring to scrutinizing people of a certain ethnicity, why was it even brought up? Get real man, you flat out said they were pulling aside certain races.


:fa: for two minutes it was reality.

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Pretty sure nobody has every changed someone's mind on here politically, so it's pointless to try. Kerry can't comprehend that, he hasn't been here long enough.


I'm not trying to change anybody's mind. I'm not stupid enough to think anybody can "win" on the Internet. This place already has a good collection of vocal assholes, I just find it entertaining adding to the chaos. The point isn't to make someone "see the light" the point s just to get some of the more obnoxious people to say more obnoxious shit because it is funny to me.

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I'm not trying to change anybody's mind. I'm not stupid enough to think anybody can "win" on the Internet. This place already has a good collection of vocal assholes, I just find it entertaining adding to the chaos. The point isn't to make someone "see the light" the point s just to get some of the more obnoxious people to say more obnoxious shit because it is funny to me.


So you fancy yourself a puppeteer? So everyone who is annoyed by you should put your account on ignore, and if nobody quotes you, you will most likely go away because the fun would be gone? Ok got it.

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So you fancy yourself a puppeteer? So everyone who is annoyed by you should put your account on ignore, and if nobody quotes you, you will most likely go away because the fun would be gone? Ok got it.


not a puppeteer, more like a drum beating out of time in an already loud drum circle.

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No shit it happens, but I'd have a hard time believe it happened at a workplace. If it truly did (and again, I think it was his perception, not reality), they violated some serious workplace discrimination laws.


I realize profiling goes on...welcome to 2016, right? But a company to only pull out 'blacks' and minority races, that doesn't seem plausible. Surely they wouldn't be that dumb.


Not the company. The security guards. I heard similar accounts from friends across the other buildings. I don't think the CEO called down from the 38th floor and said "get the darkies" but there was profiling done that day for certain.

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I'm buying every PMag I can find this weekend.


These F'n politicians just don't get it. <4% of all homicides are committed with a rifle (not specifically the AR-15), yet they're the problem? Horse. Shit.


Ask Britain today how those gun bans are working out...



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Now we find out he truly wasn't a closet gay and was actually casing the joint. The LGBT community must feel pretty stupid now.


This was a terrorist attack before it was a hate crime.


Yes, I'm sure he was on grinder to case different clubs too.....

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