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2055, US is invaded and over run


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Panic rant not tied to Orlando incident. This is just a thought.



The amount of money the US owes to other countries, is simply staggering. The absolute lack of "get the fuck off the couch", from generation's Y and Z is frightening. Mom's and dad's that teach likership and not leadership, become the crutch for these kids. Then they can't figure out why Tommy and Suzy still live at home, when they are in their late 20's. The US is just not seeing the driving force of the youth to better themselves. They want to harvest the crops to eat, but they won't plant them and care for them, to ensure a good harvest. When they do find a harvest, they eat the whole fucking thing, and don't store any food for the hard times. This is a direct relation to the little money they make as well. When you take the lack of drive and the combination of the dept to other nations, at some point another country is just going to Red Dawn our ass and take the land as a seizure of assets. The US being foreclosed on is pretty far fetched. But, that dept isn't just going to be waived. The lazy youth aren't going to have enough in their peer group that actually got off their ass, to make the difference. Y & Z just want to feel good all the time, which includes having kids like damn rabbits. They can't afford to take care of themselves, do the math on how that kid is growing up.


How do we make this better? How do we change it from getting worse? I was once told that people with money don't need the same things as people who struggle with money. I met a young man 3 years ago who was raised in a $600,000 home and had, what most kids would say, were all the cool toys. He was passive, and he was nonchalant; which came off has having little drive. I saw him change to become assertive, but not cocky. He never came off like he came from a well off family. He went out and got his own place, and struggled to get a job and pay bills. But eventually, things came together for him. I actually think he contemplated giving up on life and felt like a failure. He stuck with it and tended to his life, as a farmer would care for the crops. And for that, he gave me hope in today's youth. He got into an apprentice program.


I'm having a hard time getting a good feeling that more of todays youth are pushing through and making things good. I think they quit too soon and never reach their potential. I'm poking your brain CR. What are your thoughts.

Edited by Mojoe
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I guess since I'm a 24 year old worthless lazy fuck I shoukd just live up to the stereotype.


I've met you and didn't get that impression. But, if you want to take it to mean you are one of the lazy ones, and not one making a contribution, that's on you.

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I liken this to the guy on the corner holding the sign that reads "the end is near". This same complaint has been around forever. Bitching about how worthless kids are is not a new thing and it's unfounded for the most part. Kids only know what they're taught and only do what they're allowed to do. The finger pointing by the older generation should be done in a mirror. I have 3 kids and none lack drive or intelligence....well...the 3 year old does but my other 2 are honor roll students every quarter and both do as they're asked. I can guarantee you that my kids won't move back in once they're out on their own and that reason is simply because I won't allow it.
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Pretty sure we have been under invasion for awhile now.


All we have to do is find a nice place with tons of natural resources, immigrate in such quantity to be able to out-produce or out-vote the indigenous, keep hold of our culture without assimilating, and BOOM a generation or 3 later- peaceful takeover.


Needs moar Teddy, less franklin.

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I knew posting this would get the like for responses. CR, while very diverse, I feel has a common outlook for not being lazy. I can't say I have met a member on here who is just a bum. So without taking this post to be an attack toward those of you that fall in the Y and Z generation, if you're not on the couch, then it's not you.
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I knew posting this would get the like for responses. CR, while very diverse, I feel has a common outlook for not being lazy. I can't say I have met a member on here who is just a bum. So without taking this post to be an attack toward those of you that fall in the Y and Z generation, if you're not on the couch, then it's not you.



Edit:talking to just talk.

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Inability to not see this isn't you, but wants to be offended.


I'm just failing to see what you want? A head count of people who moved out before they turned 25?


The CR consensus of kids these days? That seems like something you talk to your old barber about. Or the old guy next to you in a rocking chair.


Why don't you pop some good kids out and help the problem?


The lazy just have a louder voice.

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I'm having a hard time getting a good feeling that more of todays youth are pushing through and making things good. I think they quit too soon and never reach their potential. I'm poking your brain CR. What are your thoughts.


More people are working now, and working longer hours, than ever before. Dwell on that for a moment.



I think there's 2 factors at play here. One, people have always been lazy. People have also always complained about "kids these days." All I heard as a kid was how lazy the Gen-Xers were, all they heard as kids was how lazy the hippie boomers were.


Two, confirmation bias. When you see a hard-working millenial, you think, "Well good, but she's the exception that proves the rule." When you see a lazy millenial, you think, "There's that rule again." Both cases reinforce your pre-conceived notion.


Take a step back, look at the data, have a beer.

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I'm poking your brain CR. What are your thoughts.


I'm just failing to see what you want? A head count of people who moved out before they turned 25?


The CR consensus of kids these days? That seems like something you talk to your old barber about. Or the old guy next to you in a rocking chair.


Why don't you pop some good kids out and help the problem?


The lazy just have a louder voice.


You kids get off of my LAAAAWN!

Given the direction I took my life, having a family is not something that will be happening. My contribution, if it is even that, is picking up where parents leave off.

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More people are working now, and working longer hours, than ever before. Dwell on that for a moment.



I think there's 2 factors at play here. One, people have always been lazy. People have also always complained about "kids these days." All I heard as a kid was how lazy the Gen-Xers were, all they heard as kids was how lazy the hippie boomers were.


Two, confirmation bias. When you see a hard-working millenial, you think, "Well good, but she's the exception that proves the rule." When you see a lazy millenial, you think, "There's that rule again." Both cases reinforce your pre-conceived notion.


Take a step back, look at the data, have a beer.



In the OP I talked about what I see a lot of, followed by someone not being part of that. As much as it pains those of you in the Y and Z that you feel I'm taking shots at you, I'm expressing what I see more and more of. I want to see people moving forward. perhaps my perspective in what I see or am around doesn't funnel the Y and Z that is on the move forward. I absolutely love seeing people making shit happen. And frankly, I get heated when I see someone just being a waste. Three of you that have posted in here, I have spent time with and been around. I'm actually surprised to see you post what you have, as I don't see you at all in the manner mentioned in the OP. Sure, I'll be the "old guy" for this thread. Chandler posted some solid accomplishments. That's awesome to read, because I'm just not seeing it from what I'm around.

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The U.S. will never be overthrown or invaded because no one has the capacity to consume that we do. Even China can't influence the world economy the way the U.S. does because the Chinese economy is based on reacting to the consumer trends of Americans. Those who own the majority of our debt stand to gain only if America continues dominating the world.


The rest of the world produces. We create.

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Right, in the OP you talked about anecdotes. I'm not saying your anecdotes are wrong -- certainly you see what you see, and certainly there are lots of lazy fuckers in the world. Anyone who's ever had a job knows lots and lots of lazy fuckers.


I think your mistake is simply thinking that things are worse now than when you were younger (this is where confirmation bias is, and that's not a dig at you personally, confirmation bias plagues every aspect of the human condition) and thinking that the data would naturally back you up (this is where anecdote != data comes into play. You might be around a particularly lazy sample set, which is why you need to step back and look at the numbers).


That's all. I don't think I even count as a millenial, I'm 36, people have stopped complaining about people my age.

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To further my point, if you think that at some point America was doing great things, building great things, fighting great wars, what should blow your mind isn't that those generations were amazingly motivated, but that they managed to do all of that stuff while being as lazy as all of the fuckers you see around you. :)
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I get thay you can only make assumptions from what you see personally but from my perspective people my age are doing just fine. I can't make comparisons to how it use to be and I'm not going to assume it's better or worse. It's just hard to see the people in their early 20s working 70 hours a week to get what they want when they don't show you because they frankly don't give a shit about what others think.


Edit: the 60s was full of lazy shit bag hippies. It also had people who worked their ass off and sent people to the moon. No different than the shit bag coffee shop slammed car vape shit bag and the people my age making cars drive themselves.

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Greg, that's some quality info. Thanks. I do see some great accomplishments from the Y and Z's I mentioned. Too my own fault, I fucking get hung up on seeing people be a waste. And for that, I haven't acknowledged those accomplishing things.



"I think your mistake is simply thinking that things are worse now than when you were younger."


This isn't how I see it at all. Things were all kinds of chaos from my viewpoint. It's the evolution of how things are done. Working smarter and not harder is great, but I feel we are losing touch with some very basic things that are needed. No one is handing out six figure jobs. And for decades people thought that's what they would be making "when they grow up".

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It's the evolution of how things are done. Working smarter and not harder is great, but I feel we are losing touch with some very basic things that are needed.


Well I'm a developer, my entire job is automating things so that people can be lazier and more productive at the same time. Let's not get hasty here ;)


But as I mentioned in my first reply, we are working harder. Smarter too. But the data shows that we're working harder, for sure. So I think there's a disconnect there that you've got to sort out.

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Oh ya I'm gen Y. F u Joe! :


Are you out there "hustling" right now?


Well I'm a developer, my entire job is automating things so that people can be lazier and more productive at the same time. Let's not get hasty here ;)


But as I mentioned in my first reply, we are working harder. Smarter too. But the data shows that we're working harder, for sure. So I think there's a disconnect there that you've got to sort out.


We see different things. I'm glad you are seeing people working harder and smarter. I would be interested to see the info and work you are involved with. Is that an option?

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I feel that the reason kids are getting lazier and expect to get everything for nothing is the result of a paradigm shift in parenting. When our parents grew up they had to learn how to survive on there own and contribute to the household at an early age. The parents of children now never want there kids to have to experience that and as a result kids don't learn any work ethic.
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I am proud not to fall into this, and my wife and I work to keep our daughter from this. I think it's really sad that people just do nothing for themselves. They want the american dream for free, and there are politicians who want to help them get some of it for not much.


My parents gave me nothing when I turned 18 and expected rent money, I'm better off for it. My wife and I have done everything by ourselves, have never been on welfare, medicaid, wick, and I only ever received 1 unemployment check even though at times we likely could've taken advantage of someof those programs. I can hold my head up today and be proud of where we are. I don't understand how anybody who has taken handouts, or lived off their parents while dressing in designer clothes, or driving cool cars, can look anyone like me in the eye and act proud of themselves like everything they've done is cool. Fuck those people, if you need help fine, but most people just need forced into making their own way.

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