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2 officers shot at protest about police shootings in dallas


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Because the all lives matters crew doesn't really care about all lives. People only preach "all lives matter" when black people start caring about their own lives.


Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?


Every cares about police violence, gang violence, rapes, shootings, etc. Its just the fact that there is a sub-section of the black community that have this "you owe me" mentality. Their families have been on welfare for decades. They don't know anything other than killing and looting.

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I think you answered your own question. I believe what he is saying, is that there are a higher total number of encounters with black people, but a higher number of deaths with white people. Meaning that the percentage of deaths to encounters is much higher for whites.

Or he's a space cadet and I have no idea, lol.


No, that's it.

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Every cares about police violence, gang violence, rapes, shootings, etc. Its just the fact that there is a sub-section of the black community that have this "you owe me" mentality. Their families have been on welfare for decades. They don't know anything other than killing and looting.


Let me understand...This sub-section doesn't exist in the white community?

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I think you answered your own question. I believe what he is saying, is that there are a higher total number of encounters with black people, but a higher number of deaths with white people. Meaning that the percentage of deaths to encounters is much higher for whites.

Or he's a space cadet and I have no idea, lol.


No, that's it.



You're talking ALL encounters. Speeding ticket = encounter. The topic here is killed by cops. Using that criteria, your statement isn't correct.

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You're talking ALL encounters. Speeding ticket = encounter. The topic here is killed by cops. Using that criteria, your statement isn't correct.


Yes. All encounters. If Group A encounters the police 100 times, and 20 are killed and Group B encounters the police 500 times and 15 are killed, Group A has a much higher liklihood of being killed during an encounter.

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Every cares about police violence, gang violence, rapes, shootings, etc. Its just the fact that there is a sub-section of the black community that have this "you owe me" mentality. Their families have been on welfare for decades. They don't know anything other than killing and looting.



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LOL...what's your point here...cops kill more whites than blacks? Look at the population difference...77% to 13%. Simple math should tell you there will always be more encounters from white people than blacks with police. That's not the point of this 'black lives matter' movement, which I think is BS. Like someone else said, 'all lives matter'. Regardless of your race, you shouldn't be shot down if you're unarmed. These cops have so many options on their belts...taser/baton/mace yet deadly force is what they resort to.


My point was to share a statistic showing numbers for you guys to review on your own. I have no agenda. Calm down Putty.

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btw, just saw this.






I'm calling BS, but someone's about to get arrested!

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if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality?


just not their thing. no different than when there's a high profile court decision.



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I'm looking at the news now...is that the Dallas Police Chief I see at a press conference that looks like Seal's doppelganger with glasses?




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On a car related note, (I know, crazy) if you were a cop, wouldn't you rather have a vehicle with higher ground clearance? In a situation such as this, you could roll under your vehicle for temporary cover.

Not as handy in a high speed chase, but I'll take the opportunity for keeping bullets away from me.

No one wants to talk about cars in here? I mean I'd feel bad for the Caprices, but give me an Explorer/Tahoe for cover.


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The Explorer PPV has the highest take-rate amongst new police vehicles.



Unfortunately, a high-powered assault rifle can cut through a lot. I'm not sure the higher ground clearance is going to have that much more shelter over a Charger/Crown Vic/Caprice.

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The Explorer PPV has the highest take-rate amongst new police vehicles.



Unfortunately, a high-powered assault rifle can cut through a lot. I'm not sure the higher ground clearance is going to have that much more shelter over a Charger/Crown Vic/Caprice.

If you're under it and the shooter is up in a parking garage it would! At least gives a little time to asses the situation, or even slide to the other side. This guy was above them for part of the shooting, so car doors prob did little for cover.

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It just makes me sick that this dude thought that picking off these officers. What about their families and children. What did those specific officers do to that guy?


I think there is a ticking time bomb before we have another LA Riot somewhere and it all just takes off.


Its unfortunate that it all has come to this, I have my own opinions but I'll keep them to myself. Glad that I can carry and protect myself with things going in the direction they are.

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Racism will probably always exist. I really hope I am wrong and it changes soon. I will never condone it. It is such a unintelligent and worthless way to live your life. Toxic is a word that isn't used enough. It can be used describe how your state of mind could be if you think this way. All that aside it isn't logical way to think and it is a waste of energy.


"Everyone please stop killing each other" is something I've heard a few times from different people today. And to Earth's defense we have. Watch this video and feel positive for the future.


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If you're going to shoot anything, shoot your TV.


I've been on FB for a couple likes, messages with friends, and CC&C posts. I watched "Gladiator" on Netflix, until I fell asleep about halfway through it last night. Proud to say that - while tragic - I didn't know at all about this until CR this morning.


I'm trying to keep friends and family first. This world is crazy, has always been crazy, and isn't going to settle down. If I can't see your face or hear your voice in a personal conversation within a reasonable amount of time...best of luck to you out there because I can't help you or be expected to care.



I didn't know until lunch at work and someone asked me about it.

Idiots probably deserved it.



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Because the all lives matters crew doesn't really care about all lives. People only preach "all lives matter" when black people start caring about their own lives.


Also.. if white people are killed more by cops then blacks then why are they not marching and protesting side by side against police brutality? Why is it that only black people care about it?


What is the difference in amount reported based on race at a national level? Most sheeple only see what is reported and take it at face value.

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I find it interesting that there has been 0 outcry for the 3 officers targeted in 3 states today.


It is sad. Three officers shot for no reason, only reason is because they are LEO. Our LEO in Columbus do not get the respect they deserve. Take away all LEO and where does that leave us?


Suspect was misidentified.



Guy was walking away with an AR strapped during the whole protest (which in Texas is not abnormal). During the shooting there is a video which it saw shows him walking the streets as police drove by and never talked to him or stopped to question him. He never did anything and when he was wanted for questioning by the police he went in and answered to the police.


Good quote that I have heard and heard again today, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

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