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WWCRD: Neighbor Fencing Issue

Fiji ST

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Yeah that gate will cause damage to your fence. That's some chintzy way of mounting a gate. Looks like crap. I wouldn't have nearly as much of a deal with it as long as it was done right and it wasn't going to damage my property.


I'd tell him he has 2 weeks to fix it or I'm taking down the fence on my property line.

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Double check where it is on the property line. If it ends up being a partition fence, the other property owner has a right to tie into it, but then that makes them responsible for half of the upkeep to the partition fence.
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they had to have a permit to do this? City approved? Maybe call code office?

Columbus doesn't have any rules on <6ft fences and they don't want involved in civil items that come from them. Now, the HOA may have rules on it though.

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I'm not ready to just go and dismantle things. I'm too lazy for that. They put it up, they can take it down.


I will double-check on the property line and measure it out if I can that info. Still have it with my mortgage stuff I think. Should be interesting to try and find the property markers.


I'll either be yelling at my neighbor or the people that put in the fence. Maybe both, who knows.


Dont measure. Find your pins. Thats all that matters. Youll likely need a metal detector or you can pay the city to do a survey and point out the pins for you.


those pins are all that matters.


Also- did the fence company leave a sign on the fence saying who installed it? If so, i'd call them and say hey i didnt give anyone permission to hook up to my fence... and see what happens.

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Dont measure. Find your pins. Thats all that matters. Youll likely need a metal detector or you can pay the city to do a survey and point out the pins for you.


those pins are all that matters.


Also- did the fence company leave a sign on the fence saying who installed it? If so, i'd call them and say hey i didnt give anyone permission to hook up to my fence... and see what happens.


No badging for the fence company. That information is suppose to be sent to the HOA if I remember correctly. Still waiting to hear from them.


I will check on the survey, unless someone has a metal detector.

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I found the notarized survey of the property tonight in our mortgage paperwork. We went out and spend 20 minutes measuring that side of the house. According to the survey and our measurements, our fence is actually 2 feet inside our property line.


Well, we had enough and called the neighbor. We met outside and explained the issues we had and it turned to shit rather quickly.


He basically told us that he had cleared everything with the HOA president a few weeks ago while he was passing out invites for the 4th of July, that it was the installer's idea to do the install the way it is, and our post could hold the weight of both gates.


Well, the HOA has no record of an approval or plan designs being submitted. He also went on to say that blocking off the easement to the utility boxes was fine and they would come through his yard to access them, as the easement rule is one "that's not closely followed". He also conveniently forgot that we had talked on the phone back in April where I said we didn't want the extra weight on our fencing, among everything else we had issues with. I have a voicemail from him asking me to call him from April 27.


We've probably made an enemy, but the amount of BS coming from his mouth was unreal. I am VERY defensive of my family and then my property. Coming up with excuses and dismissing our concerns without even trying to offer a solution just made me shake my head at him. I had my wife take over after that. (Not imasulating, kind of hot actually....)


I'm sorry to vent on here as I am a very private person and this seems so childish, but I appreciate you all giving me the opportunity to put it in words and confirm I'm handling this the right way. There's more that I haven't written about and I can if you want the full scope of it.

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Did you tuck your wiener, buffalo bill style, and waddle up to your neighbor when asking him about his fence or did that happen when you walked away once you let your wife take care of what the man of the house is supposed to handle. Ahh the interactions of yet another cuckold.
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Did you tuck your wiener, buffalo bill style, and waddle up to your neighbor when asking him about his fence or did that happen when you walked away once you let your wife take care of what the man of the house is supposed to handle. Ahh the interactions of yet another cuckold.


LOL. There was no tucking. We're a team and she has as much say about this as I do. It's not my fault if you live in the Stone Age. Do you beat your wife if she doesn't have dinner ready right at 6 for you?

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So did he say he was going to change it or ?


We gave him until Sunday to get it figured out and get his shit off my fence. If he doesn't, I have no problem unbolting the gate and taking down his little divider piece.


Do you or your neighbor have a dog? I ask because if you do and they don't I would just toss my dog shit over in their yard everytime until I got my point across


He's got a weiner dog. He'd know it was me.

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LOL. There was no tucking. We're a team and she has as much say about this as I do. It's not my fault if you live in the Stone Age. Do you beat your wife if she doesn't have dinner ready right at 6 for you?


Not every insult requires a response...


I actually think it's funny when my wife gets worked up. I hear some things occasionally fly out of her mouth that one would typically never imagine her capable of saying. I'll let it go for a little while because it's funny before eventually telling her to go make me a sammich.

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Not every insult requires a response...


I actually think it's funny when my wife gets worked up. I hear some things occasionally fly out of her mouth that one would typically never imagine her capable of saying. I'll let it go for a little while because it's funny before eventually telling her to go make me a sammich.


I think it's hilarious too. The shit my wife says sometimes makes me question if she really grew up in a "Christian house."

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We gave him until Sunday to get it figured out and get his shit off my fence. If he doesn't, I have no problem unbolting the gate and taking down his little divider piece.




He's got a weiner dog. He'd know it was me.


You also know it was HE who put up the fence. Shit bomb his yard until he fixes the fence. I'm sure CR has a level of people who will help donate to the cause knowing some of the weird people on here lol

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Can't say I didn't see all of that coming. Curious, do you mow a strip outside the fense? If not, you most likely need to now.


He mows his grass twice a week so he's always had area mowed between our properties. He puts up his fence and I'll mow it. Probably add 30 seconds to my mowing time.

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He mows his grass twice a week so he's always had area mowed between our properties. He puts up his fence and I'll mow it. Probably add 30 seconds to my mowing time.


Just sayin, if you are pointing out your property extends 24" past your fense and you make him take his gate down and not use your fence, regardless if he puts a fence up or not, you kinda need to man up and mow the 24" now. Which I'm sure you will.

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