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WWCRD: Neighbor Fencing Issue

Fiji ST

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Except for the nosy bitch across the street..


Or the people behind you...


I think the nosy bitch was the old neighborhood.



But I do love The Homeowner Chronicles: CR Edition. It makes me glad I live around literally crazy 80+ year olds who don't give a shit about anything.

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Except for the nosy bitch across the street..


Old neighborhood. And my understanding is that they wound up moving a few months ago. Most likely because that ol bag hated everyone.


Or the people behind you...


The people behind us technically aren't in our neighborhood. And they haven't really been an issue since I "took care of it."

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  • 2 months later...


Sure. Survey was done and my fence was about 8" in from the line. Realized I was going to be screwed whether I let him cross over the line or not. So after more back and forth BS, I agreed that he would repair the holes his installer made and he can figure out a way to enclose his yard in without touching the fence or blocking off the easement.


I also had him sign a letter of agreement stating he's not allowed to touch my fence period, I'm allowed to access to his yard if need be for repairs, and he will have to remove it if something happens or if we sell and the new owners want it removed. I'm not sure if it'll hold up in court or anything, but he caved after fighting me on it. His guy spend two days putting his fence up last month and I haven't really talked to him since. His wife still makes it a point to say hello and to make sure I'm okay with everything.


Not thrilled with the outcome, but it was the only logical choice. The quiet life in suburbia has resumed.

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currently serving life for murdering his neighbors. Just kidding, I have no idea.


By the way, anybody watch "Fear thy Neighbor" on Investigation Discovery? A co-worker was telling me about it, sounds awful and awesome at the same time.



The episode she was telling me about was where a woman accidentally blew herself up trying to plant a home made pipe bomb in her former neighbor's house. It took weeks to identify her, but they knew it was a woman because her ovaries were hanging out on top of her rented van. It sounded so compelling and disturbing I had to look it up:


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