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Election '16


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This would absolutely guarantee a Democrat in the White House and liberal Supreme Court picks.


I dunno, if they had a "moderate" conservative alt candidate it might not, but unfortunately the Republican Party has become a factory of right wing nut jobs. Social conservatism is just unpopular right now (mainly because it is coming down on the wrong side of history) but instead of having candidates that say "ok it's a problem but maybe not one the government should handle" they have candidates that refuse to outright recognize the social issue and instead leverage some religious precept or moral reactionary position. Christie and Guiliani kind of fit the bill for moderate politically, but they are so representative of corruption in politics there is no way you could sell either of them to the public. Eliot Spitzer used to look to be on that track but the prostitution scandal soiled his pure idealism and ruined his political career.


Considering how lousy a conservative majority Supreme Court has been for this country...ahem...citizens United....cough....hobby lobby...ahem....a democratically selected Supreme Court may not be the worst thing for this country, esp if the pics are safe bets and moderates like the most recent selection.

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I dunno, if they had a "moderate" conservative alt candidate it might not, but unfortunately the Republican Party has become a factory of right wing nut jobs. Social conservatism is just unpopular right now (mainly because it is coming down on the wrong side of history) but instead of having candidates that say "ok it's a problem but maybe not one the government should handle" they have candidates that refuse to outright recognize the social issue and instead leverage some religious precept or moral reactionary position. Christie and Guiliani kind of fit the bill for moderate politically, but they are so representative of corruption in politics there is no way you could sell either of them to the public. Eliot Spitzer used to look to be on that track but the prostitution scandal soiled his pure idealism and ruined his political career.


Considering how lousy a conservative majority Supreme Court has been for this country...ahem...citizens United....cough....hobby lobby...ahem....a democratically selected Supreme Court may not be the worst thing for this country, esp if the pics are safe bets and moderates like the most recent selection.


Yeah, because giving a middle finger to the majority that just voted Trump for the nomination is a sure way to unify the party.

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Cant stand Hillary. :barf:


Trump has lost his fucking mind. Not even funny anymore.


At present I'm just not going to vote. Either that or Ill write in for John Kasich.


You Republicans could have had this election easy-peasy if you had a legit Republican candidate running. I hope you learned your lesson.

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I dunno, if they had a "moderate" conservative alt candidate it might not, but unfortunately the Republican Party has become a factory of right wing nut jobs. Social conservatism is just unpopular right now (mainly because it is coming down on the wrong side of history) but instead of having candidates that say "ok it's a problem but maybe not one the government should handle" they have candidates that refuse to outright recognize the social issue and instead leverage some religious precept or moral reactionary position.


Agreed. I consider myself to be a "Roosevelt Republican", and the guiding forces driving the GOP give me shivers. Voting us back into the 1880's from a Conservative Christian societal framework isn't going to work.


We all know what we get with Hilary......More of the same old shit that old family money and politics gives you. Incest isn't good with human genetics and its not good for politics either. The clintons represent everything thats wrong with politics today. They are treated differently because of who they are. Its fact. Dont argue that with me.


With the other option being Trump, I will take him purely because the establishment is terrified of him. He represents a changing of the way we will forever view politics. It ruins their game and it will force a 3rd party to become an option in the next 4 years.


Valid conceptual points above.


I'll make a prediction, nothing changes no matter who occupies that job.


I'll take that to the bank as well. Good thing is - for as screwed-up as modern Earth is these days - America is still a great place to live.


Maybe if the RNC leadership had any kind of organization or balls they would not have Trump as a candidate.


AGREED. Good or bad for the GOP, I feel Trump is exactly the candidate they deserve. :gabe:


I mean it's rumored he offered foreign and domestic policy to Kasich, dude is running for President and wants to delegate his entire responsibility....


I heard about that...gives me concern. I do question how seriously Donald Trump is about the job. BUT, then I realized Obama had even LESS experience before running the country for 8 years...

Edited by zeitgeist57
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Cant stand Hillary. :barf:


Trump has lost his fucking mind. Not even funny anymore.


At present I'm just not going to vote. Either that or Ill write in for John Kasich


Vote Johnson. It's a three-for-the-price-of-one deal. Follow along if you dare!


Republicans: Voting for Johnson is the same as voting for Hillary.

Democrats: Voting for Johnson is the same as voting for Trump.

Libertarians: Voting for Johnson is the same as voting for Johnson.


So... One vote for Johnson equals a vote for all three! :fuckyeah:

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You Republicans could have had this election easy-peasy if you had a legit Republican candidate running. I hope you learned your lesson.


I don't think there is a "legit" one left in the party. It's a raging dumpster fire of anti-women's rights, radical states rights (read: pro-desperate impact racial discrimination) supporters, religious fundamentalists...etc....


The one thing the republican party used to be famous for, was absolutely elected on in the past, fiscal policy, has been absent from the party since George HW Bush had to un-fuck Reagan's bonkers approach to government spending (I swear to god I am going to cock slap the next person who mentions trickle down economy as a viable economic theory or being good for this country).


The president is largely symbolic anyway - the real battle for the laws that govern this country is in the senate, and the one hope I have is that whomever does get elected president doesn't cause a nationwide backlash that allows the obstructionist members of congress to stay. The role of a congress person is to serve their constituency and to work for a mutually beneficial solution to the problems the government is tackling. Electing to just not participate cheats the voters, cheats the system, and frustrates progress. Being obstructionist in a government role is completely self serving to the politician at the cost of the American public.

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We all know what we get with Hilary......More of the same old shit that old family money and politics gives you. Incest isn't good with human genetics and its not good for politics either. The clintons represent everything thats wrong with politics today. They are treated differently because of who they are. Its fact. Dont argue that with me.


With the other option being Trump, I will take him purely because the establishment is terrified of him. He represents a changing of the way we will forever view politics. It ruins their game and it will force a 3rd party to become an option in the next 4 years. The Dems killed, and i mean absolutely obliterated the Bernie movement, forcing him to roll over and play to their fiddle and somehow think people will just vote for Hilary. The Bernie Bro's are livid...The walkout of 1,000+ delegates at the DNC was proof of that. Funny how media wont talk about it...



^^^ this. I believe that's part of why Trump continues to say and do stupid shit. the fact that Ryan and others thought he'd even give shit to support them in running is laughable. They still don't get that he's not about the establishment or supporting them. He's about wrecking the system and if he wins he'll be happy but even if he doesn't, like Bernie, he intends to set the stage to destroy the system so that the new players will finally be embraced and the establishment on both sides will crumble. Deep down I think that's what he liked about Bernie.


I support him burning it all to the ground. If our elected officials aren't going to work for us, I'm first and foremost about getting them the fuck out. We'll fix the rest or replace those that come into office afterwards. That's a secondary concern. First order of business though is to take back control and get those we need out the fuck out.

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Thanks for finding that. I have been looking for something that puts them all side by side. I personally have no idea who I'm voting for. They each have some good points and then there are things that I lean the other way on.


Clinton will give you two cases of Mountain Dew

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a large picture


Thanks for posting that.


One question: is the GMO thing even a debate? If you're gonna label GMO products, literally everything is going to have a GMO label on it. It's one of the most asinine "controversies" in the world.


Like that organically grown vegetable you're eating? Chances are the strongest, most stout examples of that vegetable have been selected over the course of centuries to result in the most nutritious, most resilient against climate change, and most able to take advantage of the fewest growing resources available plant possible.


That's GMO in a nutshell; you don't have to do it in a lab to artificially, rather than naturally, select the most appropriate plant for agriculture.


If anyone thinks the "organic" corn they're eating today is coming out of the ground exactly how it looked before Europeans arrived in North America, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya.

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I swear, every time someone talks about Trump and that stupid wall with Mexico...




Drive west on highway 10 as you approach El Paso and look to your left.....tell me what you see. Desert? 3ft barbed wire fence? No, it's a giant 30ft steel fucking wall.


Now, I imagine trump wants to add to the wall and that's what Mexico is going to pay for.

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Thanks for finding that. I have been looking for something that puts them all side by side. I personally have no idea who I'm voting for. They each have some good points and then there are things that I lean the other way on.


I find myself agreeing with Johnson and Hilldawg the most, most of what Trump actually has a stance on, I disagree with, and I don't agree with anything on Stein's platform.

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