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Looking for a new Career opportunity.


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I am actively hunting for a new position. I currently am working on high speed mailing equipment with isn't to bad but I work a rotating 12 hr night shift that I desperately want off of. I have loads of mechanical experience, management experience, and as of this date have completed half of my electrical mechanical engineering degree (will finish once off nights). I'd love something automotive related but have no interest in turning wrenches on cars again full time.

A few members here are can vouch for my skill level. Lmk if something comes up. Thanks!

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Chris I'm listening if you care to message me any information


Exact same position as mine, but in Pittsburgh: http://careers.expedient.com/apply/31zwWy/Facility-Electrician


The market, in many ways, dictates what we can ask for... it took us four months to find someone for our Dublin office (all the local sparkies have more work+OT than they know what to do with, so only the obviously unqualified dregs were applying), but in Cleveland, we'd have legit applications out the wazoo. The mechanical experience would be handy, especially with HVAC stuff, and throwing the electrical degree on top was basically my qualifications when I was cold-called six years ago about coming in for an interview.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in about the same boat, i am making good money now but would like to do it more automotive/ mechanical engineering based, going back to school soon for mechanical engineering.


What I am doing right now is easy plus its only 4 10-hour shifts usually only working 1 weekend day and on call 1 week a month, which is all OT. Starting pay is $19 an hour and OT is usually 10-30 a month minimum. PM me for more info but given your background you could easily handle this job, and we have a few guys on our team that just work hear so they can finish their degrees while making making good money. Its a 24 hour operation so you could work pretty much any hours around you school schedule. Also during the slow season i just sit and do homework for almost the whole 10 hour shifts on nights and weekends because no one is in the office and there is no work.

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