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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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In the wake of the first Presidential Debate of 2016 figured I'd make a thread. Will anyone else be watching purely for entertainment purposes? I'm hoping either Hillary cries or passes out, or just pure unprofessional arguing and bickering since we are most likely screwed regardless. Edited by BStowers023
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My take:


Clinton is a good debater and lawyer. I knew she'd do well tonight bringing her A game. I feel she did in terms of knowing when to jab and punch but her track record sucks, she knows it and her likability didn't likely go up at all except with perhaps the dems that were still in doubt. She proved she can step in the ring. That said, she's had what 41 debates, 15 one on ones?


Trump sucks at debates and while he remained standing, she schooled him on how to control the topics and keep the opponent on the defensive. He missed a few key jabs and punches as she was left wide open. I think it's mainly because he's not used to the format or debates in general. He stayed on his message though and didn't fall off the stage. Likely didn't win any of the undecideds but I don't think she did either.


IMO tonight is a good representation of how things are in real life. She like Obama can do the politician BS Speak and work a podium but I still think he can rally the troops and bring in better minds to actually address problems in a way that will benefit the people. I think she'll still just be a bag of hot air and continue the BS that many are tired of seeing. Successful deals and decisions aren't made on debate stages. Time for some change.


Time will tell.

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Trump = Cleveland Browns. Somewhat of an underdog, despite his performance people still will back him to the death.


Hillary = Apple. Yes, you know there's an ugly history to what she does and did to get here, but you're still in awe of the product and execution, expertly delivered.

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for everyone who said Trump won the debate last night...




(CNN)Hillary Clinton was deemed the winner of Monday night's debate by 62% of voters who tuned in to watch, while just 27% said they thought Donald Trump had the better night, according to a CNN/ORC Poll of voters who watched the debate.
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its a shame our system has created a camps of division, we are not a people divided yet here we are with the two most polarizing figures every brought to the head of their parties tickets.


Hilary has craft, and a bewitched smile. Donald has crass and a smug face.


Neither won or lost anything last night as far as votes are concerned in my opinion, however it was clear that towards the second part of the debate Hilary started to pull away. Trumps people need to really come up with some substance, because as it stands Hilary is so wrong on so many levels this should be a swift ass kicking...and it is not.

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Can we just dress these two mouth breathers in spandex and bring in Mean Gene Okerlund to moderate these donkey shows?


Has America fallen this far that these two fucksticks are the "serious" candidates that are put on the ballot?


The only thing more entertaining than watching these two "debate" is the posts on social media. All the left and right wing nut jobs provide entertainment that is nearly as good as what the "media" reports. Sometimes you can't tell the difference between the garbage on social media and what comes on the nightly news :lolguy:


So gross....

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Nobody wants to talk about how ALL politicians want is to become rich at taxpayers expense. They could care less about us "the people". Wall Street is in on it...Banks are in on it...Big Pharma is in on it...and Power companies/Big Oil is in on it....and they dont totally see it yet, but.......Elon isgoing to screw the whole thing up. We need a total overhaul. People that do it for all the right reasons and cannot be bought.
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Trump, stop interrupting and being smug. You are a child in your approach. Show an ounce of professionalism, and you would have won this already, whether that is a good or a bad thing. You have accomplishments, but you are lacking in substance because you always go back to you saying you are successful. You don't speak in a way people want to hear you, so you become hated. He enough discipline to project your information, so people want to hear what you have to say.




Clinton, I can not come up with a painful enough way that I wish you would suffer. You present well and will fool many. You are unaccomplished and have ridden on the coattails of the people around you and the guidance of you staff. Your well timed phrasing on key words wins over the naive who talk what you say as truth. You have no spine, you bring up Trumps income, yet no one talked about yours. Then you play on your dad being a hard worker, making people assume you are. You take donations, and the highest ones get your favored agenda pushed. You are not a leader.




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Trump = Cleveland Browns. Somewhat of an underdog, despite his performance people still will back him to the death.


Hillary = Apple. Yes, you know there's an ugly history to what she does and did to get here, but you're still in awe of the product and execution, expertly delivered.


Great analogy.

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I'm glad that Miss Universe winner was found to be a fraud. You can't lob those accusations around without knowing people will ask you to provide context and proof to the accusations.


Also, can we all agree that when you win a contest and then sign a CONTRACT to be the face of Miss Universe for an agreed upon CONTRACTUAL period of time and you don't honor your CONTRACT, you can't be butt hurt when you make the choice to NOT honor your CONTRACT. This was a smear. I hate trump, but I hate lying more. Hilary is the queen of lies and continues to do so for her gain at the expense of the American people.

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I thought Trump did terrible given how easily it would have been to wipe the floor with Hillary if he had just remained calm and let her screw herself over. She dabbled into so many topics and soundbites that he absolutely should have flipped on her 100%, but he couldn't stop himself from getting temperamental and flustered at minor things. Trump dominated the first 15 minutes or so, and I thought that was a sign of how the rest of the night would go but it quickly went downhill from there, and I think Hillary won overall.


Doesn't change my vote though. Similarly, I don't think this debate changed anyone else's votes either.


Lester Holt was a terrible moderator though. No matter how you view the candidates, I think anyone with half a brain could tell the questions were clearly harder for Trump than they were Clinton. The hot topics should have been thrown at each candidate IMO, there's plenty of stupid shit they've both said and done on topics of race, sex, income, cyber security, Russia, ISIS, etc., that he could have asked the same hardball questions to each candidate with ease if he truly wanted to. Absolute disgrace by Holt, IMO.

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