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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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I think Hillary won not only because Trump clearly let his emotions get to him but also because the questions were more geared against Trump. I know the powers that be are going to ensure Hillary does not "lose" one of these debates. I don't see her getting drilled at all about any of her past issues unlike Trump who will be drilled repeatedly about his like he was Monday night.
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I think Hillary won not only because Trump clearly let his emotions get to him but also because the questions were more geared against Trump. I know the powers that be are going to ensure Hillary does not "lose" one of these debates. I don't see her getting drilled at all about any of her past issues unlike Trump who will be drilled repeatedly about his like he was Monday night.


I think he'll come back and jab back better in the next one. Probably will go over the top. Hopefully he stops interrupting the mods and keeps his talking points straight.

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I think Hillary won not only because Trump clearly let his emotions get to him but also because the questions were more geared against Trump. I know the powers that be are going to ensure Hillary does not "lose" one of these debates. I don't see her getting drilled at all about any of her past issues unlike Trump who will be drilled repeatedly about his like he was Monday night.




I think he'll come back and jab back better in the next one. Probably will go over the top. Hopefully he stops interrupting the mods and keeps his talking points straight.


No he won't. This is who he is. He'll polish it up a bit and prepare a little bit better but his big failings are ingrained in his personality. There are only so many new tricks you can teach an old dog. To be honest most of his problem is he really doesn't have any formal training in public speaking let alone debate and it shows. In terms of strategy his deflection skills are on point, they just aren't elegant and you can see the inner workings which makes them look clumsy. His other techniques are sloppy and he is tone def to how even when he tries to cite sources he makes it sound like he's making it up. He's going to get creamed at every debate he participates in regardless of message, full stop. He just doesn't have the chops to pull it off. It's a good thing the debate really doesn't matter all that much.


And we haven't even addressed his accuracy rate which is abysmal based on this debate alone you can't say HRC is the bigger liar as a pejorative anymore because statistically she is head and shoulders more accurate than trump. Not only is she not the biggest liar in this race, but she isn't even the biggest one out of the last several elections.

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No he won't. This is who he is. He'll polish it up a bit and prepare a little bit better but his big failings are ingrained in his personality. There are only so many new tricks you can teach an old dog. To be honest most of his problem is he really doesn't have any formal training in public speaking let alone debate and it shows. In terms of strategy his deflection skills are on point, they just aren't elegant and you can see the inner workings which makes them look clumsy. His other techniques are sloppy and he is tone def to how even when he tries to cite sources he makes it sound like he's making it up. He's going to get creamed at every debate he participates in regardless of message, full stop. He just doesn't have the chops to pull it off. It's a good thing the debate really doesn't matter all that much.


And we haven't even addressed his accuracy rate which is abysmal based on this debate alone you can't say HRC is the bigger liar as a pejorative anymore because statistically she is head and shoulders more accurate than trump. Not only is she not the biggest liar in this race, but she isn't even the biggest one out of the last several elections.




Maybe if Trump was a political robot with an ear piece feeding him information during the debate like Hillary he'd have a better chance.

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We're fucked either way.


I hate her fucking guts, but I feel she 'beat' him in the debate. She definitely was more poised and controlled. I still wanted to smack that fucking smirk off her face though.


He rambled on and on and said absolutely nothing at the same time. He just kept repeating himself. And he's really not that good with his quips. I was hoping he would be a real smartass and destroy her. He tried, but failed. I don't know shit about policies and politics but feel I could absolutely dismantle her on stage if given the chance.

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Maybe if Trump was a political robot with an ear piece feeding him information during the debate like Hillary he'd have a better chance.


#tinfoilhatbrigade #deargodhasnobodyinamericaeverseenalavmictransmitterbefore?


If you spend a lot of time around public speakers and debates you can see that her technique was not flawless. She def had her own moments, but she just has more experience at public speaking that even her mistakes have a polish to them and she can recover without drawing more attention to it.


We have people in our toastmasters club who are better speakers than both of them - it's just practice and training.


She's one of the most corrupt politicians ever. It's a dynasty of corruption in the world of Clinton's.


Based on? Statistically speaking can you point to examples of corruption that are greater than past presidents? And no you don't get to exclude Nixon or Reagan.


The grease in the gears of politics is corruption, and that includes both current presidential candidates. The only thing that changes is who hand gives and whose receives. Saying a particular politician is generally corrupt is like saying Shamu is a mammal. And to further that analogy to say a particular politician is the most corrupt is like saying Shamu is the greatest mammal.


If you want to dislike her for some personal subjective reason like she creeps you out or you don't like her clothes I have no argument. But when you start to say you don't like her based on empirical statements that you either can't prove or are actually false as proven by the evidence then all you look like is a sucker for someone else's propaganda and not a free thinker. It's a free country and you are entitled to like or dislike her for whatever reason, just be honest with yourself about that reason.


We're fucked either way.



He rambled on and on and said absolutely nothing at the same time. He just kept repeating himself. And he's really not that good with his quips. I was hoping he would be a real smartass and destroy her. He tried, but failed. I don't know shit about policies and politics but feel I could absolutely dismantle her on stage if given the chance.


No you would have looked exactly the same, maybe even worse. It's just like welding - the pros make it look so easy that any newbie picking up a torch thinks they can lay a stack of dimes.

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#tinfoilhatbrigade #deargodhasnobodyinamericaeverseenalavmictransmitterbefore?


If you spend a lot of time around public speakers and debates you can see that her technique was not flawless. She def had her own moments, but she just has more experience at public speaking that even her mistakes have a polish to them and she can recover without drawing more attention to it.





Based on? Statistically speaking can you point to examples of corruption that are greater than past presidents? And no you don't get to exclude Nixon.


The grease in the gears of politics is corruption, and that includes both current presidential candidates. The only thing that changes is who hand gives and whose receives. Saying a particular politician is generally corrupt is like saying Shamu is a mammal. And to further that analogy to say a particular politician is the most corrupt is like saying Shamu is the greatest mammal.


If you want to dislike her for some personal subjective reason like she creeps you out or you don't like her clothes I have no argument. But when you start to say you don't like her based on empirical statements that you either can't prove or are actually false as proven by the evidence then all you look like is a sucker for someone else's propaganda and not a free thinker. It's a free country and you are entitled to like or dislike her for whatever reason, just be honest with yourself about that reason.



And I'm the one that's supposed to wear a tin foil hat? :dumb:

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And I'm the one that's supposed to wear a tin foil hat? :dumb:


Well....I didn't really think you were serious about the lav mic transmitter being some sort of 2 way radio or that other bogus stuff about the earpiece so I was just playing along...but if you are serious then yes you wear the tinfoil hat.


There is a surprising amount of government "corruption" (in the spirit of government sense not the prohibited by law sense) that is fairly public. The lobbying system is a great example if you really study it.

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Maybe if Trump was a political robot with an ear piece feeding him information during the debate like Hillary he'd have a better chance.



You mean if he actually had substance, and didn't repeat the same thing 50 different ways. The guy doesn't know what he's talking about, and it's been obvious to anyone that doesn't let emotion get in the way.

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You mean if he actually had substance, and didn't repeat the same thing 50 different ways. The guy doesn't know what he's talking about, and it's been obvious to anyone that doesn't let emotion get in the way.


It was more of a joke. Obviously Trump doesn't know what he's doing, but that is no reason to justify how unfit Hillary is to be President as well. I just don't understand how most Americans seem to be perfectly fine with this corrupt 2 party system. Then again, I think about a lot of things that the average American is okay with and it all starts making sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Corrupt politican vs corrupt businessman. Take your pick, then vote Johnson/Weld.


Why so the election at best can be thrown to the House, to elect a republican that they should have given the nomination to in the first place, that didn't have the sack to throw their hat in the ring in the beginning?


I'm not gonna waste my time in November. I'll control what I can, whatever finds it's way to that office, I'll play the game to better my family. It's all I can do. It's not like we live in a democracy controlled by people....

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I honestly think Trump won that debate last night. It was pretty impressive how he came in 100% on the defense after those clips of him came out and he was able to turn it around and put Clinton on the defense pretty much the rest of the debate. The next one should be interesting. Curious to see if anything happens in the polls after last night.
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If that had been a episode of "The Aprentice" Trump would be called to the board room where he would have nominated Anderson Cooper to join him where he would blame everything that went wrong out there on Anderson, and in the end Trump would have been giving his farewell in a taxi.
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I thought nobody won, just Trump embarrassed himself a little more than she did. They aren't "debates" it's two highschoolers "cracking" on each other in study hall, because neither are studying.


This proves my point:




If Clinton was running an honest campaign, it'd probably be a different election. Nobody called Trump a racist before 2015



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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