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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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OH Shit. Killary is goin' down. FBI has the 33k emails, reopened the investigation. Comey isn't going to be able to stop this one.





What color should the wall be?



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Sorry, everyone


I got the wrong info, it's 650k emails.

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So election day is in 8 days...what are the odds that this shit derails Hillary and we literally have Donald fucking Trump as our president?


What happens if Hillary is elected and then convicted? Kaine time? God help us.


Even Kaine would be a substantial improvement on Trump.


Probably his Daughter, Ivanka. I'd put it in her ass.


Interestingly, so would Trump.

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Had a real "Conservative Ohioans are stupid moment" Saturday. Decided to go down to the board of elections and vote early since I will not be able to vote on election day. There is a gamestop next door so after I went in to try out the demo on the VR headsets (which are pretty awesome by the way).


This dude comes in a few minutes later, late 20's -early 30's ish, shaved head red ohio state sweatshirt. Starts bitching about how "liberals were attacking him in the parking lot" with their liberal agenda, and fuck all of them, and then went into a 15 minute swear laden rant about liberalism in America including "they are coming for my guns" and all the regular ignorant cliches. Keep in mind this is a game stop so there were about 3 kids under the age of 12 in the store (including my daughter) who got to listen to this guy talk about the burden of liberals violently pushing their agenda on him in the parking lot in language that would make a sailor blush.


I walked through the same parking lot, there were a lot of people passing out flyers on both sides, and all I had to say was no thank you and they left me alone (I don't take flyers from anyone). I think the worst I saw anybody push anything was an 8 year old girl hugged my 4 year old daughter so she could hand her a trump flyer. hardly an attack.


GOP supporters, when your party panders to ignorance and hate, Trump becomes the candidate you totally deserve.

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GOP supporters, when your party panders to ignorance and hate, Trump becomes the candidate you totally deserve.


At least be fair here....


Dem supporters, when your party panders to corruption and lies, Clinton becomes the candidate you totally deserve.


Trump is everything thats wrong with our kardashian culture....Hilary is whats wrong with our corrupt government. Ill take the buffoon over the corrupt liar.

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At least be fair here....


Dem supporters, when your party panders to corruption and lies, Clinton becomes the candidate you totally deserve.


Not sure the Dems are "pandering" to corruption and lies.


The reversal you're aiming for here doesn't work, my good man. Maybe just pose a question about the color of the wall instead?

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At least be fair here....


Dem supporters, when your party panders to corruption and lies, Clinton becomes the candidate you totally deserve.


Trump is everything thats wrong with our kardashian culture....Hilary is whats wrong with our corrupt government. Ill take the buffoon over the corrupt liar.


ALL politicians are corrupt to some degree so what's your point? You think Trump isn't?


Still there is a whole lot of smoke but no actual fire. At this point Clinton is now the most investigated presidential candidate in the history of the US presidency and there has yet to be any finding of any significant wrong doing or any violation of law. Either the Clintons are the greatest criminal masterminds the world has ever seen or...and I know this is a stretch for some for the more conservative minded people here.....there may just not be anything. It really is starting to look like the GOP is more scared of the big bad vagina than they are anything else. Go ahead and name 1 instance of actual confirmed corruption that she has been directly linked to and lead to criminal charges...go ahead, I'll wait.


It's also more than a little self serving that loudest voices calling her corrupt are those from the people spearheading these investigations...and let's remember here...these are investigations that so far have amounted to literally nothing.


I'm no great fan of the Clinton platform, It's often too socially conservative for my tastes, and is soft on financial industry regulation. Minus the overt racisim, it reads like something Ronald Reagan would have backed, I mean you have to work pretty hard to make G H.W. Bush look mainstream and slightly progressive. But again the president's actual power is not what most Americans think it is and from a symbolic standpoint it's pretty eye-opening to the women of this country and potentially inspiring that a group of people could go from not having the right to vote to having a representative in the highest executive office, and all the crap she had to endure to get her there, in less than 100 years.


Let's face it, the GOP propaganda machine is all about focusing on non-issues like corruption they can't prove, lies they can't corroborate, and criminal charges that will never come because the party is in the shitter without direction or hope and that has a front man whose only appealing quality is that he has no filter between his brain and his mouth.


Whomever wins, a significant part of the population will be unhappy, but that's any election (or did you think Nixon getting elected united the country?). Meltdowns all around for everyone. The only concern I have is will it make a difference when it comes time to vote out the Republican's in congress, because that's really where the two party tug of war lies. Honestly I would take a trump president if it meant Mitch McConnell, Orrin Hatch, and Paul Ryan were shown the way to the unemployment line. Bonus points if it causes any of them to have a crisis of faith and they leave politics as a whole.

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Not sure the Dems are "pandering" to corruption and lies.


The reversal you're aiming for here doesn't work, my good man. Maybe just pose a question about the color of the wall instead?


Of course it works, you just don't like it. Thats fine, but thats your fault not mine.


I do believe Trump is corrupt to some degree. You don't become a billionaire without smashing a few people along the way. The issue is he isn't involved in an investigation deciding if he is corrupt....she is.

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Of course it works, you just don't like it. Thats fine, but thats your fault not mine.


Geeto has the long response covered, so I'll provide a short one:


Of course that isn't what pandering is, you just don't mind pandering baseless falsehoods if they justify your views. That's fine, but that's your fault not mine.

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The issue is he isn't involved in an investigation deciding if he is corrupt....she is.


No he settled those a long time ago and paid yuggge fines to do so. But give him time, I'm sure once the democrats take control of congress, and assuming he is still politically a threat, there will be.


It's kind of sad that you hold the existence of an investigation against someone. It goes against the basic tenant of the American judicial system that all are innocent until proven guilty.



Because the corrupt Government investigating the corrupt Government isn't fishy and we the people should just assume the Government is doing the right thing, right? because they have never let us down before...


It feels weird agreeing with you on this. I'll do you one better, it's not "fishy" so much as it is confirmed political strategy. If you hold the majority in congress you investigate your opposing party president. The Monica Lewinsky thing didn't just fall out of thin air, nor the investigations into Iran Contra Affair. When "W" was in office he was investigated 14 different times in connection with 35 different impeachment charges none of which went anywhere. It's a sad political fact that if you are the controlling party, you use tax payer's money to conduct investigations to literally churn anything you can find to hurt the opposing party...because you can. This is a practice I would love to see discontinued because, well frankly it wastes our money, that they could spend on improving our well being as citizens.


Remember, the government used to wage investigations against private citizens who opposed unfair congressional measures...but nobody remembers Howard Hughes or Joseph McCarthy. It's one of the ways the system has always been broken - there is no accountability for government sponsored investigations.

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myself and millions of the indy voters (those of us that have voted dem and rep in past elections) just can't vote someone in that could potentially get indicated in the first month on the job. At that point I'm voting for Tim Kaine. Who the fuck is that guy anyway?


Point is, not matter how much you want to downplay this email thing and tell everyone "nothing to see here!! Move along!! Trump is a sexist! Nuclear Codes!", you just can't. Its a huge problem that is swaying voters like me away from Clinton and back towards the idiot.


Thats fact. Sorry guys.

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Im good with Pence. I actually think he is the reason why a lot of people will vote for Trump.


Sorry guys - no matter who wins, she will be facing an uphill battle for the next several months


So Pence, the beacon of hope, right. He does shine bright in the dim glow of a potato I suppose.


And if trump was to win? Since he has made a quite a collection of supporters in the circles that would surround him in his first several months, it should be all downhill for Donald, definitely.

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This makes you sound like a pussy...


Had a real "Conservative Ohioans are stupid moment" Saturday. Decided to go down to the board of elections and vote early since I will not be able to vote on election day. There is a gamestop next door so after I went in to try out the demo on the VR headsets (which are pretty awesome by the way).


This dude comes in a few minutes later, late 20's -early 30's ish, shaved head red ohio state sweatshirt. Starts bitching about how "liberals were attacking him in the parking lot" with their liberal agenda, and fuck all of them, and then went into a 15 minute swear laden rant about liberalism in America including "they are coming for my guns" and all the regular ignorant cliches. Keep in mind this is a game stop so there were about 3 kids under the age of 12 in the store (including my daughter) who got to listen to this guy talk about the burden of liberals violently pushing their agenda on him in the parking lot in language that would make a sailor blush.


I walked through the same parking lot, there were a lot of people passing out flyers on both sides, and all I had to say was no thank you and they left me alone (I don't take flyers from anyone). I think the worst I saw anybody push anything was an 8 year old girl hugged my 4 year old daughter so she could hand her a trump flyer. hardly an attack.


GOP supporters, when your party panders to ignorance and hate, Trump becomes the candidate you totally deserve.

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Im good with Pence. I actually think he is the reason why a lot of people will vote for Trump.


Sorry guys - no matter who wins, she will be facing an uphill battle for the next several months


So tell me what is it about Pence you like?


Is it his bigoted approach to Homosexuals?


The disregard of personal privacy in that he wants to make the Patroit Act permanent?


That he believes in the bogus theory of trickle down economics?


That he wants to put prayer back in schools?


Or is it that he also believes we should build a wall between Mexico and the US?


Mike pence is really an old time bible thumper, the kind of politician this country hasn't seen in any major executive branch role in a long time. Even with Trump's Mexico comments Pence still makes Trump look like a screaming social liberal.


I honestly think Pence is like life insurance for trump if he were to take office. Nobody would dare attempt anything lest we end up with Pence.

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