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Because the wildly corrupt "business man" is so much better?


Why is that alway the go to defensive argument?


"You are accused of the following..."


"Oh yeah well the other guy did his...."


Just because the other guy with the opposing teams shirt is a giant shitbag, doesn't make it ok for support another shitbag just because they wear your teams shirt.

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Because the wildly corrupt "business man" is so much better?


Not even close to the same comparison considering we know nothing about the trumpster in that regard. If that changes, I will be the first to edit this post. I don't see the throttle being lifted on hilary anytime in the foreseeable future. She wins, this follows her, she loses, this follows her.


Listen, we all have jobs and we all see or have heard crazy stories where the shitty, corrupt people in our industries benefit, take advantage of and extort to make more money/power/notoriety for themselves or their friends. Now we are seeing first hand how the web of corruption was woven in the clinton world over the last 30+ years. I don't know how anyone could just ignore that and say "Well, he's a racists, he's stupid, he's orange, he's got small hands, he's got stupid hair, he doesn't want unregulated/unenforced immigration, he's just a bad person because beyonce and Jay Z told me that!


Trump does not get a pass by any means... Im saying you simply cannot compare the 2 on the same level. Its not even close. The implications for her are so much worse.

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Not even close to the same comparison considering we know nothing about the trumpster in that regard. If that changes, I will be the first to edit this post. I don't see the throttle being lifted on hilary anytime in the foreseeable future. She wins, this follows her, she loses, this follows her.


Listen, we all have jobs and we all see or have heard crazy stories where the shitty, corrupt people in our industries benefit, take advantage of and extort to make more money/power/notoriety for themselves or their friends. Now we are seeing first hand how the web of corruption was woven in the clinton world over the last 30+ years.


Stop being sexist. We need the first female president.

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Parenting alone will not put a book in the kids hand or a qualified teacher in the classroom. Money to buy those supplies will.


Teachers and books do no good if the parents don't instill values into the child and kids don't choose to use them.


Still isn't going to put a book in the kids hand if the school and the parent can't afford it.
Last I checked even the worst rated schools have teachers and books in them. Good kids still graduate and students there move on in life just fine. Most in-part to their efforts.


A person can still be very responsible and still get fucked over by everything from the system of education to the system of public transportation.
Even our worst school districts have teachers who care and books in them. More often than not it's not the schools or the teachers or the books that are the problem.


Really I am pretty sure the Dublin School board would have something to say if my kid just showed up at a Dublin school considering I currently live in a Columbus city school district. Fortunately I have the money to move, others do not.
Actually you can pay to have your kids in Dublin Schools. It's not cheap but if you really wanted to you could. There are actually pretty affordable housing areas within the district though. Same in Worthington and Westerville. You do have a choice.


Great, so you are going to support funding and building out public transportation then so they don't have that as an excuse anymore? I mean come on Tim, there is a threshold of reasonableness and you are getting pretty close to crossing it just for the sake of argument, or do you really as a benevolent boss not cut people slack for life getting in the way?
Since when to employers have a role to support how employees get to work? Never. Ironically, there are bus lines along Alum Creek over to our facility just north of Rickenbacker. In terms of cutting slack; it has nothing to do with not having empathy. I understand the situations that life tosses at them, but again, employers a responsibility to ALL of their employees. I hold everyone to the same standards and expectations. doing otherwise would be unfair to everyone.


Actually, maybe they do and maybe they don't, but I suspect if they did the number would be lower. Somehow you are ok with the community picking up the slack but refuse to see the nation as one community when it tries to pick up the slack? now who is exercising a double standard.
It's not a double standard. The neighborhood I'm a part of is exactly that. WE have a role and responsibility to our fellow neighborhood members to insure we keep a safe and clean and attractive area for our own sake but no, we down owe the families off Morse Rd. our efforts to keep their area the same. That's THEIR role.


We all have a role and place for that role. No, I don't subscribe to the nation as one big ass community the way you're trying to spin it. There's a role for such things as like that in terms of national security for example, but not at every level or on every issue. Hence the reason there are borders for communities and cities and counties and states and governing officials at those levels too.


Great, so I expect you to support police transparency reform so that we can make sure those fines were levied fairly and accurately in the first place.
Let's not move the goal posts....stick to people being accountable for their own fines and actions that led to them getting said fines.


if they had the ID, which is unlikely because they might be minors. Think about it at 15 years old how many documents did you have that had your name on it and your address back then?
this point you're on started when you mentioned " But yes Sometimes it is, esp if your summons is being sent to the wrong address because you didn't have ID when you got stopped and now the fees and interest have turned $50 or $90 into several hundred. "


So I would add whatis a 15yr old doing to get a summons and where the hell where their parents when all that was unfolding? Again, parenting and personal responsibility. I don't see my 13yr old doing something to where he's going to get a summons that I wouldn't actively be involved in when it was going down. 10/10 times if he were, the cops are going to come see me or my wife and we would insure all the paperwork is completed correctly to see the instance through.


The system is working against them you just refuse to see it.
You see victims, I see people who aren't engaged in their own life yet expect everyone else to be. Sorry, it doesn't work that way, hence why so many are crying in their own hands and nothing is getting done. Time they accept their role in their own life.


Yeah but your track coach isn't hitting him in the shin and no one else before each meet either, right? A race official isn't coming in and inspecting his gear and no-one else's and then told he is ineligible before a race and has to obtain new gear, is he?
Actually they do insist he comply with uniforms. case in point in his last meet of the season he was tossed into the mix of a relay but had the wrong shirt. He didn't cry foul or make excuses or get mad, he went around and found a kid who swapped shirts with him so he could do-work on the track. He MADE THAT SHIT Happen and they won the relay! He also has been tripped in races and whether by acccident or purposely, he got back up and kept running with not a fuck given about the instance. He owed the team a finish and he did that. Both True stories.


Your kids track program isn't telling him he has to share his uniform with another kid who isn't his size because there wasn't enough money to go around.
No, we were required to buy their uniforms as his school is a pay to play system just like many. He and his friends sold books, candy and even took up go-fund me accounts to fund the team. The kids did that as a team and the parents helped make it happen with them. Imagine, engaged parents, and actively participating kids. No one bitched about it either. Not as a group anyway. There was work to be done.


No he shows up to the program and get's the same advantage to fail or succeed on his merit. Well the American school system doesn't work like that and it should.
Actually it does work like that and yes other factors in life also play in. You might not like it but it's called reality. To those that want to keep whining and crying foul, keep right because the rest of society is going to pass you on the left.
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Good job assuming its gender, oppressor. And yes, business people are better than pedophiles


Is Trump not a guy? I assumed he was since he's talked about his penis and having guy's locker room talk that he in fact was a guy.


And for the record, Trump is the only going on trial in December for being a pedophile. Clinton is not.

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Why is that alway the go to defensive argument?


"You are accused of the following..."


"Oh yeah well the other guy did his...."


Just because the other guy with the opposing teams shirt is a giant shitbag, doesn't make it ok for support another shitbag just because they wear your teams shirt.


I just pointed out that they both are corrupt. Not defending either.

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Is Trump not a guy? I assumed he was since he's talked about his penis and having guy's locker room talk that he in fact was a guy.


And for the record, Trump is the only going on trial in December for being a pedophile. Clinton is not.



Trumps sex does not define his gender...geez man, this is 2016, show some respect.

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I just pointed out that they both are corrupt. Not defending either.


The topic had specifically shifted to discuss the reddit thread discussing the depth of the Hillary issue. Your first instinct is to bring up trumps issues?


You're either lying to me or lying to yourself.

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Teachers and books do no good if the parents don't instill values into the child and kids don't choose to use them.

Can we just stop this and agree both are needed in equal measure?


Last I checked even the worst rated schools have teachers and books in them. Good kids still graduate and students there move on in life just fine. Most in-part to their efforts.


Even our worst school districts have teachers who care and books in them. More often than not it's not the schools or the teachers or the books that are the problem.


o rly?




seems like Ohio has a teacher shortage. There are hundreds of recent articles in many local papers about schools not having books, teachers, facilities, etc...But you checked so apparently it's ok and the rest of the world is making this up.


Actually you can pay to have your kids in Dublin Schools. It's not cheap but if you really wanted to you could. There are actually pretty affordable housing areas within the district though. Same in Worthington and Westerville. You do have a choice.


Affordable to me, not affordable to someone at or near the poverty line. Again you prove my point though - money makes the difference.



Let's not move the goal posts....stick to people being accountable for their own fines and actions that led to them getting said fines.


this point you're on started when you mentioned " But yes Sometimes it is, esp if your summons is being sent to the wrong address because you didn't have ID when you got stopped and now the fees and interest have turned $50 or $90 into several hundred. "


So I would add whatis a 15yr old doing to get a summons and where the hell where their parents when all that was unfolding? Again, parenting and personal responsibility. I don't see my 13yr old doing something to where he's going to get a summons that I wouldn't actively be involved in when it was going down. 10/10 times if he were, the cops are going to come see me or my wife and we would insure all the paperwork is completed correctly to see the instance through.


Tim, I don't expect you to understand this since I doubt you have had much experience in it, but police are not always in the right and often they hassle young kids for nothing at all. Teenage kids in urban environments often have run ins with the law for nothing more than being teenage kids (and for not always having the complexion for the protection). I saw it constantly in Brooklyn, constantly in New Orleans, and constantly in Boston. I haven't seen it in ohio because I don't really live in a diverse neighborhood in ohio and ohio neighborhoods tend to be pretty segregated.


You see victims, I see people who aren't engaged in their own life yet expect everyone else to be. Sorry, it doesn't work that way, hence why so many are crying in their own hands and nothing is getting done. Time they accept their role in their own life


Because all you want to do is victim shame so that is all you see in people. I keep telling you it needs both the programs to counteract and the people willing to interact with them to improve themselves, but you want to argue we don't need the programs. I know the willingness is there because every time a city or state does one of these social experiments people show up in surprising numbers and they have excellent success rates. Whether you feel society is against you or not really has no bearing when society is actually working against you and the hard numbers show society is against them. You think it can all be changed with attitude and smiles but it just isn't that way.

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Is Trump not a guy? I assumed he was since he's talked about his penis and having guy's locker room talk that he in fact was a guy.


If he wasn't it certainly would make all that "grab by the pussy" stuff way more palatable.

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Got it. You Goal is to fuck over the upper middle class once you are no longer part of it. Well, at least you are consistent.


If you are so concerned with paying less in taxes, taxing those richer than you, who already aren't paying their share, would remove some of that burden, not making the poor pay more. You can't get orange juice from a stone but you can get it from a big fat rich orange that smugly refuses to give up it's juice


I have two concerns with this first who defines "rich" and at what point are you considered "rich" and please tell me you don't want the government to make that decision. Second what is an individual's or a single citizens "fair share"?

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Might also make you feel less guilty about the sexual attraction...


come on...who isn't sexually attacted to cheetos? esp when drunk? And one that can walk and talk? I mean come on...I can only get so hard...:dumb:



I have two concerns with this first who defines "rich" and at what point are you considered "rich" and please tell me you don't want the government to make that decision. Second what is an individual's or a single citizens "fair share"?


I think the 1% marker is a pretty good starting place, which currently puts it at about $1.2million a year of individual income. I think the public has already made that decision considering how the 1% seems to have taken a life of it's own in popular culture.


And fair share, how about just starting with the top tier tax rate already in place:

$120,529.75 plus 39.6% of the amount over $415,050


and just putting tighter restrictions and enforcement on tax havens, shell companies, equity swaps, borrowing against capital gains, trust funds (esp those to avoid estate tax), corp entities, payment in kind via securities, and borrowing against multiple assets like real estate and life insurance policies.


That last one is actually my favorite - if you own a rental home outright you can take a mortgage out and pull out all the equity. As long as the rent covers your expenses the property will pay itself over time and you will pocket the remaining equity tax free. You won't pay any taxes on the rent received because the rent (gross income) is covering expenses at a break even rate and if for whatever reason your expenses go up, one year you can claim a loss and receive a deduction on your income taxes.


Unfortunately, we aren't going to see any of this change with Clinton or Trump no matter who wins, so it's a moot point. So since I am a dad with a daughter I will just vote for the guy who isn't out in the public saying he "grabs women by the pussy" so I can sleep at night knowing my kid doesn't think her dad is a misogynist.

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come on...who isn't sexually attacted to cheetos? esp when drunk? And one that can walk and talk? I mean come on...I can only get so hard...:dumb:





I think the 1% marker is a pretty good starting place, which currently puts it at about $1.2million a year of individual income. I think the public has already made that decision considering how the 1% seems to have taken a life of it's own in popular culture.


And fair share, how about just starting with the top tier tax rate already in place:

$120,529.75 plus 39.6% of the amount over $415,050


and just putting tighter restrictions and enforcement on tax havens, shell companies, equity swaps, borrowing against capital gains, trust funds (esp those to avoid estate tax), corp entities, payment in kind via securities, and borrowing against multiple assets like real estate and life insurance policies.


That last one is actually my favorite - if you own a rental home outright you can take a mortgage out and pull out all the equity. As long as the rent covers your expenses the property will pay itself over time and you will pocket the remaining equity tax free. You won't pay any taxes on the rent received because the rent (gross income) is covering expenses at a break even rate and if for whatever reason your expenses go up, one year you can claim a loss and receive a deduction on your income taxes.


Unfortunately, we aren't going to see any of this change with Clinton or Trump no matter who wins, so it's a moot point. So since I am a dad with a daughter I will just vote for the guy who isn't out in the public saying he "grabs women by the pussy" so I can sleep at night knowing my kid doesn't think her dad is a misogynist.


Fair enough, so you're OK with a woman that has a husband that behaves that way and apparently condones it as long as it furthers her political career. And Trump wasn't in public saying that. I don't condone it but to think that in the world that Trump lives in (Uber rich) there aren't woman that would gladly let him "grab them by the pussy" for a piece of that life is being a little naive. Also the conversation that goes on between two consenting adults is none of our business and for all we know talking like that makes her weak in the knees

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seems like Ohio has a teacher shortage. There are hundreds of recent articles in many local papers about schools not having books, teachers, facilities, etc...But you checked so apparently it's ok and the rest of the world is making this up.


I cite a news agency on things and you blast me, you cite the freaking Dispatch and you're golden. Gotcha.


Affordable to me, not affordable to someone at or near the poverty line. Again you prove my point though - money makes the difference.


Yes, money makes a difference. Welcome to life.


Tim, I don't expect you to understand this since I doubt you have had much experience in it, but police are not always in the right and often they hassle young kids for nothing at all. Teenage kids in urban environments often have run ins with the law for nothing more than being teenage kids


No one is saying this doesn't exist but it's not the norm nor do I believe it's a rampant problem.


Because all you want to do is victim shame so that is all you see in people. I keep telling you it needs both the programs to counteract and the people willing to interact with them to improve themselves, but you want to argue we don't need the programs.


No one is saying squash all Aid Programs. I personally feel any public aid needs to come with an equal amount of responsibility and skin in the game on the part of the recipient. To give with no expectation of return on this investment is stupid and a waste. It's been proven over and over again. Those that take aid and succeed have nothing to worry about. The ones who bark are the ones who don't have any intention of doing anything but whine and lack the discipline of being held accountable.


You think it can all be changed with attitude and smiles but it just isn't that way.


All change starts from within.

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That last one is actually my favorite - if you own a rental home outright you can take a mortgage out and pull out all the equity. As long as the rent covers your expenses the property will pay itself over time and you will pocket the remaining equity tax free. You won't pay any taxes on the rent received because the rent (gross income) is covering expenses at a break even rate and if for whatever reason your expenses go up, one year you can claim a loss and receive a deduction on your income taxes.


Wife and I do that exact thing and I love it and while you don't seemingly agree with it I do. It's my income and money that I'm riding out there with the risk of tenants and MY investment, MY money on the ropes not the gov'ts. Uncle Sam can kiss my ass if they think I'm going to want to give them more money to squander.


Again, that's where the line does need to be drawn. I pay enough taxes per year so the gov't and social programs trying to suck away more can kiss my ass for working MY Money the SMART way. Society doesn't benefit if I leave MY equity in the property so don't penalize me with taxes when I pull that equity out to enjoy it.


There IS a point at which the smart working their money shouldn't be continually taxed. It's called pay the performers. Anyone bitching needs to either smarten up and start over-achieving or stay where they are and worry about themselves, not what others are doing with the money they are earning. No one is forcing them not to participate in the reindeer games.


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I cite a news agency on things and you blast me, you cite the freaking Dispatch and you're golden. Gotcha.



You cited an OP Ed piece on someone's right wing pundit blog and called it a news source. And then dug in and tried to defend it as credible journalism. You got exactly what you diserved. It's not like we are talking about the difference between Fox News and CNN but more like the difference between Sean Hannity's show and CNN. Sure I post editorial stuff from time to time too but I usually identify it as humor, not news.


No one is saying this doesn't exist but it's not the norm nor do I believe it's a rampant problem.

Yes it is the norm and it increases in frequency the larger a city you are in. In a place like NYC it happens many times a day every day.

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