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Official Clown Show AKA Presidential Race


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I don't think I've ever seen Zeitgeist write a post like that. In the words of Yamamoto...the sleeping giant has been awaken.


Geeto...you gon fucked up now




Nah, he knows I'm just busting his chops.


On a serious note though...anyone else here start wearing a safety pin?


No, it's kind of condescending. You shouldn't need a symbol like that to indicate you stand on the side of equality, just be a decent person and it's enough.



Unless you want to troll a conservative you know in real life, who would freak out if he saw you wearing one....then by all means wear a dozen of them.

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So say he wins...




Is he still going to say it was "Rigged"?



The answer to that question is "Yes". Liking this guy more and more by the minute.


Good watch: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/60-minutes-interview-president-elect-donald-trump/


Conversely, despising Liberals more and more by the hour, fucking hypocrites to the Max. None of you went and rioted when Obama got Elected (Although I think Kirk was just about there :gabe: )

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Whats sad is the kid doing the tackling is a registered Dem and also mentally handicapped (reported as Aspergers from friends).


Media is running wild with this story like it has any legitimacy. Its unreal. The kid has something wrong with him.


Lets stay focused on the real beatings and hate crimes like below


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Whats sad is the kid doing the tackling is a registered Dem and also mentally handicapped (reported as Aspergers from friends).


Media is running wild with this story like it has any legitimacy. Its unreal. The kid has something wrong with him.



When I first watched the video, I noticed something was off with him. Then I found out he was a registered Dem and it was confirmed.

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Kerry couldn't answer a single point made in this thread without framing his answer as another question...and then answering THAT question.


Be a liberal: mandatory reframing of every dialogue to a trigger topic that you think you can win. :fa:


...and THAT, my friends...is what's wrong with the Democratic party today.

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So, is everyone cool with this?




Tried to find an article on Fox News about it, so that I would be giving it as conservative a spin as possible, but there didn't seem to be one. Thoughts, my conservative homies?

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