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Wife and I do that exact thing and I love it and while you don't seemingly agree with it I do. It's my income and money that I'm riding out there with the risk of tenants and MY investment, MY money on the ropes not the gov'ts. Uncle Sam can kiss my ass if they think I'm going to want to give them more money to squander.


Again, that's where the line does need to be drawn. I pay enough taxes per year so the gov't and social programs trying to suck away more can kiss my ass for working MY Money the SMART way. Society doesn't benefit if I leave MY equity in the property so don't penalize me with taxes when I pull that equity out to enjoy it.


There IS a point at which the smart working their money shouldn't be continually taxed. It's called pay the performers. Anyone bitching needs to either smarten up and start over-achieving or stay where they are and worry about themselves, not what others are doing with the money they are earning. No one is forcing them not to participate in the reindeer games.





This x100000.


I don't understand why people like Kerry believe the Government has the right to take as much as they do like they know what to do with your hard earned money more than you do and benefit society more than you would. I mean we continue to raise taxes and yet the national debt continues to rise. I don't know how much more clear it could be that the Government has no fucking clue how to spend, yet libtards continue to think that by giving them more and more money all of our problems will be solved :confused:

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Wife and I do that exact thing and I love it and while you don't seemingly agree with it I do. It's my income and money that I'm riding out there with the risk of tenants and MY investment, MY money on the ropes not the gov'ts. Uncle Sam can kiss my ass if they think I'm going to want to give them more money to squander.


Again, that's where the line does need to be drawn. I pay enough taxes per year so the gov't and social programs trying to suck away more can kiss my ass for working MY Money the SMART way. Society doesn't benefit if I leave MY equity in the property so don't penalize me with taxes when I pull that equity out to enjoy it.


There IS a point at which the smart working their money shouldn't be continually taxed. It's called pay the performers. Anyone bitching needs to either smarten up and start over-achieving or stay where they are and worry about themselves, not what others are doing with the money they are earning. No one is forcing them not to participate in the reindeer games.



At that point you are running a business. Anybody else doing what you do would have to pay taxes on their profits. Why do you get a pass and they don't? Because of some loophole with how debt obligations are structured?


I get you see it as an investment and not a business and honestly I am really disappointed with your justification for why you should t be taxed. Instead of saying "I shouldn't be taxed because I am taking a higher risk exposure in taking a lump sum that I then reinvest in other areas and pay taxes on this profits which benefit anybody all around" you take the "trickle down" theory that you are some sort of performer and you having an accumulation of money is somehow benefiting society. I mean I even set up up with a softball for that response so we could discuss the merits of those loopholes and I just get disappointment.


"Pay the performers", what nonsense.

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"Pay the performers", what nonsense.


if you feel the above is nonsense then that clearly outlines why you typically don't side with people who are performers.


the problem with America is the sense of entitlement that so many have that they feel they should be treated as if they are indeed performers when they are not and many don't even try to be. so many like Bernie think they have a right to redistribute the performance and wealth of people to those they choose. fuck them and that bullshit.


raise the bar and live life with aspirations and vigor to seize the day. we need to quit giving everyone a trophy and start instilling a sense of drive in people and instilling a sense of them having to be accountable for their actions and actually put some skin-in-the-game for any assistance they receive.

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if you feel the above is nonsense then that clearly outlines why you typically don't side with people who are performers.


yes, because I don't believe in economic theories that are so bogus that were debunked twice when put into action. This concept that you hold some special nature in being a "performer" is garbage. It only benefits you.

the problem with America is the sense of entitlement that so many have that they feel they should be treated as if they are indeed performers when they are not and many don't even try to be. so many like Bernie think they have a right to redistribute the performance and wealth of people to those they choose. fuck them and that bullshit.


An not one trace of irony that you are literally exhibiting your own sense of entitlement that somehow you get to not contribute to society because you make more money and don't agree with the programs.


raise the bar and live life with aspirations and vigor to seize the day. we need to quit giving everyone a trophy and start instilling a sense of drive in people and instilling a sense of them having to be accountable for their actions and actually put some skin-in-the-game for any assistance they receive.


Hopes and dreams!!!! that's exactly what this country needs more hopes and dreams. Not actual economic based solutions to real problems but more positive thinking!!!! get real. The examples and things you complain about are such small parts of the puzzle some of them don't even exist at all and the larger ones you dismiss as small despite evidence to the contrary, which you won't accept because you believe all sources except opinion blogs are biased (another bit of irony). Tim at some point you have to admit you've built yourself a house of cards here that's largely driven by your own fantasy than statistics that support it.

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By the way, can we talk about how much of a collander and fucked for credibility the FBI is for a moment?




There is a lot of speculation that the leaks are politically motivated, which actually presents a concern for our national security. Think about it for a second...FBI agents have actually comprised our national security to leak confidential investigation information regarding a national security investigation because they don't agree with their Boss and the DOJ. It's kind of a mind fuck.

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Kerry, since you know so much about economics, do you really think redistributing wealth will be the best thing for America financially? I'm talking about socialism on some level here.


No, but I have never said that it would. Most of the "redistribution" plans that are being put forth are talking about getting those in the higher strata to pay what the rest of us pay in taxes so we can ease the tax burden on the middle class.


I think you will find very few people who thing you should just seize physical assets from the wealthy on the whole and give them directly to the people.


Socialism as a derogatory term is a problematic thing. Pure socialism as a political and economic theory is that all the means of production, distribution, and markets should be equally owned by the community . It's very rare. Conservatives like to use socialism for anything that creates a benefit to the public as a whole like Social Security but politically or economically they are more like regulated or augmented capitalism or socially democratic programs. Labeling something "socialist" is more for conservative marketing purposes because it lets them take advantage of the now 60 year old "red scare" left over from the cold war to fight against government sponsored programs.


Socialism and Libertarianism as economic theories that work well in very small measures in very limited circumstances inside larger systems and rarely occur. As political theories in their purest forms they are complete losers and I highly doubt we would ever see them in practice in our lifetimes.


the larger question is, what is it you want the US government to do? Is it to protect it's people on the whole and attend to the basic needs of the citizens? or just to provide basic rules and leave it up to smaller communities to self regulate?


Keep in mind, history has a lot to teach us about how a lot of these political theories in smaller government work because the natural progression through out the ages has been to progress from small government to big government, then revolution and start over.

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The country needs a flat tax rate. Period. Everyone pays into the pot. Guy who makes $10k per year pays $1000 into the pot

Make $100k?? You pay $10k

Make $1M? You pay $100k.


Why am I paying almost 40% taxes??


Apparently it is because you are not rich enough (LOL).


A flat tax just pushes your tax burden down to those who can afford it less. The intrinsic value of a dollar is on a curve, meaning a dollar has a greater intrinsic value to the lifestyle of someone at the poverty line than it does to you in the largest tax bracket. So in other words if you pay physically more into the system, you feel it less than someone who makes a 1/3 or less of what you make. Or to put it plainly because you can afford it. It's almost 40% for you because the money that normally would come from those who make more than you isn't materializing because a majority of those people aren't paying into a system because they have enough money to not to.


Let's take Mr. Trump for example. He hasn't really paid income tax since 1995 (it's unclear because he hasn't been transparent about his tax filings either) because he took a $900 Million loss in 1995 that has allowed him to keep a floating deduction so that even in good years he doesn't have to pay. there is a lot of skepticism that his treatment of this loss is kosher within the tax code, but he has the money to keep this going indefinitely even if he is audited because he has more money to spend on fighting this than the IRS has in it's budget to call him on it. So he may be getting away with something illegal because the government doesn't have enough money to call him on it. What's that Conservatives say about personal responsibility? I guess it only applies when you aren't trying to cheat the government and the citizens of America.

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This concept that you hold some special nature in being a "performer" is garbage. It only benefits you.


so a performer like Kirk who is a doctor or a successful sales person or a banker/investor doesn't provide any social benefits to others in any way?


An not one trace of irony that you are literally exhibiting your own sense of entitlement that somehow you get to not contribute to society because you make more money and don't agree with the programs.


I cut people who actually CONTRIBUTE and don't COMPLAIN and live off the system and whine about things a break. Yes.


Hopes and dreams!!!! that's exactly what this country needs more hopes and dreams. Not actual economic based solutions to real problems but more positive thinking!!!! get real. The examples and things you complain about are such small parts of the puzzle some of them don't even exist at all and the larger ones you dismiss as small despite evidence to the contrary, which you won't accept because you believe all sources except opinion blogs are biased (another bit of irony). Tim at some point you have to admit you've built yourself a house of cards here that's largely driven by your own fantasy than statistics that support it.


it's called self initiative and a drive to succeed vs sit around bitching and pointing fingers while not having a plan for what to eat for dinner let alone where they are going to be in 5 years.


my house of cards is built with millions of examples of people doing the above. many of whom are right here on this board too. guess we're all just living in fantasy land. :rolleyes:

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Let's take Mr. Trump for example. He hasn't really paid income tax since 1995 (it's unclear because he hasn't been transparent about his tax filings either) because he took a $900 Million loss in 1995 that has allowed him to keep a floating deduction so that even in good years he doesn't have to pay. there is a lot of skepticism that his treatment of this loss is kosher within the tax code, but he has the money to keep this going indefinitely even if he is audited because he has more money to spend on fighting this than the IRS has in it's budget to call him on it. So he may be getting away with something illegal because the government doesn't have enough money to call him on it.




What's that Conservatives say about personal responsibility? I guess it only applies when you aren't trying to cheat the government and the citizens of America.


or perhaps it applies to those of us that actually have something to be responsible for.....

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A flat tax just pushes your tax burden down to those who can afford it less. The intrinsic value of a dollar is on a curve, meaning a dollar has a greater intrinsic value to the lifestyle of someone at the poverty line than it does to you in the largest tax bracket. So in other words if you pay physically more into the system, you feel it less than someone who makes a 1/3 or less of what you make. Or to put it plainly because you can afford it.


I see the point you're trying to make and personally don't agree with a flat tax on income. Again, I'd rather see a consumption tax than income tax.


However the "curve" you discuss in terms of a dollar's value is based on a bar that is set low. Who are you or anyone to say what the "value" of a dollar is to Kirk or me? You seem to imply the intrinsic value to Kirk isn't as much as someone else. Again, I see your point but don't agree that your or Bernie can sit around and say well a dollar would buy a homeless guy a burger and that it's wrong that it someone like Kirk needs $15 to buy a burger he would eat. Stop telling people who succeed and living the dream they have EARNED is wrong or not fair. Fuck that noise.


Why do we set the bar so low and always base things on those that are poor? See, that's the problem Kerry. This country is always trying to set the bar so EVERYONE can hop over it easily at the expense of all those around them who can jump much higher. How about we tell the little guy that he needs to RAISE HIS bar in order to participate in the fun reindeer games of life and actually insist they do that? NO not everyone get's a trophy or prize. Welcome to the REAL world.


Again, no one is saying kill all social programs but we need to STOP allowing people to just exist. We need to insist they start working hard and living life and accept that anything worth the a darn comes with the price of hard work. NO, it's not okay to just exist and live off the system or point fingers. If you're not part of the solution for the problem you're complaining about then you are the problem. Everyone can succeed and yes, some will have to work harder than others and no not everyone will get the same starting position in life. Hello, welcome to the world.

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so a performer like Kirk who is a doctor or a successful sales person or a banker/investor doesn't provide any social benefits to others in any way?


he may (and probably does since he is a physician) but that is not related to his accumulation of wealth parked in an account or an investment somewhere making him more money. When he donates to charity, or pays taxes, or uses it to actively do something to benefit others it's a different story.

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he may (and probably does since he is a physician) but that is not related to his accumulation of wealth parked in an account or an investment somewhere making him more money. When he donates to charity, or pays taxes, or uses it to actively do something to benefit others it's a different story.


So our money working for us in our investments isn't being put to good use by the companies we are investing in? Last I checked my Apple stock is helping them build more products and be who they are which is a pretty solid US Based company. I would bet it's doing WAY more good for our country inside an investment than if I were toss that shit into our gov'ts hands in the form of taxes where they will just squander it.


I could say the same for the shit-ton of Ford Stock I bought back in the early days of Obama's depression but thanks to Clinton and the policies we have in place today, Ford moved out of the US and is using my money to help the Mexicans out with their new assembly plant. Even my Fusion Sport was assembled in Mexico. So I guess you could say I support Mexico too and am doing some international good.

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he may (and probably does since he is a physician) but that is not related to his accumulation of wealth parked in an account or an investment somewhere making him more money. When he donates to charity, or pays taxes, or uses it to actively do something to benefit others it's a different story.


What. The. Fuck. :dumb:

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Last I checked my Apple stock is helping them build more products and be who they are which is a pretty solid US Based company.


No, it is not. That is not how Apple stock works.


I could say the same for the shit-ton of Ford Stock I bought back in the early days of Obama's depression but thanks to Clinton and the policies we have in place today, Ford moved out of the US and is using my money to help the Mexicans out with their new assembly plant. Even my Fusion Sport was assembled in Mexico. So I guess you could say I support Mexico too and am doing some international good.


I'm not sure you quite comprehend what you are doing when you buy a share of a company's stock on a public market but yes, you did help them buy buying something made there.

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Why do we set the bar so low and always base things on those that are poor? See, that's the problem Kerry. This country is always trying to set the bar so EVERYONE can hop over it easily at the expense of all those around them who can jump much higher. How about we tell the little guy that he needs to RAISE HIS bar in order to participate in the fun reindeer games of life and actually insist they do that? NO not everyone get's a trophy or prize. Welcome to the REAL world.


Think of it like this...you just told a bunch of short people that they need to grow taller to clear a bar that taller people can already clear.


this country spent hundreds of years denying a class of our own citizens things the constitution promised them. It's time the country made good on those promises.


Again, no one is saying kill all social programs but we need to STOP allowing people to just exist.


you realize this literally translates to let the poor die in the streets, right?


you keep trying to paint me as this guy that is trying to say the rich are evil and nobody should be rich, but no...I love money the same as anybody and sure people should strive to be rich, just pay your damn taxes so we can pay for soldiers, f22s, schools, and programs to help the poor.


So our money working for us in our investments isn't being put to good use by the companies we are investing in? Last I checked my Apple stock is helping them build more products and be who they are which is a pretty solid US Based company. I would bet it's doing WAY more good for our country inside an investment than if I were toss that shit into our gov'ts hands in the form of taxes where they will just squander it.


Can't pay a soldier's salary with your apple stock. Sorry. Don't try to reframe this here by expanding the type of social "good" we are talking about.

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