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Automotive suffering is good for kids


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I don't know who this woman is, but I like her writing style and she brings up a really good point about giving kids a little bit of struggle to help them grow.




I've been negative on Jalopnik because of the politics and Gawker issues, but this article singlehandedly gives me confidence in the site once again.

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Maggie Stiefvater is a pretty significant young adult fiction writer. Which means unlike all the other jalopnik hacks she is a real writer without a background in journalism or the automotive industry with literary aspirations.


I don't think she is writing for jalopnik on the regular as she only has one other article that was published in May, prior to the Univision acquisition of jalopnik and before that someone else reported on her escapades with her evo X on the mitsubishi forums and youtube.


point is...I think if you are looking for something like this semi-regularly, I don't think it's going to happen (but I could be wrong).


Personally, I am kind of excited to see where jalopnik is going to go with univision but am let down more than usual by their current reporting, esp Andrew Collins' take on motorcycling.

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