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Website outage


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I can't speak for current incarnations. It's been 7 or 8 years since I've run freeBSD. The few servers I'm responsible for (aka crap in my lab) is either Redhat based or win2k3 and I'm one of those bigot types that think redhat reaches its peak in version 5.2 and its been bloated ever since 6.0

yeah, this is older FreeBSD for sure, though i dont know how old off the top of my head. about 75% of the servers are win2k3, 5% win2k, 10% red hat, 10% mix of solaris 10, freebsd, hp-ux, centOS and some proprietary versions of Unix

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rut row... lights out. Do you do that?

Actually, that's the problem we've been experiencing due to the rapid growth. With only 256MB of RAM, when the server runs out of available memory, it pukes. Problem will be solved tonight. I've been moving stuff over slowly trying not to crash this box. Sometime tonight I'll be taking the site offline. When it comes online, there will be a different address temporarily. This is so I don't have to kill all three domains at one time. It'll all make sense when I'm done.

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Kudos to you for running this site in the first place!

I've had a few different forums that I WANTED to start, but I didn't have the BALLS (or dedication) to get them up and running, and keep them maintained!

Casper FTW!!!!

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I noticed everything was moving very slowly about 10 minutes ago. Plus' date=' somebody smoked all my pot when I was digging through the pantry for those fucking, wife-hidden, Oreos. I can't find the cookies and now my weed is gone. I know somebody smoked it cause the whole house smells like I'm high as balls.

Oh, never mind. It was me who smoked it all up.


wow :lol:

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I noticed everything was moving very slowly about 10 minutes ago. Plus' date=' somebody smoked all my pot when I was digging through the pantry for those fucking, wife-hidden, Oreos. I can't find the cookies and now my weed is gone. I know somebody smoked it cause the whole house smells like I'm high as balls.

Oh, never mind. It was me who smoked it all up.


Thats fucking classic. I almost pissed myself.:lol:

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If notice slowdowns, post up and tell me what you were doing when you noticed it.

my mouse is moving pretty slow and i keep clicking the wrong buttons. when i noticed it i was on my 5th or 6th beer so thats probably the cause of the problem

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