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Anyone have (deer) huntable woods near columbus?


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You looking at weekends only or week days too? My property butts up to a 45 acre field and 12 acres of woods that I share the edge of.


Week days too.


Be Derek: Conquer one Sport, move to the next.


"Now it's fishy time" :rolleyes:

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Just looking to thin some heards, will exchange for jerky or car work or tire hookups (deeper than normal). Bow hunting no gun... just looking for 2 more does for the season.




I went a little different direction to get more deer......I had kids. :D My son got his first last year. My daughter should be about ready in 2 years. She just took the hunter safety course last month but I make them get a couple years of squirrel under their belt before letting them deer hunt.

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