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Chicago - Charges weighed in rider's death


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to sum it up

cagers are stupid...

90% of people on the road can't drive when they are concentrating on driving, now add in that most of those people DON'T concentrate on driving while behind the wheel, and you have a varitable labrynth of stupid cagers not paying attention...

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to sum it up

cagers are stupid...

90% of people on the road can't drive when they are concentrating on driving, now add in that most of those people DON'T concentrate on driving while behind the wheel, and you have a varitable labrynth of stupid cagers not paying attention...


I once had someone run me off of the road (luckily the shoulder was wide) while in my car because he was reading a book and drifted into my lane... A BOOK! WTF?!!? In what mental state do you have to be in for something inside you to say: "This drive is BORING... I'm going to finish my book."; and then for you to agree that it's a sound decision?!!?

Really sukz that this driver's quest vanity and well-manicured hands claimed a life.

RIP Anita...

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i saw an ad for a thing today that beeps when you drift out of your lane or get too close to the car in front of you. my only thought was WHY? why the fuck would you need one of those? so you can pay LESS attention while driving?

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i saw an ad for a thing today that beeps when you drift out of your lane or get too close to the car in front of you. my only thought was WHY? why the fuck would you need one of those? so you can pay LESS attention while driving?

new caddi's have "smart" cruise. It keeps you the same "distance" from the car in front of you...

If you aren't going to drive your car...stay home, or let someone else drive...

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We could force people to ride bikes or scooters before they would be able to graduate to "big boy" vehicles... ya know, with 4 wheels.

Solves the motorcycle awareness issue, creates chauffeuring jobs, and solves the problem of our lax driving standards as compared to the rest of the modern world. Bing, bang, boom.

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this was posted on another forum, but its got some contact information to let the prosecution know how you feel, this seems to happen too much anymore, and seems like people never get any real jailtime

originally posted by spaz_666 on apriliaforum:

A Chicago area motorcyclist, Anita Zaffke, was killed this weekend by driver Lora Hunt, who freely admitted to police at the scene that she didn't see Anita on her Honda Shadow stopped at a red light because she was too distracted with painting her nails!!!

One detail that strikes me as particularly gut wrenching is the fact that this crash occurred while Anita was riding back home after visiting with her son Greg in order to make plans for Mother's Day.

I heard this news on the radio this afternoon and I nearly lost my lunch. I am so sick of hearing stories like this, and then following up weeks later only to learn that no charges were filed, and the negligent driver has been let off with (maybe) a slap on the wrist - whether it be a repeat offending drunk driver crossing the double yellow to take out a motorcyclist head on, or in this case of Anita Zaffke getting rear ended at a red light by Lora Hunt who was preoccupied with painting her nails rather than piloting her 3500 lbs Impala... something she freely admitted to police investigating the accident!

I think there may be an imbalance of justice because motorcycling is perceived by most as dangerous and thus as motorcyclists we are accepting that risk as "part of the deal." I think that "assumption of risk" which non-riders assign to us, may be a large part of why those guilty of homicide are let off with minimal fines and rarely see jail time.

I think it's time we start letting the law know how we feel about this inequity of justice, and insist that criminal charges be brought against Lora Hunt.

I'd urge everyone to contact the Lake County State's Attorney's Office to express your opinion on this matter, especially if you are a Lake County resident!

State's Attorneys Office

18 N. County St.

4th Floor

Waukegan, IL 60085


Assistant State's Attorney Patricia Fix seems to be mentioned in most of the news coverage.

Her direct line is 847-377-3036 and e-mail is pfix@co.lake.il.us

As always, please be courteous in your correspondence with these folks, as we're trying to advance our cause here, not set it back even further.

If cagers start to get the message that our lives aren't less valuable than theirs - that there will be real consequences for injuring / killing us - then maybe, just maybe some of them will start seeing motorcycles

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