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Active Shooter on OSU Campus


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What Geeto is doing is sympathizing with someone who tried to kill or injure as many as he could, but says "don't worry guith muthlimth R peathful!!!!"


Fucking pathetic. Have you ever thought maybe you are the problem?



No because radical liberalism isn't a problem, just radical conservatism. :dumb:

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You can not rationalize irrational actions. Kerry, if I understand you correctly, you say society may have bullied this guy because he didn't feel he fit in? He wasn't comfortable in middle America, because our way of life that he chose to join, didn't cater to his upbringing and cultural ways? That's the same limp wristed excuse weak people have used for decades. He wasn't strong enough in his self belief and confidence in his way of life to feel accepted. So let's take the terrorizing part out of this, our way of life is considered bullying?


I am not rationalizing anything. It's clearly irrational, but it didn't fall out of the blue and it isn't based on nothing. That "limp wristed excuse" was that same one used in the past when people used to just lynch those different from us. I am not saying any one part is to blame, but society and community certainly played a role here.


And to answer your second question, sometimes yes "your" way of life is bullying. But this is not new. It actually used to be a lot worse and we are getting better on the whole but we have a long way to go. I've lived in the Deep South and I have to say I encounter more casual use of racial slurs here than I did in my years living in Louisiana, but that's just my personal experience. Look, nobody's perfect and if we don't hold the mirror to ourselves as well we can't improve.


Kerry, you are a middle aged male who is out of shape and over opinionated, thinking you have a wizard's like level of wisdom. Other than your weight and presumed ability to out think someone trying to harm you, you likely are just a passive individual who plays the victim. Many could say you are not accepted here, are you planning on harming the people on this site, or others around you. Do you have that "I'm gonna show them" outlook on CR members?


I am opinionated, Over-opinionated doesn't exist it is just a word people use when they want to say they don't like someone's opinions regularly. And your assumptions aren't really accurate. I am overweight due to a variety of medical issues that come from various accidents and some of the time I spent in the Fire Department years ago. I don't blame anyone for it and honestly it isn't relevant to this conversation other than you want to feel superior about something because you just want to take my comments as insults and this is your way of making the score even. So be it.


As to my outlook of CR members perhaps I am too naive. I assume all are for the most part good people (because of how I feel about people in the car hobby in general) and they often say things they don't really mean. To me it's just a conversation and honestly a well needed one. The only path to open-mindedness is to be confronted with a different opinion, if you all just hide away from the big bad scary free thinking liberal opinions they you are going to just feel marginalized and further contribute to the polarization of this country. I am person, I share the same interest in the car hobby as all of you and I have a different opinion. I am not greater nor less than any other member and I am part of your community whether you like it or not. deal with it.


I can entertain that this was a guy who felt out of place and wanted to harm those in the place he wanted to be accepted the most. But, I will not justify his actions based on the sad kid who was bullied by the place he lived, and the way of life around him. That's him and his upbringing, if we are still going to call him a kid, because of his student status. At the very least, if he was a solo act who was simply pissed off at those on campus, he fit the stereotype of his religion and his culture, and fucked them over for his selfish act.


Nobody is justifying his actions, but if there was some contribution we as a community made to it, don't you think we should try to understand that and examine it. I don't have control over his upbringing, or most other events in his life, but I do have control over not being a hate monger in my daily interactions in society. I don't want to add to his sadness by being the asshole telling a racist joke behind him in the line at Starbucks, because believe it or not that shit adds up.

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Understanding is the path to resolution. If someone considers me their enemy I want to know why. It isn't sympathy so much as I really want to understand their motivation and point of view (and I am going to point out here that no official motive has been established yet - all we have is media speculation).


So, what will you do with this information? Go and campaign for other disenfranchised Muslims in Columbus and try to actively sympathize? The problem with you and most liberals in this country is the currency they feel is earned by thinking/sharing without action, and then the universal acceptance society should place on this earned liberal caring currency.


The world doesn't operate that way. I don't care about the attacker or his cause anymore than his family, roommate, friends care about me. Blanket platitudes are worthless when the world throws it around so freely.



I don't believe people are inherently evil, and things like this are often motivated by some complex things and maybe some mental illness too (again we don't know yet but we may). The whole situation makes me sad, not just this guy, and I def feel more for the victims than anybody else, but I don't think blind rage and condemning one particular group is going to get us anywhere. I would rather be asking "why" than just saying "he's one of those no good terrorist Muslims".


You criticize people on this board for predicating statements with "I'm not a racist BUT..." when you hypocritically do it yourself in the above statement. YES, we know you lack enlightenment to understand this situation, AND on top of that you pass judgment on others for their feelings. Great way to not achieve a goal for yourself, and knock others around you.


I am the only one in control of my actions, but I am not ignorant to the impact that I have on society, same as everyone else here. It's not being a "cupcake" or "sensitive" to recognize this, and it's extremely ignorant to just say "he's just being a cupcake, toughen up" when he is publicly sharing his feelings about how his community was making him feel disenfranchised, esp when we are getting such a clear demonstration of what he was complaining about here with people wanting to condemn all Muslims.


Myself and others on CR that have taken(some say wasted?) the time to read your commentary - often when you acknowledge you take counterpoints just to have fun - will find it hard to swallow that you truly care or take actions to improve the world around you when it's clearly easier to pontificate online instead.


You're not the little Dutch boy with his fingers in the dike, Kerry. Please don't talk about saving anyone when your ACTIONS in the past have proven to be nothing more than words. You are perceived to be a troll, and until actions prove otherwise, very few on this board will see you in any other light.

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Come on Joe, you are better than this.










Radical Christianity is also a problem, so is radical white supremacy, Radical Zionism, and radical conservatism. The driving force behind every single bad apple is the same: Radicalism. Not Islam. Unfortunately this is complex problem that has no simple or clear answers.










Understanding is the path to resolution. If someone considers me their enemy I want to know why. It isn't sympathy so much as I really want to understand their motivation and point of view (and I am going to point out here that no official motive has been established yet - all we have is media speculation). I don't believe people are inherently evil, and things like this are often motivated by some complex things and maybe some mental illness too (again we don't know yet but we may). The whole situation makes me sad, not just this guy, and I def feel more for the victims than anybody else, but I don't think blind rage and condemning one particular group is going to get us anywhere. I would rather be asking "why" than just saying "he's one of those no good terrorist Muslims".




I am the only one in control of my actions, but I am not ignorant to the impact that I have on society, same as everyone else here. It's not being a "cupcake" or "sensitive" to recognize this, and it's extremely ignorant to just say "he's just being a cupcake, toughen up" when he is publicly sharing his feelings about how his community was making him feel disenfranchised, esp when we are getting such a clear demonstration of what he was complaining about here with people wanting to condemn all Muslims.




You like hearing yourself talk too, right?








Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while street racing

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I noticed that you didn't include Radical Liberalism but you included radical conservatism.
I didn't include a lot of radicalisim groups. If it helps I was thinking of those idiots who took over that national park in colorado, the bundy's, when I wrote it - not any particular members here. The point is that if it can be described as Radicalism, maybe we should be skeptics of it. All Radicalism. Clearly you missed that point.


Well, let's see. His motive MAY have been that the exact religion he followed taught him that it is good to kill infidels (we are considered infidels based on their context of the meaning). Isn't the fact that what their religion teaches and continues to practice enough reason for us to not like them? Why do I have to accept them for who they are when they believe in a book that tells them to kill me?


Christian justification for genocide has occurred for centuries. that's hundreds of years that a completely different religious group taught it's members to kill those different from them. Isn't the fact that what their religion teaches and continues to practice enough reason for us to not like them?


Have you ever studied Islam? It's not really different from Judaism, most forms of Christianity, and honestly Buddhism and some themes in Shintoism. The problem isn't the religion - it's what a small group of people do misinterpreting them and manipulating weak willed people for much less spiritual reasons like power and wealth. The problem is the Klu Klux Klan, I mean Isis, I mean Hamas, I mean the Kach and Kahane Chai, I mean....you get my point?

Edited by Geeto67
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Nobody is justifying his actions, but if there was some contribution we as a community made to it, don't you think we should try to understand that and examine it? I do have control over not being a hate monger in my daily interactions in society. I don't want to add to his sadness by being the asshole telling a racist joke behind him in the line at Starbucks, because believe it or not that shit adds up.


Thank goodness you've been telling CR to straighten-up and not be a bunch of racist hate-mongers. You saved this young Somalian man's life!!!! Oh wait....




Seriously, I don't get libs: care until your heart bleeds, then take that pain and blame others for not acting. The faults of the world are YOUR responsibility...and arguing with car guys on a private internet forum is your calling to serve the world?


I'm sure there are some Reddit channels that need your help, Don Quixote...

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So, what will you do with this information? Go and campaign for other disenfranchised Muslims in Columbus and try to actively sympathize? The problem with you and most liberals in this country is the currency they feel is earned by thinking/sharing without action, and then the universal acceptance society should place on this earned liberal caring currency.


You do what you can with it. Information in a vacuum is useless. But even it you use it to look inside your self and maybe explore your own identity and role in society then it has value. If it causes a person to go out and volunteer for the better part of community even better. If you can't find a use for the information then you just aren't trying hard enough. There is no "currency" here, and everything is action - including internal change.


Society will never be universally accepting, but it can be more tolerant, and tolerance grows from things like this and understanding the role we all play.



The world doesn't operate that way. I don't care about the attacker or his cause anymore than his family, roommate, friends care about me. Blanket platitudes are worthless when the world throws it around so freely.


His cause is what got people injured, and his cause is how his kind are disarmed/defeated before the violence starts. You feel what you want, but personally I'd rather take a preventative approach than triage.


You criticize people on this board for predicating statements with "I'm not a racist BUT..." when you hypocritically do it yourself in the above statement. YES, we know you lack enlightenment to understand this situation, AND on top of that you pass judgment on others for their feelings. Great way to not achieve a goal for yourself, and knock others around you.

not passing judgement, but I won't be silent about it either. people grow from criticism not silence.



Myself and others on CR that have taken(some say wasted?) the time to read your commentary - often when you acknowledge you take counterpoints just to have fun - will find it hard to swallow that you truly care or take actions to improve the world around you when it's clearly easier to pontificate online instead.


Pontificating online is just fun. It's entertainment. It's not all I do.


I prefer not to discuss what I put back into this world because some of it I professionally owe a confidentiality to the people I help, and really in other cases I don't want any credit for things I consider as "doing my part". I know you do a ton of charity work and honestly I don't ask you about any of it because it's your business and I assume (correctly) that like me it's not about the credit I get but the impact it has. It's your business, why would I want to be nosy about it. I also don't want the hassle of "why are you helping this group and not this other one" bullshit that comes from people sometimes. In the rare times I have mentioned stuff I have done in the past it has been in explaining a personal experience relevant to the conversation.


You're not the little Dutch boy with his fingers in the dike, Kerry. Please don't talk about saving anyone when your ACTIONS in the past have proven to be nothing more than words. You are perceived to be a troll, and until actions prove otherwise, very few on this board will see you in any other light.


I am not saving anyone. nobody has that delusion. If I am perceived as a troll so be it, it's not like I am the only troll this board has. A troll whose consistent message is that the heart of love is not fear or anger probably isn't the worst thing.



Seriously, I don't get libs: care until your heart bleeds, then take that pain and blame others for not acting. The faults of the world are YOUR responsibility...and arguing with car guys on a private internet forum is your calling to serve the world?


How about just care at all? A lot of the stuff I find objectionable just shows a distinct lack of empathy for your fellow human. Nobody is "blaming" anyone other than the person that committed the act. Pointing out that some of the behavior here mirrors some of his complaints in society is not blame - it's an observation. If you feel blame that's on you man and I can't help you.


As for the car forum...blah blah blah...well it is a community of sorts and a diverse one centered around a common interest. I didn't start this topic, if you don't want to have these types of discussions then moderate them out. Then we can sit back all day and discuss the merits of hellaflush.

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I am not saying any one part is to blame, but society and community certainly played a role here.


his role > than others. this is our society and if he wasn't comfortable here or confident in his role in our society then he should have simply left or assimilated into our world and make it his then he had options that included not killing those around him in the name of his religious frustrations. millions of others do it every day without such actions. he had choice and HE made them.


I'm sorry Kerry but while I see the point you're trying to make, I'm not willing to accept that nut-jobs like him can be let off the hook even a little based on what those around him are thinking or doing. You don't get to pawn off your talk or love of a perfect world while living in an imperfect society. You play the cards your dealt by the rules or get the fuck out and accept the consequences when you break our rules. I don't think for one minute this guy was being bullied or hurt. he was just an weak coward that made the choice to voice his bent opinion through violence. he's the one trying to bully the rest of us. Got what he deserved too.


There is no perfect society. There's nothing wrong with chasing that dream and working towards it but until that time comes, we all have to learn to deal with the world we have and cut out the bullshit excuses for such actions. We spend far far too much time dicking around with these shit holes in life trying to appease the masses by being politically correct when in fact we should be focusing on eliminating the bad apples from our society and making life for those remaining that much better. There's no reforming a radical mind and it's pointless to think we can save them. Thankfully Trump is of the mind to rid the county of bad apples and or greatly reduce our likelihood of letting more in.

Nobody is justifying his actions, but if there was some contribution we as a community made to it, don't you think we should try to understand that and examine it.

Lots of people are trying to justify his actions by blaming others. Again, based on his own postings on social media, he was clearly just a pissed off nut job who didn't agree with our actions in the middle east and his own bent view on how he did or didn't assimilate into our culture. Fuck-tards like him should have bought a one way ticket out of here period.
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Society will never be universally accepting, but it can be more tolerant, and tolerance grows from things like this and understanding the role we all play.


Clearly this guy disagreed with your view and voiced his disagreement by trying to kill those around him. Thankfully the first reponsder showed him how "tolerant" we are of such actions.

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His cause is what got people injured, and his cause is how his kind are disarmed/defeated before the violence starts. You feel what you want, but personally I'd rather take a preventative approach than triage.


How is your learning about his cause helping you be better prepared for dealing with "his kind"? I'm not following this statement.

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The whole approach Kerry wants from society for this guy, is exactly what we have given him on this site. We hugged you initially, with your frustrating way of going about things. Frankly, now we are just tired of your argumentative bullshit, of you thinking the members here are blind to things in the world. The Great Fucking Kerry has spoken, see my ways you racist presents. How dare you not see everyone as a victim, no matter their actions.



Sit the fuck down. You are as simple as it gets. Clearly!

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How is your learning about his cause helping you be better prepared for dealing with "his kind"? I'm not following this statement.


I am actually tired of typing for the moment...so I will leave you with this:


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be put at risk even in a hundred battles.

If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.

If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.


Sun Tzu, the Art of War, Chapter 3.

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How does understanding the motives of one lone-wolf help you prevent future events? He's dead. What have you learned that helps bridge the gap between us and our enemies in this situation?


Seems like a lot of mental masturbation. No wonder you're tired of typing.

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How does understanding the motives of one lone-wolf help you prevent future events? He's dead. What have you learned that helps bridge the gap between us and our enemies in this situation?


Seems like a lot of mental masturbation. No wonder you're tired of typing.


the motive isn't secret nor complicated either. some people really enjoy masturbating though....

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That should honestly get her fired. I mean, you cannot seriously say that when you literally work for OSU. Complete disregard and disrespect to the victims and their families. Just unbelievable that people like this woman and Kerry can have sympathy towards someone who just tried to kill as many innocent people as possible.

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So, do you think that OSU professor provided an enlightened perspective, that all of us UA/Dublin parents changed our minds, felt terrible and abandoned this group? Was society made better because of one man's shaming of another group?


So I suppose he wasn't excited about the Indian's 2016 season?

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That should honestly get her fired. I mean, you cannot seriously say that when you literally work for OSU. Complete disregard and disrespect to the victims and their families. Just unbelievable that people like this woman and Kerry can have sympathy towards someone who just tried to kill as many innocent people as possible.




Basically Kerry is saying, "well if he was made fun of, i can let him off the hook a little as it would be hard"


Next time I have a shit day I'm gonna take it out in everyone, then once my boss asks whats wrong I'll go off, get fired and hire some cut rate attorney from NY to defend me so I can get my job back. I mean after all its okay to take it out, I had a reason.

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Basically Kerry is saying, "well if he was made fun of, i can let him off the hook a little as it would be hard"


Next time I have a shit day I'm gonna take it out in everyone, then once my boss asks whats wrong I'll go off, get fired and hire some cut rate attorney from NY to defend me so I can get my job back. I mean after all its okay to take it out, I had a reason.





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II am overweight due to a variety of medical issues that come from various accidents and some of the time I spent in the Fire Department years ago.


Oh my fucking god, I absolutely love this!!!


Does anyone really need anymore proof of the "not my/our fault" mentality he spews on here?

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Oh my fucking god, I absolutely love this!!!


Does anyone really need anymore proof of the "not my/our fault" mentality he spews on here?


Careful least he drive his 1982 jeep into a crowd at cars and coffee. After all since you made

fun of him it would be justifiable.

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