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CCW Class, Saturday March 11th


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I have some other schools I will be going to over the next few months, holidays, other training and things in general. So, the next CCW classes will be March 4th and 11th. I'm creating the class roasters now. Feel free to contact me by email at besafeccw@gmail.com


Time is 8am to 8pm. Location is New Albany/Johnstown area, about 15 minutes from Easton. PM me for exact address.


We still teach a one day, 12 hour class that covers the NRA Basic Pistol course and much more, to give you all that is needed for CCL in Ohio. There is extensive emphasis on marksmanship, with one on one training. Please PM me to be added to the class roster, or for any questions. As always, if you are interested in setting up a class with your family and friends, PM me to have a private class.


Couples, PLEASE do all you can to do the class together. We want you both on the same page, as shown by the discount.


CR rate is $75 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed.

Couples are $125 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed.


Non CR rate is $100 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed.

Couples are $150 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed.


We commit to making sure you are trained. If you do not pass the range portion, we will retrain you, at no cost, other than gun and ammo use if needed. If you don't pass the written test, we will work with you so you can pass it, at no cost. If you just don't like how I teach and don't want to retrain, I'll give you your money back.


At this time we have no intention of going to a shorter class time; less than 12 hours. We have reviewed our course material and feel that cutting information covered, does not serve the student best.


Also, if you were a student of my course prior to May 2013, you are invited to attend any current class, free of charge. There is new material and technique being taught. As always, any prior student is invited to be a guest in a class to refresh info and training. Please message me for details or with questions you may have.


Edited by Mojoe
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Anybody considering getting their CCW, I highly recommend going through the class with Mojoe.


I just attended his class yesterday with 3 folks from my family with some of us with very limited gun experience ( myself ) to my father in law, who has been shooting for 30 plus years and we all enjoyed it and learned quite a bit, both in classroom and out on the range itself with the 1 on 1 shooting instruction that we all received with Joe.


If I can pass the written and shooting part with my limited experience, then just about anybody who attends and actually pays attention in class, should be able to get by just fine, mostly in part to Joe's thorough and detailed instruction.


Thanks again Joe!

Edited by Franchi
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Thanks, Brian. It was great getting to know you and your family yesterday. You guys were a lot of fun to wok with. Your FIL was very laid back, and just had wisdom for how he looked at things. You guys all did very well. Thank you for trusting me to be the one to work with all of you. Let me know if I can be of help in the future or if you have interest in other classes.
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  • 3 weeks later...
We can PM about this. But as a thought, bringing the dogs with you to class is an option. My dog is in the classroom and on the range the whole time. He is very friendly and playful with other dogs. If your dogs need to stay in the classroom, or a cage, while we are shooting, that could work out too. Just PM me and we can make something work.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Any update on this?


I was coming here to bump this this morning, thanks for posting in it.


Classes are still on. The week of class, students get a PM or email update with all the details of the day, to include weather expectations. There are still a few open seats for both days. I have you and your wife on the class list.


Steve, and word from your BIL?

Edited by Mojoe
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I was coming here to bump this this morning, thanks for posting in it.


Classes are still on. The week of class, students get a PM or email update with all the details of the day, to include weather expectations. There are still a few open seats for both days. I have you and your wife on the class list.


Steve, and word from you BIL?


Joe, just curious is your range time weather dependent or do you go to an indoor facility somewhere?

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My wife is not able to make it but my friend wants to also join. Can we be both booked for the 4th vs. 11th?


I won't have issues with my dogs as previously mentioned.




4th is no problem. I'll add you and your friend to the class.


Joe, just curious is your range time weather dependent or do you go to an indoor facility somewhere?


It was raining when I took my class and we shot from indoors.

Thanks, Bob.

Good weather or bad, we can still shoot. The back of the classroom opens up right to the range. If it's cold, we open it a little and keep some heat in. If it's just rain or wind, we can open it up and shoot with two people at a time, if needed.

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We had a good class Saturday and I'm looking forward to another one this Saturday. I had some people shift from one class to the other, but there are open seats for this coming Saturday.


Suprafiedd, it was great to see you and meet your friend. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with in the future. Thanks for coming out to the class.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to give my thoughts on this class post my attendance on Mar 4th.


When I first heard the class was 12 hrs I really wondered what was needed to require that total duration. Was the class 50/50 for lecture vs range or what?


Needless to say 12 hrs with Joe's class and range teaching goes by pretty quick. His technical background and awareness is what will make you think twice, three or four times about some of the actions you do and the consequences in your day-to-day life.


His explanations of gun handling, safety around yourself/others, how law enforcement may approach you once you have such license, and potential experiences in situations that you could be presented with at any moment are just the key things I took away from this class.


Personally, I didn't go into this class thinking I knew a lot or enough to provide a comfort to myself if a firearm is in the room with others (even though I own one). I now feel more comfortable about whats ahead and feedback he gave about shooting. My friend and I both agree that the class is far more than taking a test and putting a few rounds in to click off to a target. The technical discussion is where the real value is with Joe. He also commented about the other classes he offers for more specific firearms training. I'm going to take him on one of those once I get more time with my AR under my belt this year.


The only downside to the class was something he couldn't control, the weather.. Damn it was cold and it took 3x to get that smoke smell out of my clothes from that day!


Now I just need to get my Weimys trained like Murphy. That dog is awesome on all fronts and reminded me way too much of one of my prior dogs.


http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m164/suprafied/photo_zpsrslggsor.jpg' alt='photo_zpsrslggsor.jpg'>

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I replied to this on Sunday Morning. Let me see if I can rewrite the half page I had before.


Suprafiedd, thank you for the nice feedback and kind words. Your dogs look like they would always want to cuddle. That's a great picture.


It was pretty cold that day. Yes, we could have shot from indoors. My thought is it isn't always a sunny day with a paved battle field, when you have to defend yourself. You all did very well. I will be posting other classes here in the coming weeks. I'm looking forward to working with you again.

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