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TDI owners stripping their cars before turning them in...


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KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. You are the only one saddened by setting such high standards for casual conversation on an internet forum, then laments when responses fail to deliver.


Clay, who are you arguing with?!

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KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. You are the only one saddened by setting such high standards for casual conversation on an internet forum, then laments when responses fail to deliver.


I know exactly who this audience is, I just don't agree with them and won't pander to them for the sake of playing nice. This is a car forum, all walks of life are into cars, yet through...ahem....bullying tactics it has become a haven for car people who are also staunchly conservative and fairly closed minded. As long as I am going to be the minority dissenting opinion what's the value in censoring myself? I'm not trying to "win" anybody over, that would be a true lesson in futility...so what's left? Entertainment. Whether you engage or just whine about how I'm not pandering to this audience it's all funny to me. At some point we'll have a meaningful conversation so it's all good.

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Just saying, Kerry is not condesending, passive agressive, or pretentious in real life. (I actually have never felt he fit into any of those categories on here, then again I tend to skip over drama)


IRL He's actually pretty laid back and lulzy.


You guys are being semi trolled ;)

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Appropriate timing:




That's 200 Million just in environmental damage for the 80,000 3.0l cars (2.0l were 480,000 cars and that penalty was 2.7 billion).


What's really interesting is that apparently there is a software fix for the 3.0l cars (unlike the 2.0l cars) so they will be buying back 1/4 of the cars only and will actually be fixing them and reselling them as used (maybe even cpo), not crushing them. There are owners outraged that their cars won't be bought back and taken out of the market like the 2.0l cars.

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. This is a car forum, all walks of life are into cars, yet through...ahem....bullying tactics it has become a haven for car people who are also staunchly conservative and fairly closed minded.


Only calling the majority of this site fairly closed minded is being pretty generous. lol.

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What's going on here?? I have no problem with owners stripping the shit out of these cars and selling the parts. Owners had no idea their cars would be deemed irreversibly fucked. Having owned a car that had to be lemoned out within 1000 miles of owning it, combined with the knowledge vag completely tried to pull the wool over everyone---I don't see an issue with this. The number of people who will take the time and effort to strip their car of parts is minimal. Think of the average fag who owns this car. They won't take the effort to do this.
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Think of the average fag who owns this car.


So, this is an instant-ban offense right?




There are to be no...slurs.... While most infractions on here will result in a warning and edit, these are instaban.


Or, can slurs only be about race and it's ok to use derogatory names about people in other communities still on here?

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So, this is an instant-ban offense right?






Or, can slurs only be about race and it's ok to use derogatory names about people in other communities still on here?



























































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So, this is an instant-ban offense right?






Or, can slurs only be about race and it's ok to use derogatory names about people in other communities still on here?


The irony of your screenname is literally killing me right now.

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Also, nothing screams I'm a pole smoking meth head trying to pinch pennies out of VW than parting a TDI before you turn it in.


It's fucking disgusting seeing people take advantage of a situation where VW is nice enough to buy them back at a price more than anyone ever expected.

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I just read they refused it. They claimed what he did was not in the "spirit" of the settlement.


Good. Swapping out a few parts from perhaps his car to another he own, like say tires and wheels is one thing but to strip a car like that....he's an idiot.

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If the guy got away with it, more power to him. Not faulting him for pushing the envelope. Props for VW drawing a line, even if they're still crafting a hipster-approved, PC response. Look at that response on Jalopnik; they still have to walk on eggshells around this issue even when facing an Internet full of TDI owners readying their air tools...


I chuckle thinking that if some jamoke tried that in the 1950s (bringing a stripped car back for a company-approved buyback), he'd get kicked out of the dealership onto the curb out in front. :lol:

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Technically they didn't refuse it, his buyback has been postponed. Its all being reviewed and most likely VW trying to put out the fires now rather than having to worry about a bunch of torn up cars coming in since this is the biggest press story so far about the topic.


Ultimately, if there isn't any legal stopping this guy VW will have to deal with it. Is it silly/spiteful? maybe. I don't really care because I don't have a VW, so its not my problem/I don't get to decide how it goes, so whatever. I just enjoy watching it all unfold.


One of teh best comments I saw was "VW has been nice enough to offer a buy back, why would people try to take advantage of that?" and I lol'd hard. VW isn't being "nice" about it. They are being forced into the buyback. No major corporation would willing give away tons of money to scrap a fleet of their product. Working for a car company, everything comes down to money. Why do quality go down on certain parts? Because we take cost out to four or more decimal places. When you're selling a couple hundred thousand vehicles a year, over multiple years, that cost adds up, and quick.

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