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Why I keep my gun loaded and in reach.


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The following is my opinion. My opinion is based upon 20+ years of shooting. I am a certified Range Safety Officer, and a Certified Firearms Instructor in several disciplines. Ergo, you may want to take my opinion into consideration.

This comes up in nearly every CCW class I teach. If a student does not bring it up, I will so that the point gets made in case anyone gets this silly idea in their head.

"Always keep firearms unloaded until ready to use." Typical safety rule. That rule goes completely out the window when dealing with a firearm for self defense. A self defense firearm should always be considered "ready to use". This means in good working order, and LOADED. Unchambered=unloaded.

I carry Glocks. Glocks are safe. Glocks will not go bang unless you put your booger hook on the bang button. If you do not do this, it will not "go off". If you are concerned about a lack of safety, here is what a good instructor will say about safeties. Safeties are mechanical devices and mechanical devices fail, never rely on a safety to keep you safe. That is what your brain is for.

If you are that concerned, either put it in a holster, a quick action safe, or don't bother relying on it for self defense.

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^^^^^ He said Booger Hook.. Im definitely going to be using that from now one.

Hob, do you think your wife would be more comfortable if it was loaded but in a holster? That way their is less concern on her part about moving the firearm as the holster gives many people an added layer of mental safety comfort when handling a firearm.

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^^^^^ He said Booger Hook.. Im definitely going to be using that from now one.

I teach a lot with one of my cousins. He was doing a rifle shooting merit badge class for some boy scouts and used that terminology. I was quite amused and use it when I can.

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It was a funny Max. You know "haha" type shit? :p

Whats funny is thunderwear/smart carry. I never could get used to the idea of having a holster over my nuts. The thoughts of someone pulling their weapon in self defense in that situation is amusing tho, gotta wonder what a bad guy would think to watch some dude reach into the front of his pants.

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I know brotha. Its good. :D

The only way I can comfortably carry my IWB is pointing at my junk. I only use it when its necessary.

its the only place in his pants that has enough room is around his junk! :lol:

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its ashame you can't (legally) shoot someone for damaging or stealing your property, they gotta threaten your life first. now if they break into your house...

No, you have to FEEL threatened... as long as you can articulate in court how you, as a rational human being, felt as though you were in imminent mortal danger, what the other person could have done or did do is fairly irrelevant... :)

If it wasn't for your damn dogs, you probably could've shot you some perps last night. Just be sure to yell really loud, "They're coming right for us!" before you unload your clip.

In the police academy we had to sound off with "stop resisting!!" during all of our hand to hand and non-lethal weapons training... Instructor told us that it goes much better in court when you can be heard on the video shot by neighbors instructing the subject to "stop resisting..."

Edit: Personally I prefer, "drop the gun" or "he's got a gun" or at least yelling "get back, get the fuck back" a few times before the first round... Makes sure the neighbors know you gave plenty of warning first. The fact that you actually knocked them out with a bat 5 minutes ago and are about to execute them as they are tied to a chair is just between you and the chair.... (make sure you untie them from the chair BEFORE the cops arrive, stupid...)

Punk kids... you think you would've given them a warning shot first?

Warning --> knee --> euthanasia

I always considered the knee to BE the warning... Warning shots are anything not directed at center mass.

I use the motion light, followed by full blood German shepherd, followed by scary man coming from the shadows with a loaded pistol progression of force myself. If I have to actually get out of my nice warm bed, someone is gonna get fucking hurt at my house tonight. Remember kids, light comes on and dog barks, then you run like hell... or else...

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forgot something
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