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CBJ Playoff schedule just released...


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Why is Torts playing Harrington and Carlsson over Nuti and Quincey? Why is Saad, Hartnell, and Gagner barely seeing the ice after the 2nd?


Dumb dumb dumb


If you listen to him he says why. Quincey is old and slow....when you have Sheary/Crosby/Malkin/etc.... You can't have a pylon on the ice.

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If you listen to him he says why. Quincey is old and slow....when you have Sheary/Crosby/Malkin/etc.... You can't have a pylon on the ice.


Then why the fuck did they get him?


He's played well. Certainly better than Harrington. Anyone can see that and the analytics back it up. Harrington is a liability defensively and offers nothing offensively. Why do you think Pittsburgh dumped him? And Carlsson literally gets off the plane and steps right into the lineup, despite never playing in the pros?


Here's the bottom line, Quincey and Nutivaara have been way better, but Torts decides to put two shitty rookies with zero experience out there because Quincey is "old and slow"......that's horse shit and it's costing them.

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Exciting game until the end. Dubi had (yet another) chance at a huge play and put it right off fleury's face. Big rebounds all night long.


The Werenski injury was bullshit. There's a gray area in the rule book that gives officials leeway in making those calls.


Finally a game where some bounces go the Jackets way, early scoring, hard work paying off then Pens just chip away. They're definitely the better team.

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I'm done with this series... I am so disappointed in Columbus. Going up 3-1 in a game and then losing in OT is just unacceptable. Bob is (factually) playing sub par and honestly I would just put Korpi in net for the last game. We had a GOLDEN FUCKING oppertunity to win some games while the Pens had guys on IR, but were just not the same team right we were in December/January. An entire year of achievements all for nothing... :(


The Werenski injury was bullshit. There's a gray area in the rule book that gives officials leeway in making those calls.


It has been pens and the refs Vs. Columbus all series. Complete bull shit that play was not stopped after he went down. I understand the rules but if a player goes down like that then a ref NEEDS to stop play. This is not Soccer where players fake shit every three seconds... 99.99% of the time when a guy goes down, there is a damn good reason he is staying down. It is obvious that the refs are on the pens side.

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The pens are pretty good so down 3 games to them doesn't really surprise me a ton. The jackets really fell off a cliff towards the end of the season and just haven't been able to get their mojo back. Hockey is funny though and it could all change today and they could win 4 straight. I don't really see that happening but it's always a possibility in hockey. Look at the Caps down to nashville....who picked that to happen? This post season in general has been pretty kick ass so far with some good games.....all 4 yesterday went to OT.


I'm glad hockey doesn't stop the games...it's what makes the sport what it is. If they did start stopping them then it would end up just like soccer as soon as guys knew they could take advantage of it. Football is the same way. When a defense starts getting gassed some linemen goes down because his shoe is untied or he's just hungry.

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Then why the fuck did they get him?


He's played well. Certainly better than Harrington. Anyone can see that and the analytics back it up. Harrington is a liability defensively and offers nothing offensively. Why do you think Pittsburgh dumped him? And Carlsson literally gets off the plane and steps right into the lineup, despite never playing in the pros?


Here's the bottom line, Quincey and Nutivaara have been way better, but Torts decides to put two shitty rookies with zero experience out there because Quincey is "old and slow"......that's horse shit and it's costing them.


They got Quincey, for when they needed him in the playoffs. The guy doesn't skate, he just floats around and plays like a pylon. If they were playing a more physical Eastern Conference team, Quincey is in and Scott is out.


It isn't costing them anything..... Harrington and Gabe have played pretty good. There was maybe 1 or goals out of 14 this series, that were on Scott and Gabe.


The brunt of the blame needs to be on Bob. Your team puts you up 3-1, and you manage to give up a bunch of shitty goals. Even the OT goal was shit....right through his arms.

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What's the point of the blue shaded area in front of the goalie? Seems like any Tom Dick and Harry can come crash the goalie and score. And Pittsburgh is always on top of Bob. Always pulling guys out of the goal. It's only a matter of Time in the playoffs that another team takes out your star goalie like that, it happened to Price last year.
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What's the point of the blue shaded area in front of the goalie? Seems like any Tom Dick and Harry can come crash the goalie and score. And Pittsburgh is always on top of Bob. Always pulling guys out of the goal. It's only a matter of Time in the playoffs that another team takes out your star goalie like that, it happened to Price last year.


There are rules impacting plays the goalie can and can't make inside and outside of that area with covering the puck. Also, players can't cover a puck in that area or a penalty shot occurs.


It's not only a goaltender interference area.

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Did anyone see the Blackhawk game last night and the blatant goalie interference that cost Chicago the game. Utter bullshit no call


I looked today for an explanation but never found one. The only thing I can think is it's because he was completely out of the crease and the contact was incidental. I kinda thought it would've been called interference myself but him being so far out he's kinda on his own at that point.

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The Pens will win the cup.


The jackets are still a good team, but no front line to match the pens, thats where its clearly obviously lacking. Cam is no Malkin, No crosby, Dubi is no Kessel...


The real issue I have is how the NHL structures the playoffs, its a joke relative to season success. The Jackets should not have to play the pens in a first round, thats my main beef in this whole ordeal.

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momentum and confidence are powerful things.......they definitely have a long road ahead but so did the Cav's. Nothing is written in stone. I'll be pulling for them either way. I'm not even a die hard jackets fan because I grew up watching the Blues long before there was a team here. I now have 2 teams to pull for.
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