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Rent to Own Tires

El Karacho1647545492

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I am disappointed by humanity. From an example on their site, using a brand on their site, Dodge Neon 185/60R14 tires from Sumic (I believe that's a Wally World brand) cost advertised at $20/week, plus 2 weeks worth for installation, minimum 52 week terms.


That's $1080.


Priced out those size Sumic tires on some shitty website, it came to $180 shipped plus install for ALL 4 FUCKING TIRES.


This is gonna get as bad as those native American reservation lending scams.

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For stupid poor people who want to stay poor.


I do believe there is a line in the sand where we need to say someone is so stupid they are unable to help themselves, and I believe rent-to-own tires are past that line.


How do you even speak to someone who thinks this is a good idea? How can you explain simple math like this to someone who can literally only understand the up front number, and who has no concept of time or long term commitments? This is the kind of person who lights a match over a 55 gallon drum of gasoline to see how much is left in it.

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How do you even speak to someone who thinks this is a good idea? How can you explain simple math like this to someone who can literally only understand the up front number, and who has no concept of time or long term commitments? This is the kind of person who lights a match over a 55 gallon drum of gasoline to see how much is left in it.


I don't think anybody thinks this is a good idea, But there are people who are so paycheck to paycheck that something like a flat catches them off guard and this is their only option to get back on the road so they can keep their job, keep seeing their kids, keep afloat.


Are there idiots that would do this for say...really expensive tires for their jacked up bro-dozer that they otherwise can't afford? yeah probably one or two idiots out there, but I don't think they make up the majority, at least not anymore. I would say the majority of people are barely getting by and this is a trap posing as a solution just waiting for the customer who has a flat and can't afford to fix it otherwise. They know it's a bad deal, but what's their alternative if they can't afford $150 for a new tire all at once?


By the way, this isn't a new racket. Financed wheels and tires go all the way back to the 1950's. The older models made their money on the financed rims and discounted the tires and catered to people who weren't poor. The spike in rubber and mfg tire costs from around 2009-2013 opened the market to the lower end of the income spectrum and shifted the model. here's a good article on it:



The good news is this seems to be on the decline for the moment. lower oil prices have cut into the mfg costs of tires and the prices have come down to more reasonable levels.


For stupid poor people who want to stay poor.


you do realize the poor pay more money for literally everything in their lives right? I mean you aren't that naive that you think they pay the same amount of money for say... groceries, transportation, rent, and insurance are you?

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you do realize the poor pay more money for literally everything in their lives right? I mean you aren't that naive that you think they pay the same amount of money for say... groceries, transportation, rent, and insurance are you?






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you do realize the poor pay more money for literally everything in their lives right? I mean you aren't that naive that you think they pay the same amount of money for say... groceries, transportation, rent, and insurance are you?


do you believe the shit you type?

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do you believe the shit you type?


I think he means that when I buy toilet paper I buy bulk or what ever is cheapest but someone pay check to pay check can spend 10 more dollars for the big pack to save a buck. Someone pay check to pay check buys gas weekly no matter the cost. Others have the opportunity to fill up and wait until prices are low. Someone who isn't pay check to pay check can wait until there is a tire sale where the poor ride them out until they pop and are forced to pay whatever they can find.


The poor actually do pay marginally more for lots of things that do add up.


Also its probably safe to say lots of people in financial struggles don't have 750 credit scores and pay more for insurance, loans, what have you.


Cant believe I just defended geeto. :no:

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I think he means that when I buy toilet paper I buy bulk or what ever is cheapest but someone pay check to pay check can spend 10 more dollars for the big pack to save a buck. Someone pay check to pay check buys gas weekly no matter the cost. Others have the opportunity to fill up and wait until prices are low. Someone who isn't pay check to pay check can wait until there is a tire sale where the poor ride them out until they pop and are forced to pay whatever they can find.


The poor actually do pay marginally more for lots of things that do add up.


Cant believe I just defended geeto. :no:


I wasn't thinking about it like that. I was trying to figure out how 2 people pay different for items with fixed, or mostly fixed prices.

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I wasn't thinking about it like that. I was trying to figure out how 2 people pay different for items with fixed, or mostly fixed prices.


I understand. Its a weird concept and when someone acts like a prick and says it in a condescending manner its hard to know what they mean.

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I think he means that when I buy toilet paper I buy bulk or what ever is cheapest but someone pay check to pay check can spend 10 more dollars for the big pack to save a buck. Someone pay check to pay check buys gas weekly no matter the cost. Others have the opportunity to fill up and wait until prices are low. Someone who isn't pay check to pay check can wait until there is a tire sale where the poor ride them out until they pop and are forced to pay whatever they can find.


The poor actually do pay marginally more for lots of things that do add up.


Also its probably safe to say lots of people in financial struggles don't have 750 credit scores and pay more for insurance, loans, what have you.


Cant believe I just defended geeto. :no:




Kerry said "literally everything." I guess he forgot about healthcare, housing, food (food stamps), college (financial aid), taxes. Don't defend his retarded statement

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You guys ever heard of http://www.rimtyme.com/ it's a rent to own wheel/tire place, been around a few years in whitehall.


People who are broke spend way less on things, they have food stamps and WIC, and various other handouts. I could see someone paycheck to paycheck not buying in bulk, but most people are simply pushing the limits of what they can afford. Either they feel the need to live in a certain area, or have certain things, I have no fucks to give about how other people live their lives. Take their fucking handouts away and watch the unemployment rate drop, at least my tax dollars can go to something other then some worthless fuck.

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Kerry said "literally everything." I guess he forgot about healthcare, housing, food (food stamps), college (financial aid), taxes. Don't defend his retarded statement


I didn't forget about anything. In fact I specifically stated groceries and housing.








Yes the poor pay more in healthcare, but it is over a lifetime and interconnected with things like access to healthy food, lack of medical insurance and therefore lack of preventative care.


Things which you call entitlements but the rest of us call financial aid or public assistance are meant specifically to combat this phenomenon, but often it either isn't enough or misapplied. Did you think welfare was just unjustified charity for people and not trying to offset some financial inequality?

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Things which you call entitlements but the rest of us call financial aid or public assistance are meant specifically to combat this phenomenon, but often it either isn't enough or misapplied. Did you think welfare was just unjustified charity for people and not trying to offset some financial inequality?


Look here you liberal shitbird, if someone is financially inequal, it's their fucking problem. If they are too lazy or stupid to figure out how to better themselves then I have no sympathy for them. If you think that the lower class doesn't veiw these things as entitlements you're a bigger moron then I thought.

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You guys ever heard of http://www.rimtyme.com/ it's a rent to own wheel/tire place, been around a few years in whitehall.


People who are broke spend way less on things, they have food stamps and WIC, and various other handouts. I could see someone paycheck to paycheck not buying in bulk, but most people are simply pushing the limits of what they can afford. Either they feel the need to live in a certain area, or have certain things, I have no fucks to give about how other people live their lives. Take their fucking handouts away and watch the unemployment rate drop, at least my tax dollars can go to something other then some worthless fuck.


This is literally bullshit. It's been proven that when public assistance is reduced the only things that increase are the crime rate, infant mortality rate, drug abuse rate, and homelessness.




Do you know what happens when you increase the minimum wage? Employment goes up and public assistance goes down.


Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, that shit rots your brain.

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This is literally bullshit. It's been proven that when public assistance is reduced the only things that increase are the crime rate, infant mortality rate, drug abuse rate, and homelessness.




Do you know what happens when you increase the minimum wage? Employment goes up and public assistance goes down.


Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, that shit rots your brain.


Increasing the minimum wage will simply add to inflation. I'm fine with higher crime rates, drug abuse, and homlessness. I'll protect mine while the herd is thinned out.

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Look here you liberal shitbird, if someone is financially inequal, it's their fucking problem. If they are too lazy or stupid to figure out how to better themselves then I have no sympathy for them. If you think that the lower class doesn't veiw these things as entitlements you're a bigger moron then I thought.


The nice part about it Cordell is it doesn't require you to agre with it to be true.


But if you think you don't get something for your money, you do. You get less crime, less strain on the healthcare system, less homelessness. Just think how much worse things would be without it. It would be like the Great Depression because that was the event that sparked public assistance.


You are the herd they are looking to thin once those under you drop lower.

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The nice part about it Cordell is it doesn't require you to agre with it to be true.


But if you think you don't get something for your money, you do. You get less crime, less strain on the healthcare system, less homelessness. Just think how much worse things would be without it. It would be like the Great Depression because that was the event that sparked public assistance.


You are the herd they are looking to thin once those under you drop lower.


Well I'll just go on being that uneducated white male the media talks about like we're all horrible people. Maybe you should consider all the stupid unregulated practices that sparked the great depression. Not what our government did to help get us out of it. That shit should've stopped after WW2.

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Well I'll just go on being that uneducated white male the media talks about like we're all horrible people. Maybe you should consider all the stupid unregulated practices that sparked the great depression. Not what our government did to help get us out of it. That shit should've stopped after WW2.


Nobody is saying you are uneducated or a horrible person. Most objective media isn't even inferring it. If that's how you read it I don't know what to tell you. You are entitled to live your life however you see fit but if you are going to try to tell others how to live theirs you at least owe it to them to do the homework.


Great thing about history is that you can say "I wonder what life would be like Without 'x' thing" and look back and get an approximation of what it would be like. There have been many events as bad as the depression since ten but we haven't felt them to their full extent because we learned from the past and adapted.



The thing about equality is that it's a numbers game and statistically driven. To narrow it down to its finer point if everyone had equal access to education, opportunity, etc...then the workforce would match the percentages in population based on race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender. But it doesn't. It is not saying that if you have 100 employees 50% of them should be minorities.



At what point does a company like this pull a Wells Fargo and end up in lending practice trouble... those interest rates feel illegal...


Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk


Wells was caught for lack of consent and borderline fraud. The interest rate had almost nothing to do with it. Places like the rent a tire place don't need to be misleading, they cast their line and wait for the desperate to come to them.


you can charge whatever you want (for some things - there are usury laws) as long as you are clear about the terms and get clear consent from the customer.

Edited by Geeto67
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I didn't forget about anything. In fact I specifically stated groceries and housing


No you said "literally everything" you fucking derp. Don't type literally everything if you are only referring to certain things.


And for the record the 2 things you're mentioning (groceries and housing) the poor get for freee or pay considerably less for :dumb:

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