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Those Pesky Bikers not obeying the law!


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For anyone who's been mildly or more annoyed with bikers doing whatever they want with little to no police interference... sometimes there's a little brutal justice.



*** Disclaimer : Not Condoning this but it IS kind of funny ***

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Wow, that's pretty fucked up. Hope the coppers dept gets sued into bankruptcy and he loses his house and everything he's ever owned in civil court.


Oh, nevermind just found out the passenger was actually a zombie-virus-carrying nuclear dirty bomb and the pilot was osama bin laden. Yeah, run that sucker over! That will teach him to speed/ride with his visor up/carry a passenger with a learner's permit/ride on the highway with a learner's permit/etc


Don't hate because they're on a bike and you're not. Get a bike and I'll teach you how to ride.


Come on CR, breathe damnit!

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LOL! Not sure what the hell she was saying but too bad she didn't get knocked out to shut her the hell up.


In the end she probably should have just had her man pull the fuck over. They got what they deserved IMO.

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Wow, that's pretty fucked up. Hope the coppers dept gets sued into bankruptcy and he loses his house and everything he's ever owned in civil court.


Oh, nevermind just found out the passenger was actually a zombie-virus-carrying nuclear dirty bomb and the pilot was osama bin laden. Yeah, run that sucker over! That will teach him to speed/ride with his visor up/carry a passenger with a learner's permit/ride on the highway with a learner's permit/etc


Don't hate because they're on a bike and you're not. Get a bike and I'll teach you how to ride.


Come on CR, breathe damnit!


^ Butt hurt motorcyclist.

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LOL! Not sure what the hell she was saying but too bad she didn't get knocked out to shut her the hell up.


In the end she probably should have just had her man pull the fuck over. They got what they deserved IMO.


your opinion is fucked up...there were other things that could/should have been done.


I agree with they should have pulled over but ramming them IS NOT the answer

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No one want to say "hit someone on a motorcycle". So what is the cop suppose to do, break contact? If the cop doesn't pursue, then the rider won't be reckless? So just let riders go? Can't really do that. So the rider escalates it and becomes dangerous. "Oh, but they have it under control". Bullshit. Most riders haven't done anything past the minimum requirement to get their license. Their "skill" is questionable, at best. So the fleeing bike runs a light and splits a minivan in half and kills himself and the people in the van. Is that "ok"? I feel more comfortable with the cop bumping the bike and getting the treat down. Ohhh, you're going to sue the department? Why were you running? Why were you driving recklessly? What about the attempted murder charge for your passenger?


I did the bike thing for a bit. I did about 6 track days my first year. I had a good group of friends, that weren't idiots on bikes. Riding on the street sucked, to me. I don't want to see a rider down, but what the fuck did this guy think was going to happen? The cop bumps him, and NOW that's not right?

Edited by Mojoe
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A guy flees in a car...cops Pit-maneuver him to stop.


Hoodlum chooses a bike to outrun cager cops. Rider is an idiot. If you're going to outrun cops, pick a road that you know better without roundabouts.


Not sure what broke inside that bleeding-vajayjay-with-dreadlocked-pubes head, but I'd STFU when arguing with Eastern European cops after trying to evade them on a Ninja 250...

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I'm not sure it was deliberate. The cop is staying close, and the brakes on that bike are considerably better than the cruiser. That could have been completely accidental. Who knows if earlier in the chase the bike slowed down to get the cruiser to slow down then accelerated away. Something tells me the cop will get a good butt chewing and everything will keep one rolling.
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They got what they deserved IMO.


there were other things that could/should have been done.


Your opinion directs your comment at the cops, I direct your comment at the dumb asses on the bike. We're both right, but the entire situation started because of the riders not the cops. They need to stop playing stupid games if they don't like the prizes; that choice started with them.

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A guy flees in a car...cops Pit-maneuver him to stop.


Cars have airbags, seat belts, and other safety devices. You pit maneuver a car there is a high rate of survival, even if the car hits something. Most law enforcement units that use it won't allow it over a certain mph or leave it to the officers discretion to do it in a way that minimizes harm. There is a shitload of training that goes into this. There is no training that considers it ok to ram a motorcyclist, because the likelihood of severe injury and death is high. It is considered deadly force.


They were trying to lock this guy in for speeding, do you really think deadly force is necessary for speed enforcement?


Ramming a bike with a car, the risk is high that the rider or passenger goes under the tire and you kill them. You can see this almost happen in the video, but the passenger luckily rolls out of the way at the last second. The bike certainly went under the van's tire and it's just pure luck that was all that did. I don't think this was any way intentional, its a van they weren't trying to outrun a bike with a van, maybe just keep pressure on the rider till he rode into a roadblock (which is really how it should be handled) and the officer got outbraked.


but I'd STFU when arguing with Eastern European cops after trying to evade them on a Ninja 250...


BMW s1000rr, one of the most powerful sport bikes in the world. He was toying with the van, he could have poured on the coal and gotten away from the van at any time. I'm not saying he is in the right, he rides on the sidewalk at one point for Chrissakes, but that doesn't mean the officer gets to try to kill him for it.


In the end this was just an accident, don't make such a big deal about defending deadly force to stop a speeder when the pursuing officer made a mistake and just got lucky that nobody was killed.



The bigger crime here is how much ed hardy that dude was wearing. I honestly thought the vid was from like 5 years ago.

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I don't think that the collision was intentional at all.


There's 2 turns int he whole video and dude crawls through them slower than my grandma would navigate them. I mean the entry of the video is a rather fast sweeper and the van is right on him?


Rider WAY over-slowed for the round about and caught the cop off guard. Simple as that. Go to a track day and learn how to ride!

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No one want to say "hit someone on a motorcycle". So what is the cop suppose to do, break contact? If the cop doesn't pursue, then the rider won't be reckless? So just let riders go?



Not that I agree with it, but yes, that is exactly what "they" want you to do.


Court cases, time and time again, are hammering law enforcement agencies, albeit mostly civil. If the force match the violation, there is hell to pay.


For example, if a cop sees a jaywalker and attempts to stop them, but the jaywalker doesn't want to comply, the officer probably shouldn't use force to arrest them.

Maybe it's the PC culture, maybe it's the judicial system, but it's the way things are going.


We are soon going to have a more European style le system with 100x the shitbags.

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Court cases, time and time again, are hammering law enforcement agencies, albeit mostly civil. If the force match the violation, there is hell to pay.


For example, if a cop sees a jaywalker and attempts to stop them, but the jaywalker doesn't want to comply, the officer probably shouldn't use force to arrest them. Maybe it's the PC culture, maybe it's the judicial system, but it's the way things are going.


Hopefully things go-away from the bullshit going on today though. There's zero reason to accept tolerance of douche bag behavior and cops shouldn't be treated as the criminals.


Look at the Berkley situation and other college campus crap where cops are told to stand-down and let them riot and what not. Bullshit. When dickheads butt-hurt about shit cause damage and get violent, including running from the police, crack their ass in the leg, bring them to the ground, zip tie their hands and toss them in a bus/van for booking.


If assholes are tough enough to pull this shit then they can learn to deal with what they bring upon themselves. In this video, I think Andy nailed-it in terms of what happened. Just so happens to be LOL Funny IMO as the chicks reaction is priceless.

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Thought video was gonna be about bicyclists, another nuisance on roads. But on the vid posted I don't think ramming guy was right, but guy had plenty of chances to stop safely or better yet obey the law! ( crazy thought ). Looked like bike slowed way down fast and car couldn't and hit him. Either way I'm sure rider won't be so stupid again.
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your opinion is fucked up...there were other things that could/should have been done.


I agree with they should have pulled over but ramming them IS NOT the answer


I don't know.....seemed to be the answer to me. If not the video would've been longer. :D

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I am a bike rider but a hog not cafe.


My thoughts:


The cops did the right thing except they should have told that bitch to shut the fuck up. The couple had learner permit, evaded cops, drove recklessly. Hell PIT maneuver them just like a car. At least the cops did it at the roundabout so slower speed.

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Wish more cops would handle motorcycles like this. All these idiot motorcyclist that drive around changing lanes in traffic back and forth cutting people off during rush hour.


Then the same fucking idiots have "Look out for Motorcycles" on their truck.


Got what they deserved.

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