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Interesting scam

Richard Cranium

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I got a craigslist email last week from someone named "Hahn Dean". Asked a few basic questions about the truck. Asked me to send him a report on the truck. I responded back and asked what he was looking for in a report. I was guessing he wanted to see receipts for work I had done prior to the sale. It takes Hahn a couple days, but I get an email through craigslist again today asking me to get him a report from "leaksvin.com". He doesn't want to pay for the report himself because he doesn't want to be out the money if he decides not to buy the truck. I've never heard of the site, but a quick internet search shows it's a site to harvest gullible peoples credit card info.


I went ahead and flagged him as a scammer. Guess I could have had some fun with him offering up a Carfax report instead. The whole thing seemed fishy after the initial email.

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I got this too and figured it was just some dipshit who worked for the company/website and they were trying to get easy business by scamming idiots. They said their mechanic told them they needed a report from that specific site. I told them to stick the report up their ass, and that their "mechanic" should come look at the car himself.


These scammers always have such dumbass names too. The one I got was "Emmy Bowen" or something like that

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(reads from the bottom up)




Dough Bandyk <8d560072d2643a70aacf51743a3bc7ec@reply.craigslist.org>




Thanks for offering Carfax but I’m sorry to say I really can’t trust them anymore. I have used it before, until I noticed they are missing some stuff on the report, like some accidents not showing up on the report. And on top of that they are really expensive! So I talked to my mechanic about it and he said that he has same problems with Carfax and he is always using usavinhistory.com. They are not as popular as Carfax but they are a lot cheaper and you will be amazed at the details they provide. I’m sorry for being so picky but I don’t want to make a bad decision. Let me know if you get it and if everything is clean I can come tomorrow and we can make a deal.


Looking forward to doing business with you,


Dough Bandyk


On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 1:10 AM, craigslist 5962768402 <4bqcs-5962768402@sale.craigslist.org> wrote:

Ah. I just had my buddy at the dealership pull a carfax on it instead.




From: Dough Bandyk <8d560072d2643a70aacf51743a3bc 7ec@reply.craigslist.org>

To: 4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:56 PM

Subject: Re: Volvo


I'm looking for a vehicle history report because it contains important information about vehicle’s past. When I see that document I will know that your vehicle is the best option for me. So, I'd just really appreciate if you can get report from usavinhistory.com. By the way, I’m not willing to get it myself because if it's bad I just spent my money, and there are other cars that I'm interested in so I can't buy it for every single one.


Dough Bandyk


On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 11:53 PM, craigslist 5962768402 <4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org> wrote:

Not sure what you mean.


From: Dough Bandyk <8d560072d2643a70aacf51743a3bc 7ec@reply.craigslist.org>

To: 4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 5:49 PM

Subject: Re: Volvo


Okay, that sounds good. Do you maybe have a report for it?


Dough Bandyk


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 10:37 PM, craigslist 5962768402 <4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org> wrote:

The all-season tires only have 4k miles on them. They're at like 95% tread. Rear defrost, seat warmers, and the heater (and A/C) work as they should.



From: Dough Bandyk <8d560072d2643a70aacf51743a3bc 7ec@reply.craigslist.org>

To: 4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 3:53 PM

Subject: Re: Volvo


Thank you for response. Can you tell me what condition of tires is? Do you have any report? And in the end I’d like to know if the rear defrost and heating elements work?

Best wishes,




Dough Bandyk


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 6:37 PM, craigslist 5962768402 <4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org> wrote:

Hey Doug, not really anything outside of what I mentioned in the ad.




Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone



-------- Original message --------

From: Dough Bandyk <8d560072d2643a70aacf51743a3bc 7ec@reply.craigslist.org>

Date: 1/18/17 12:04 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: 4bqcs-5962768402@sale. craigslist.org

Subject: Volvo


Good Volvo, is there some stuff that needs to be repaired?

Dough Bandyk

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I've never understood why someone thinks the seller should pay for the privilege of someone's attention who is already interested in the car.


If you're too cheap to shell out $50 for a month of carfaxes while you're looking on CL, you're not a car buyer I feel like dealing with.

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You used to be able to tell a scam from bad grammar. Not so easy with the Craig's List clientele. Although when you are named after raw bread as this guy was it is a bad sign.

His name is enough for me, reading his name is enough time wasting

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