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Favorite car related YouTube channels


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What are some of your guys favorite car related YouTube channels? We are on the lookout for YouTube channels to advertise with, but I'm running out of channels I actually know. Just looking for some ideas.


Bonus points if you know someone with a car related YouTube channel that you can get me in touch with.

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I will admit that after doing some CC&C interview videos in the last few years, I've got enough projects - and love for YT car vids - that I have this on-again/off-again interest in doing my own videos as I wrench on my junk or get back into doing CC&C vids. However:


- Editing a good video is a PAIN. Doing a video every couple of days to keep viewer base entertained? Responding to comments? It's no wonder that some of these personalities have no other jobs, as putting together and editing good content takes a lot of time and effort. Even with ad revenue and crunched payouts from YT, only the highest-clicked guys must be making $six-figures.


- A good amount of the vids I watch from individuals (especially Gingium, Tavarish, and Austin Ferguson) talk WAAAAY too f**king much. I find myself hitting the right-arrow key to constantly advance 5-10 second bursts to get to wrenching stuff. :no: Kudos to Bad Obsession, Motor Trend, RCR, and ChrisFix for keeping the dialogue informative and concise.

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- Editing a good video is a PAIN. Doing a video every couple of days to keep viewer base entertained? Responding to comments? It's no wonder that some of these personalities have no other jobs, as putting together and editing good content takes a lot of time and effort. Even with ad revenue and crunched payouts from YT, only the highest-clicked guys must be making $six-figures.


Oh I know. I'm helping my son make a YT gaming channel and it's a big pain. haha


Thanks for your suggestions, a lot we have contacted, but a few I haven't heard of before and I'll be looking into. There's a huge disparity in advertising prices from channel to channel.

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Oh I know. I'm helping my son make a YT gaming channel and it's a big pain. haha


My daughter just turned 9 and she wants to do her own videos, too. She is also the one pushing me to do my own. Come to think of it, I should just teach her to edit in iMovies and let her do the work!

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My daughter just turned 9 and she wants to do her own videos, too. She is also the one pushing me to do my own. Come to think of it, I should just teach her to edit in iMovies and let her do the work!


Sounds like you solved your editing issue.

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Mighty Car Mods

RoadKill (Motor Trend Channel)

Bad Obsession Motorsports

Regular Car Reviews

Tom's Turbo Garage



Is DRIVE legit? I met a guy who said he was one of the founders and wants to do a feature on my M3.

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Is DRIVE legit? I met a guy who said he was one of the founders and wants to do a feature on my M3.


is his name Matt Farrah? Just kidding, what's his name?


/DRIVE is legit enough. They have had trouble keeping content/personalities but the way it works is /DRIVE is the channel that produces the content that is made by the presenters (like Farrah except I think he left). When Youtube was giving out free money for content they had a lot of shows/presenters, but these days the only shows that seem to be updating are /Engineered, Test/Drive, /Going Racing, /Tuned, The/Drive, After/Drive, /Driven, /My Life as a Rallyist, and /Corbin's Hit Show. Updates are slow with some of these shows updating months apart.


/Big Muscle became house of muscle on Motor Trend, and some of the other's just went away.


Funny story: When "Hell for Leather" still existed I had been working on a youtube version of it with my friend Josh Richards (who directed and EP'ed Love and Hip Hop for MTV). It was going to be similar to petrolicious but for motorcycles. Unfortunately this was right around when my partners (wes and grant) began to bicker and were starting to look for the door. Without telling me they comitted HFL to a video production deal with RideApart, the company that would eventually purchase us, thus ending my project with Josh. Both Wes and Grant appeared in several early episodes of RideApart as part of the /Drive channel and youtube picked up the Tab for production. Unfortunately, working together did not repair their relationship and after the first season of RideApart we sold HFL to them. Not too long after the sale, the youtube money dried up and they didn't make any more episodes. Nothing Josh and I did ever got used which was just as well as it was vintage heavy leveraging my access to Team Obsolete's vast collection of old racing motorcycles at the time. In the end nobody got paid, nobody got credit, only Wes and Grant appear on screen, but we have those 26 beautifully shot slick episodes as proof of what could have been.

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Alex Roy. Perhaps better known for his drives from NY to LA.


Yeah, he's legit. LOL.


Alex's content is mostly on the/Drive website now, though he does still do stuff on the youtube channel occasionally. He left them for a while, and basically they just repost the stuff he does on his own website.




Personally, if it doesn't cost too much or put you out too much on time I'd do it. It sounds like fun and why shouldn't people see your LS powered M3.

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He gave me his cell number and invited me to the Manhattan Classic Car Club, but I was traveling on business with a packed schedule.


He said he would let me know next time he was in Denver, but who knows.

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