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White House-Anon is posting on 4chan


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Rigged is your word, Kerry explicitly said interfere and "tip the scales," which is the conclusion of the US intelligence community based, as far as the public knows, on intercepts of conversations between Russian intelligence agents who said that's what they were doing.


Not to mention the email Don Jr released:




The proof you seek is most likely classified, so if you're not one to believe the reports of any US intelligence agencies then I don't have much to offer you.


And people who have incriminating evidence against the Clinton's randomly die or commit suicidd. If you're not one to believe they have the power to kill pretty much anyone they want, I don't have much to offer you.

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And people who have incriminating evidence against the Clinton's randomly die or commit suicidd. If you're not one to believe they have the power to kill pretty much anyone they want, I don't have much to offer you.


...and yet somehow he couldn't get away with getting a hummer from an intern. Man, he must have wanted to get caught!!!! LOLZ


to be fair, nearly everyone has the ability to kill anyone they want, whether they can afford to do it and to not get caught for it is a different story. You don't have to be rich or powerful to "get away with it," unsolved murders account for 1/3 of all murder cases in this country. However, the higher profile you are, how well you knew the individual, and the more confederates you conscript into the plot - the more difficult it is to keep concealed.


I think you should read this. Don't do that thing where you pretend to read it and then just spout more conservative nonsense. It discusses at length the origin of this conspiracy theory and it's history over time:




just in case you miss it here is the relevant part (emphasis mine):


But where did all this craziness start? In a 1994 letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to Clinton who had died “under other than natural circumstances” and called for hearings on the matter.


Dannemeyer’s list of “suspicious deaths” was largely taken from one compiled by Linda Thompson, an Indianapolis lawyer who in 1993 quit her year-old general practice to run her American Justice Federation, a for-profit group that promotes pro-gun causes and various conspiracy theories through a shortwave radio program, a computer bulletin board, and sales of its newsletter and videos.


Her list, called “The Clinton Body Count: Coincidence or the Kiss of Death?” then contained the names of 34 people she believed had died suspiciously and who had ties to the Clinton family. Thompson admitted she had “no direct evidence” of Clinton’s killing anyone. Indeed, she said the deaths were probably caused by “people trying to control the President” but refused to say who they were. Thompson said her allegations of murder “seem groundless only because the mainstream media haven’t done enough digging.”

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Rigged is your word, Kerry explicitly said interfere and "tip the scales," which is the conclusion of the US intelligence community based, as far as the public knows, on intercepts of conversations between Russian intelligence agents who said that's what they were doing, among other things.


Not to mention the email Don Jr released, which implies that they knew about it:




The proof you seek is most likely classified, so if you're not one to believe the reports of any US intelligence agencies then I don't have much to offer you.


eta: Here's the declassified report. It is not subtle. Start on page 11 of the PDF.

Good info in that article, thanks for sharing it!

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Well, is it happening? It's the 27th, isn't today the day the winning starts?


I bet it was the Awan stuff and the moron tried to openly flee the country and ruined the news

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I bet it was the Awan stuff and the moron tried to openly flee the country and ruined the news


Nah, WH Anon kept posting after the Awan arrest, including as recently as this afternoon, saying big things were still to come.


In real news, Derek Harvey, a member of the national security council appointed by Mike Flynn, has been let go. Drain the swamp indeed! This would be terrific news if it weren't so terrifying.

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Funny you say this


If Pelosi (or any dem) got brain cancer and someone said "It took brain cancer for her to introduce a bill banning _____" you'd be livid as fuck.

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Funny you say this


If Pelosi (or any dem) got brain cancer and someone said "It took brain cancer for her to introduce a bill banning _____" you'd be livid as fuck.


Not everyone is a 2 dimensional as you. Context is important here. I get that there are hard concepts for your deep as a kiddie pool view of politics but try to follow along.


I am not a party person. I am not a democrat, I am a registered independent and have been since the 1990's. If the democrats were as compromised as the republican party current is they would deserve all the shit they would get. The reality is while they may suck at marketing, and have a hard time appealing to the working class, they still have their integrity as a party, something the GOP can't claim right now.


I like senator McCain. I think over the course of his career he has been an asset to the senate. I feel this way because he has a history of understanding the right thing to do is preferrable to the party thing to do and has gone against his party when the situation called for it. He has an excellent history of bipartisan collaboration and isn't an obstructionist. He's probably one of the last old school republicans left in the GOP who doesn't have to rely on the ugly narrative of anti-Obama rhetoric (he's a Muslim, he's not born here, he's a socialist, etc...) that the other members of the GOP have stooped to.


I have been disappointed by him since this mess started because he compromised his integrity. He went along with the Trump popularity train, he backed down when he had the opportunity to stand up, he even went "but her emails" at the comey hearing. This was a broken McCain. But now there is some light. With this vote there is some glimmer of the old McCain, the one whose spirit Trump and Pence and McConnell, and Ryan have broken. Maybe it took facing his mortality to do that.


Either way, I'm glad he found his backbone. It's about fucking time.

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You are living pile of New York City shit. This sums it up in much less than 140 letters or characters

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Not everyone is a 2 dimensional as you. Context is important here. I get that there are hard concepts for your deep as a kiddie pool view of politics but try to follow along.


I am not a party person. I am not a democrat, I am a registered independent and have been since the 1990's. If the democrats were as compromised as the republican party current is they would deserve all the shit they would get. The reality is while they may suck at marketing, and have a hard time appealing to the working class, they still have their integrity as a party, something the GOP can't claim right now.


I like senator McCain. I think over the course of his career he has been an asset to the senate. I feel this way because he has a history of understanding the right thing to do is preferrable to the party thing to do and has gone against his party when the situation called for it. He has an excellent history of bipartisan collaboration and isn't an obstructionist. He's probably one of the last old school republicans left in the GOP who doesn't have to rely on the ugly narrative of anti-Obama rhetoric (he's a Muslim, he's not born here, he's a socialist, etc...) that the other members of the GOP have stooped to.


I have been disappointed by him since this mess started because he compromised his integrity. He went along with the Trump popularity train, he backed down when he had the opportunity to stand up, he even went "but her emails" at the comey hearing. This was a broken McCain. But now there is some light. With this vote there is some glimmer of the old McCain, the one whose spirit Trump and Pence and McConnell, and Ryan have broken. Maybe it took facing his mortality to do that.


Either way, I'm glad he found his backbone. It's about fucking time.


No one here gives a fuck about your opinion/you. Your foot stomping/elitist actions earned you a poor reputation causing low participation on this site because of it.

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No one here gives a fuck about your opinion/you. Your foot stomping/elitist actions earned you a poor reputation causing low participation on this site because of it.


If I have personally done anything that caused you, grant, to participate less here then I consider it as having done this forum a favor.

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If I have personally done anything that caused you, grant, to participate less here then I consider it as having done this forum a favor.


As an OG of this forum, I reccomend that you fuck off.

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