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Mandalay Bay Shooting


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It's absolutely terrible. There will be a lot of very young lives lost. It's hard not to let these things affect the events that you decide to attend.

We had a few friends at the concert who survived uninjured. They told us about hiding behind trash cans, watching the muzzle blasts, and seeing bodies everywhere. A traumatizing experience to say the least. Hopefully all of CR's friends and loved ones are ok.


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I wish the police could capture people like this alive. I know they can't because it endangers their lives but I just wish people like this Paddock guy would be captured alive and tortured for some time before his eventual death. Make a guy like this suffer in hell just in case there isn't an actual hell. These psychos go into it knowing they will likely go out the easy way with a 2 to the chest and 2 to the head. Have a drone come in and injure him and capture his ass and do some medieval shit.
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And yet again we will go through the cycle of making a celebrity out of the perpetrator while ignoring the individual lives lost, simply lumping them in as ________'s victims.


Don't forget turning this into a useless political argument too.


I'm not numb to the violence, just the terrible media coverage. I've already started pruning my social media contacts between this and the NFL stuff, just to many stupid people out there.


Humans are so violent, always have been, always will be.

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Don't forget turning this into a useless political argument too.


I'm not numb to the violence, just the terrible media coverage. I've already started pruning my social media contacts between this and the NFL stuff, just to many stupid people out there.


Humans are so violent, always have been, always will be.


I had typed out more but realized it would probably be taken politically and decided to remove it all but what you quoted.

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So they've updated the numbers to still 50 confirmed dead and over 400 injured now.


This is scary stuff, makes me Leary of going anywhere (big event) like this any more. Has anyone heard anything about the motive yet?


No but I'm sure we'll hear an outcry about gun laws even though unless this guy had a class III weapons license he obtained a fully automatic gun illegally. I already have been hear grumblings about white privilege and how the media isn't calling this a terrorist attack because the shooter was white. It's only a matter of time before everyone pushes their agenda. I'd say by later today or tomorrow it'll be a full blown political war once again.

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I wish the police could capture people like this alive. I know they can't because it endangers their lives but I just wish people like this Paddock guy would be captured alive and tortured for some time before his eventual death. Make a guy like this suffer in hell just in case there isn't an actual hell. These psychos go into it knowing they will likely go out the easy way with a 2 to the chest and 2 to the head. Have a drone come in and injure him and capture his ass and do some medieval shit.


I get that you are angry but really I want you to think about what you are saying here:


1) the shooter took his own life. This isn't a case were the police had a choice in whether to shoot the guy or not, he beat them to the punch. There have been mass shooting cases where the people that commit it are taken alive, we just had a trial for one: https://www.wsj.com/articles/dylann-roof-found-guilty-in-church-shooting-trial-1481833767


2) advocating circumventing the justice system and torture by our state officials is about as unconstitutional and un-American as you can get. As flawed as our justice system is, it is often part of what separates us from totalitarian dictatorship run through fear. It isn't a "tough guy" position, it is something a hormone addled 15 year old going through puberty would say.



This is a real tragedy. Rather than lash out politically or philosophically and add more death and destruction, let's try to remember that there are 50 people that are never going to see their loved ones again, and an injured count up to 400 that need blood donations, medical supplies, and other support. Put your energy and anger into actions that heal - not ones that divide.

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I get that you are angry but really I want you to think about what you are saying here:


1) the shooter took his own life. This isn't a case were the police had a choice in whether to shoot the guy or not, he beat them to the punch. There have been mass shooting cases where the people that commit it are taken alive, we just had a trial for one: https://www.wsj.com/articles/dylann-roof-found-guilty-in-church-shooting-trial-1481833767


I just saw reports that he took his own life. Obviously I still would have rather he didn't and they were able to capture him alive but clearly that wasn't going to be possible here.


2) advocating circumventing the justice system and torture by our state officials is about as unconstitutional and un-American as you can get. As flawed as our justice system is, it is often part of what separates us from totalitarian dictatorship run through fear. It isn't a "tough guy" position, it is something a hormone addled 15 year old going through puberty would say.


Then throw him in a 6x4 pitch black cell for 24 hours a day 7 days a week until he dies. It's not a "tough guy" position, it's a make this guy pay for his fucking actions without the easy way out by killing him quickly. He took his own life in this case so he chose the easy way out.



This is a real tragedy. Rather than lash out politically or philosophically and add more death and destruction, let's try to remember that there are 50 people that are never going to see their loved ones again, and an injured count up to 400 that need blood donations, medical supplies, and other support. Put your energy and anger into actions that heal - not ones that divide.


I agree. The victims and their families are the most important in this tragedy. I was simply stating what I wish would happen to people like this. I would bet 90% of the victims and their families would agree with me right now.

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No but I'm sure we'll hear an outcry about gun laws even though unless this guy had a class III weapons license he obtained a fully automatic gun illegally. I already have been hear grumblings about white privilege and how the media isn't calling this a terrorist attack because the shooter was white. It's only a matter of time before everyone pushes their agenda. I'd say by later today or tomorrow it'll be a full blown political war once again.


I am sure they will. The whole situation is strange, 64 years old, targeting a country concert, spray and pray style. I'm sure it will come down to them concluding that he was a troubled old man angry about something trivial. But the whole privilege/terrorist labeling is a joke. It's sad how any situation, no matter the severity gets tossed around, and the disregard of how many people will be effected for the rest of their lives from this. But bureaucrats will be bureaucrats....

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Don't forget turning this into a useless political argument too.


I'm not numb to the violence, just the terrible media coverage. I've already started pruning my social media contacts between this and the NFL stuff, just to many stupid people out there.


Humans are so violent, always have been, always will be.


that pretty much sums it up. I watched the Ken Burns film The Vietnam War the last couple weeks when it was on. A vet had a good way of putting it. He said "People say the army makes killers out of men......I say it's just finishing school."

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One of the rumors is that he was angry with the community he lives in, apparently owned by the same entity as Mandalay. Obviously some I'm balance involved, no matter what the excuse.


Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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