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Christmas a little early yesterday...


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After tons of research by my daughter and discussions among our family, we finally decided upon a new puppy to be the new addition to our home. We have plenty of room and the new pup is no more the size of a toy for our other two big pups and hopefully doesn't mind being one now and then :p


Meet my daughters new baby "Pugsley" - yeah....go figure. He's 25% French Bull Dog and 75% Pug. Has a slightly longer snout and definitely the tail of a French.


He's 8 weeks and now about 6.1lbs and loving his new mom.





Yes, the poor dude is just thrilled with all his new outfits. I think he has 3 coats already. This one is just begging to be "captioned" :)



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My wifes pug was named pugsley LOL


We have two frenchies and they are absolutely the best breed ever. Hopefully your little guy takes after the frenchie in him then pug.


Super cute though

Edited by Lauren
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Wow. Coats for dogs....:lol:

Looks like a good choice for you guys. I miss my dogs. They stayed with the house :(


Never understood coats for dogs, but I suppose it's better than coats OF dogs.




...that was a stupid pun and I apologize.


Cute dog man. I agree, MUCH better than a ferret.

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Merry Christmas everyone! Haha on the caption too!! Well done.


He's a solid little dude and a great addition to the family. Still working on getting the two existing ones to fully accept him but it's coming along. Our 8+ year old pit mix is still a little miffed and we can't leave them alone together just yet but the other one, half boxer, half lab is pretty good. We just need to watch her as she can be a bit rough.


Overall, yes, a MUCH better choice than a divorce......I mean Ferret.

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