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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone

Otis Nice

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I guess I'll make the expected post.


I don't care who you are, what your political thoughts are, whether or not you believe in God, Buddha, no deity, or any other deity, your age, gender, whether you like Christmas or not, whether you celebrate one day or eight, whether you like me or not, whether you drive a killer ride or ride a killer bike, whether or not you think Bitcoins are a good investment, which college football team you cheer on, or whether or not your car has a salvage title or took two years to build. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Joyful Winter Solstice, or relaxing day off doing nothing. I hope you all have a safe, fun, peaceful day tomorrow doing whatever it is you do.


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I don't care who you are, what your political thoughts are, whether or not you believe in God, Buddha, no deity, or any other deity, your age, gender, whether you like Christmas or not, whether you celebrate one day or eight, whether you like me or not, whether you drive a killer ride or ride a killer bike, whether or not you think Bitcoins are a good investment, which college football team you cheer on, or whether or not your car has a salvage title or took two years to build. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Joyful Winter Solstice, or relaxing day off doing nothing. I hope you all have a safe, fun, peaceful day tomorrow doing whatever it is you do


Most PC post on CR. Allow me to make one more fitting to this site.


Merry Fuckin Christmas, and if you celebrate anything else then fuck you. Unless you're a friend of mine then do whatever you want, lol.

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