zeitgeist57 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: you have to learn to ignore that part of the "drama" in Hillary's case though, she's flat out fucking guilty and it's clear. those emails and devices being destroyed tell it all. Not disagreeing with you there, but my point is more that Trump makes it seem like he's got nothing to hide, but he'll hide anyway. I think it's brilliant marketing if he pulls it off, but it's a terrible example of leadership behavior. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greg1647545532 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 As I'm sure you all know, Trump only hires the best people. And you may also remember one of Trump's primary campaign promises being to tackle the opioid epidemic. One of these top minds was a 24-year-old former campaign staffer whose only previous work experience was getting fired from a job for just not showing up. Nevertheless, he was somehow appointed by Trump as the Deputy Chief of Staff for the Office of National Drug Control Policy. This is the sort of federal agency that a competent administration might lean on to actually, you know, do something about the opioid epidemic. After the "lamestream media" caught wind of this dickwad's complete lack of qualificiations for a high paying government job, the administration reassigned him to "administrative duties," and it's now being reported by HuffPo that he's going to be stepping down after the White House received a letter signed by 10 senate Democrats calling out this jabroni by name and pointing out the administration's complete lack of effort at filling key roles required to fulfill Trump's campaign promises. \ said: As troubled as we are by [Taylor] Weyeneth’s appointment, your delay in nominating qualified leaders for ONDCP and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is even more concerning. Both agencies have been without permanent, Senate-confirmed leadership since you took office – and you have not presented the Senate with qualified candidates for these positions... ...You have claimed that the opioid epidemic is a top priority for your administration, but the personnel you have staffing these key agencies – and the lack of nominees to head them – is cause for deep concern. This crisis knows no bounds, and we are committed to working across party lines with anyone who is serious about addressing this devastating epidemic. Anyone care to defend this example of gross managerial incompetence? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BStowers023 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 We'll start this thread with a picture of the Columbus Racing Cry Baby's. Here's a reenactment of the girly boys whining about Trump non-stop here. http://i.imgur.com/hRKfxjJ.jpg Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 zeitgeist57 said: Not disagreeing with you there, but my point is more that Trump makes it seem like he's got nothing to hide, but he'll hide anyway. It's purely a legal business decision. It's no different than a DUI Checkpoint, they aren't there to "help" you or in this case him and he's certainly not going to talk Mueller out of anything. It's never wise to answer questions from a prosecutor like him who knows everything and holds all the cards when you hold none nor know what he knows. Best thing to do is only say what you are required to say and in this case he's not. Irony is that's the opposite of who Trump is. I don't consider it hiding. I'll consider it a miracle if he stays quiet. Quote I think it's brilliant marketing if he pulls it off, but it's a terrible example of leadership behavior.I think the cool kids call it Political Theater. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greg1647545532 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: It's never wise to answer questions from a prosecutor like him who knows everything and holds all the cards when you hold none. And yet NPR played a clip this morning where Trump himself said that pleading the 5th was an indication of guilt, because who wouldn't be willing to talk unless they had something to hide! Of course, that was in reference to Hillary Clinton staffers... So do you agree with Trump that it's wise to listen to your lawyers and stay silent if necessary, or do you agree with Trump that Trump must be guilty if he's not willing to talk? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BStowers023 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/25/health/cuckolding-sex-kerner/index.html Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 greg said: the White House received a letter signed by 10 senate Democrats calling out this jabroni by name and pointing out the administration's complete lack of effort at filling key roles required to fulfill Trump's campaign promises. Anyone care to defend this example of gross managerial incompetence? Someone needs to send those 10 Senate Dems a letter telling them to go fuck themselves as they had what 8+ years under Obama to play the part and tackle the matter but didn't. Sit the fuck down and wait your next turn but to try and call others out right after you dropped the ball is pretty funny. Same with DACA. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greg1647545532 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 BStowers023 said: We'll start this thread Post #3, you suck at everything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 greg said: And yet NPR played a clip this morning where Trump himself said that pleading the 5th was an indication of guilt, because who wouldn't be willing to talk unless they had something to hide! Of course, that was in reference to Hillary Clinton staffers... Political theater and he'll continue to beat the Hillary drumb especially as the story continues to unfold a the FBI and elsewhere. Quote So do you agree with Trump that it's wise to listen to your lawyers and stay silent if necessary, or do you agree with Trump that Trump must be guilty if he's not willing to talk?both. to the first part, you stay quiet and shut the fuck up unless your attorney tells you to talk and you only say what helps you. To the second point, I agree there too, one always points out faults of the competition because just as the left has been doing with him, FUD never gets un-heard hence the reason fake news even exists. The left has done it for years and he's going to do it right back. Anyone surprised? Again, political theater and drama. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BStowers023 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 greg said: Post #3, you suck at everything. Your mom sucks pretty good Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeitgeist57 Posted January 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: Someone needs to send those 10 Senate Dems a letter telling them to go fuck themselves as they had what 8+ years under Obama to play the part and tackle the matter but didn't. Sit the fuck down and wait your next turn but to try and call others out right after you dropped the ball is pretty funny. Same with DACA. Hang on...Obama had staffers roll over under his administration, but Trump: 1) Hasn't even filled all of his cabinet/staffer vacancies...let alone the ones he's filled are at BEST "cronies" and at WORST not qualified at all for the position. 2) Many of the people he HAS hired have already flip-flopped out within the first year of office. I gave crap to Obama when he had some of his team leave for private-sector jobs before his term was done, but holy cow...I voted for Donald Trump under the assumption he'd bring "business savvy" to the White House, and he can't even fill a bus with people that would follow him in to work with him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 zeitgeist57 said: I voted for Donald Trump under the assumption he'd bring "business savvy" to the White House, and he can't even fill a bus with people that would follow him in to work with him. I agree. I voted for him too but not necessary because of him. I'm not a Trump guy nor was he my candidate. I voted for his policies and that knowing him being in office would achieve those policies more so than others. Also because his base and supporters of those policies will be of interest to others he works with. Even senators that don't like him won't ignore their base of voters like they would and have been doing so long as he's in the house. I also know that he's not necessarily calling all the shots. Those around him will influence and make things happen too. Another big part of Trumps supporters want all the bullshit that's being flushed out to come out. That will happen with him in office but I doubt it would have remotely come out had he not won. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeitgeist57 Posted January 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: I agree. I voted for him too but not necessary because of him. I'm not a Trump guy nor was he my candidate. I voted for his policies and that knowing him being in office would achieve those policies more so than others. Also because his base and supporters of those policies will be of interest to others he works with. Even senators that don't like him won't ignore their base of voters like they would and have been doing so long as he's in the house. I also know that he's not necessarily calling all the shots. Those around him will influence and make things happen too. Another big part of Trumps supporters want all the bullshit that's being flushed out to come out. That will happen with him in office but I doubt it would have remotely come out had he not won. Well said. I guess the change I wanted to see from the 2016 election is happening a lot uglier than I anticipated it to be. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geeto67 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Quote you have to learn to ignore that part of the "drama" in Hillary's case though, she's flat out fucking guilty and it's clear. those emails and devices being destroyed tell it all. Flat out guilty how? Because you say so? even though the agencies that reviewed it and are responsible for actually vetting this sort of thing, and who are under no motivation to "play ball" because they were controlled by the opposing party, found no reason to file charges. At some point Tim, your arguments are just irrational. You are going to have to let this one go and move on. I'm sorry that she's just not the criminal mastermind that your rage boner tells you she is. the expiration date on "but her emails" has been exceeded. zeitgeist57 said: Well said. I guess the change I wanted to see from the 2016 election is happening a lot uglier than I anticipated it to be. Is this the change you really wanted to see? or did you just want to see any change? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeitgeist57 Posted January 25, 2018 Author Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Geeto67 said: Is this the change you really wanted to see? or did you just want to see any change? Tim outlined a few of the points that I wanted to see from a "change" perspective. I felt, during the 2016 election campaign season, that Obama actually did do a good job as President; though I didn't agree with some of his actions, he accomplished a lot of what he set out to do. As an American citizen, I respect that out of a President. Now, what if we could change some of the things I thought would be good (pro-business agenda, anti-cronyism, replace ACA) through Trump over Hillary? That would be a conservative step in the right direction!! Except...Trump hasn't done much, except reflect a pro-business agenda that Wall Street and Corporate America wants to see - though he's done little aside from not instituting new regulations. The Tax Reform has a short-term benefit, but long-term losses by most economists' standards. The rest of that agenda he supposedly has ain't. going. so. well. #stablegenius #borderwall #shithole #covfefe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Geeto67 said: Flat out guilty how? Because you say so? Yes, because I along with many others say so. It doesn't take a fucking genius to know that someone who has cell phones destroyed and servers erased and data destroyed is flat out hiding something. the pay to play scheme is also pretty evident too. no one provided the foundation money because they are genuinely thoughtful and caring people. you also don't get this much bullshit drama out of the FBI and all that's happening just out of the blue or with no connection to her. The entire situation is pretty clear and dicking around with a shell game while they hide and destroy facts isn't necessary to figure it out. She's a lying cunt and lost because can't bullshit everyone. You've expressed you pretty much feel the same about Trump so we're even. Quote even though the agencies that reviewed it and are responsible for actually vetting this sort of thing, and who are under no motivation to "play ball" because they were controlled by the opposing party, found no reason to file charges. it's becoming more clear every day that those that are supposed to have been looking into things are just as guilty. Quote Is this the change you really wanted to see? or did you just want to see any change? yes, the changes thus far and ones being pushed for area what I was looking to see. more to come hopefully. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wagner Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geeto67 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Well.... I'm not sure how Hillary is perceived as having an anti-business agenda. Most of her proposed initiatives were pro-growth and market friendly but marketed to a democratic base by marketing to the workers side of things than the boardroom side. Either way I'm just tired of talking about someone who isn't currently holding office, isn't a candidate for anything, and is literally a dead decaying horse the republicans drag out any time they want to distract from something. One of the problems with Trump, is that his biggest campaign message, which was "fuck the government in it's entirety" wasn't heard or understood by everyone. His rehortic, his cockamame plans, the fact that a lot of stuff didn't make sense just wasn't obvious or was dismissed by a whole swath of people who voted for him. His plans for change were to come from gutting the government - which isn't passing legislation or implementing programs. I am stunned now at people talking about his failure to pass legislation as him failing to meet his goals because lets face it his overall goal was to "fuck the government" and he's doing a great job at that. His greatest accomplishment has been as a distraction while the few people he appointed to actual agency positions destroyed those institutions and rendered them ineffective. The EPA, the FCC, the FTC, OCC, CFPB, etc....these were all functioning institutions that did a pretty good job protecting American citizens and their rights but under this administration just aren't effective. He has been the distraction while his people robbed the store. And it was his plan all along, and he broadcast it on the campaign trail, and most Americans didn't realize that this is what was meant by "Fuck the government" - destroy it's credibility and effectiveness. Why is anybody surprised that this is what "fuck the government" was going to look like? it didn't look any different before he was president. Here is the thing I hope Americans learn after 4 years. Our government may suck, but "fuck the government" isn't really the answer either. The government works best when there is bipartisan agreement as to solutions that solve problems in america. You take two biased sides and you force them to work together, what comes out is what both sides can live with and maximizes the value to the majority of Americans. Rooting for a team doesn't work, and those that say fuck the other team let's fuck them over aren't acting with Americans' best interests in mind. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geeto67 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: Yes, because I along with many others say so. except for the fact that you are nobody without out access to evidence. Quote It doesn't take a fucking genius to know that someone who has cell phones destroyed and servers erased and data destroyed is flat out hiding something. but it certainly takes a moron to jump to that conclusion without any proof of the matter, and then to be obstinate and aggressive in the face of contrary information. Quote the pay to play scheme is also pretty evident too. no one provided the foundation money because they are genuinely thoughtful and caring people. prove it. Quote you also don't get this much bullshit drama out of the FBI and all that's happening just out of the blue or with no connection to her. Because she caused the "drama" with the FBI:dumb: Last I checked she wasn't the one calling them names and firing people. Remember, the FBI is about a Red as it gets politically and it ain't Hilary they are interested in. Quote The entire situation is pretty clear and dicking around with a shell game while they hide and destroy facts isn't necessary to figure it out. prove that they are hiding or destroying facts Quote She's a lying cunt and lost because can't bullshit everyone. You've expressed you pretty much feel the same about Trump so we're even. Every politician paints themselves in a favorable light, and sometimes that translates into lies or misconceptions or "half truths". There is nothing partisan about that at all it's a nature of the political landscape and if anything enforces the need for every American to actually fact check information they digest and not just the stuff they like. however, let's make something clear about why I have not "said the same thing about Trump": That landscape of painting themselves in a favorable light does not include attacking the 1st amendment, attacking civil rights, creating an environment that allows bigotry to thrive, destroying America's credibility with the rest of the countries in the world, and putting the country in danger long term for some short term gains. We can go back over the campaign statements and can fact check Trump and Hillary and a argue that one is wrong 30% of the time vs 10% of the time - but what's the point? That's not the concern here, It isn't partisan to look at his actions and see the harm it is causing ALL Americans and call him out for it. Can't do that with Hilary because she isn't doing anything, she's out of government. In fact why are we still talking about her? oh right - to distract from what a shit show this is. Also, since he's won it's pretty clear he can bullshit enough people to make it matter. But whose fault is that really? can't blame Trump for bullshit anymore than you can blame a lion for hunting gazelles. Quote it's becoming more clear every day that those that are supposed to have been looking into things are just as guilty. Clear how? again prove it. Quote yes, the changes thus far and ones being pushed for area what I was looking to see. more to come hopefully. because you are an extremist that is perfectly ok with "fuck the government". Thankfully you aren't the majority in America. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Geeto67 said: except for the fact that you are nobody without out access to evidence. yeah, and me and a bunch of other nobody people put him in the White House; no evidence needed. Quote but it certainly takes a moron to jump to that conclusion without any proof of the matter, and then to be obstinate and aggressive in the face of contrary information. feel free to think we are morons. we prefer the term Deplorable BTW. Quote prove it. we don't need to. you're looking for the evidence and facts to prove it, we are not. if you suspect your wife is banging someone else, feel free to be the schmuck who searches for proof; I'm sure the other dude will respect you for needing proof. In the mean time most people tend to just know these things. Quote Because she caused the "drama" with the FBI:dumb: Last I checked she wasn't the one calling them names and firing people. Remember, the FBI is about a Red as it gets politically and it ain't Hilary they are interested in. yeah, they did her all those favors for nothing... Quote prove that they are hiding or destroying factsagain, no need. when you smell smoke in the house, you really don't have to wait to call the fire dept. or tear the wall down to see a smoldering wire. maybe you will wait, but I won't. Quote Every politician paints themselves in a favorable light, and sometimes that translates into lies or misconceptions or "half truths". Her new nickname should be Rembrandt then. Quote That landscape of painting themselves in a favorable light does not include attacking the 1st amendment, attacking civil rights, creating an environment that allows bigotry to thrive, destroying America's credibility with the rest of the countries in the world, and putting the country in danger long term for some short term gains. You see the above, many of us see a blunt use of common fucking sense. The fuck-sticks on the far far left are clearly the ones attacking the 1st amendment. I've not heard Trump shut-down anyone who wishes to speak up. We sure as hell don't need to import more low income no-skill people living off assistance the moment they hit our shores and he's certainly never classified everyone coming here as that. Our credibility to the rest of the world? Really? The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us and if they don't like the Phrase America First, they need to understand that means first, not only; but of course they don't like the fact that we are beginning to finally wake up and take care of ourselves because that means less for them. Quote It isn't partisan to look at his actions and see the harm it is causing ALL Americans and call him out for it. Can't do that with Hilary because she isn't doing anything, she's out of government. In fact why are we still talking about her? oh right - to distract from what a shit show this is. Feel free to plug in Democrats instead of Hildafuck. LOL if you think she's not doing anything though. Not officially but that bitch isn't just walking in the woods. That's laughable. Quote Clear how? again prove it. Again, I'll let you continue to play the shell game and crying foul about things that are obvious. Many of us are no longer worried about trying to convince you. I'm not. Quote because you are an extremist that is perfectly ok with "fuck the government". Thankfully you aren't the majority in America.I'm hardly an extremist and however many of us me there are, we most certainly aren't going to just cave and let the socialistic leftists continue to open our borders and flood our country with others taking our money for themselves. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greg1647545532 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: again, no need. when you smell smoke in the house, you really don't have to wait to call the fire dept. or tear the wall down to see a smoldering wire. maybe you will wait, but I won't. Jesus, the cognitive dissonance.... How much smoke is there with this Trump/Russia investigation? Why is all of that smoke from deep state partisan corruption but the smoke around Clinton clearly indicative of a fire? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spankis Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Truly no offense to anybody, but I continue to be surprised to learn about who among friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and fellow usernames voted for Donny T. I'm not delusional about the variety of motivations behind that decision, but just surprised almost every time. Viewpoints and red vs blue (mostly) aside, even once I'm able to understand at least somewhat the reasoning some voters had, I fall back to the voices in my head screaming "Ok sure, fine. But c'mon this fuckin guy gets trusted to carry the flag and be your voice, really?!" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geeto67 Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 TTQ B4U said: yeah, and me and a bunch of other nobody people put him in the White House; no evidence needed. voting someone into office is not the same thing as constantly making baseless accusations against someone else. Quote feel free to think we are morons. we prefer the term Deplorable BTW. who is this "we", I'm just talking about you. And not even you personally, you in the abstract as someone who thinks it's ok to declare something a fact without any proof or evidence. Quote we don't need to. you're looking for the evidence and facts to prove it, we are not. if you suspect your wife is banging someone else, feel free to be the schmuck who searches for proof; I'm sure the other dude will respect you for needing proof. In the mean time most people tend to just know these things. Having trouble with "suspect" and "actually" are we? People aren't Schmucks for wanting something "more than a feeling" (unless you are a fan of the band Boston) to confirm their suspicions. People are wrong constantly, requiring some kind of proof is pretty pragmatic. I'm surprised you don't know that. Quote yeah, they did her all those favors for nothing... Prove anybody did her a favor. Oh wait, you can't and also you don't want to because reality is hard. The FBI has no love for democrats of any stripe, if they had something they could make stick you bet your ass they would have done it. But it's easier for you to deal with her being a crook than there really not being anything worthwhile there so I will try not to destroy this safe space you have built for yourself. I'll just laugh at you. Quote again, no need. when you smell smoke in the house, you really don't have to wait to call the fire dept. or tear the wall down to see a smoldering wire. maybe you will wait, but I won't. because knee jerk reactions work so well. This isn't "smelling smoke" this is someone showing you a picture of fire and you called the fire department. Quote Her new nickname should be Rembrandt then. Fact check it yourself, it's probably more paint by numbers than you think Oh wait, you're lazy and don't want to be bothered. Also, why bother - she's not a factor here. You keep talking about her and I keep saying: so what? she's not relevant anymore. Focus on the now Tim, past is behind us. Quote You see the above, many of us see a blunt use of common fucking sense. The fuck-sticks on the far far left are clearly the ones attacking the 1st amendment. I've not heard Trump shut-down anyone who wishes to speak up. Freedom of the Press is 1st amendment. I don't know what you are talking about, but I only hear 1 person talking about limits on the press and he's currently in charge of the executive branch of government. If you are complaining that some vegan college student doesn't want to hear your old man nonsense, that's not the same thing as the CIC of the country shitting on the constitution. But we aren't talking about 2A so the constitution is meaningless and useless to you anyway. Quote We sure as hell don't need to import more low income no-skill people living off assistance the moment they hit our shores and he's certainly never classified everyone coming here as that. If you were any more "Nationalist" they would automatically Socialist and Party to the description. Per capita the difference between immigrant and non immigrant families receiving social benefits is 20%. That's not a big number, and it gets much smaller when you remove US born children of immigrants who are receiving a benefit. In terms of overall population, there are just more native people receiving a social benefit. How about rather than casting some false moral deficiency on foreign people, we work on the root causes of poverty such as education and job assistance? Oh wait, you think poor people are poor because they are lazy, nevermind. Quote Our credibility to the rest of the world? Really? The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us how? we are the biggest kid on the school yard and were at the forefront diplomacy. Now? worthless. Quote and if they don't like the Phrase America First, they need to understand that means first, not only; but of course they don't like the fact that we are beginning to finally wake up and take care of ourselves because that means less for them It's not that "they" don't like the phrase "America First" so much as those Americans who know that "America First" was the rally call of Nazi-ism and later Soviet interference in America. Excuse me if I don't really trust anybody using that phrase as being altruistic. I will say one of the greatest financial innovations and contributions to national security of the 20th entry is the American ability to weaponize debt and foreign aid. Honestly, our foreign aid buys us cheap insurgents that put political pressure on stable regimes in dozens of countries, and having the Saudi's and Chinese buy our bonds means they have a vested interest in protecting their money and therefore our interests when otherwise there is no motivation. Quote Feel free to plug in Democrats instead of Hildafuck. LOL if you think she's not doing anything though. Not officially but that bitch isn't just walking in the woods. That's laughable. She's making money, I know that. She can do whatever she wants, but she's outside the political sphere. You can think whatever you want, but that don't make it true - and considering you aren't exactly a political insider I'd just chalk this up to your usual paranoia. Quote Again, I'll let you continue to play the shell game and crying foul about things that are obvious. Many of us are no longer worried about trying to convince you. I'm not. If it is so obvious, where is your proof? I highly doubt you were ever concerned with convincing me, I had no delusions to the sort with you. I just liked adding to the noise because it used to be fun, but honestly I am starting to worry about how stable you really are from the things you say. Quote I'm hardly an extremist and however many of us me there are, we most certainly aren't going to just cave and let the socialistic leftists continue to open our borders and flood our country with others taking our money for themselves. How you can read anything you wrote and still think you are mainstream in some way is an amazing twist of logic. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 Geeto67 said: voting someone into office is not the same thing as constantly making baseless accusations against someone else. we still don't need the smoking gun to know who did the shooting. Quote who is this "we", I'm just talking about you. And not even you personally, you in the abstract as someone who thinks it's ok to declare something a fact without any proof or evidence. I'm not the only one who feels this way so I used term we. If you think it's just me then substitute whatever you want. Quote Having trouble with "suspect" and "actually" are we? People aren't Schmucks for wanting something "more than a feeling" (unless you are a fan of the band Boston) to confirm their suspicions. People are wrong constantly, requiring some kind of proof is pretty pragmatic. I'm surprised you don't know that. believe what you want and I'll do the same. still a long way from swaying me from the reality of who she is and what I believe she has done. Quote Prove anybody did her a favor. Oh wait, you can't and also you don't want to because reality is hard. The FBI has no love for democrats of any stripe, if they had something they could make stick you bet your ass they would have done it. But it's easier for you to deal with her being a crook than there really not being anything worthwhile there so I will try not to destroy this safe space you have built for yourself. I'll just laugh at you. Laugh all you want. Again, I'm not here to convince you otherwise. Quote because knee jerk reactions work so well. This isn't "smelling smoke" this is someone showing you a picture of fire and you called the fire department. I'm sure some love your belief in her innocence and that all we're hearing about and seeing is actually just a ruse and that everyone at the FBI making headlines are just innocent victims. Quote Fact check it yourself, it's probably more paint by numbers than you think Oh wait, you're lazy and don't want to be bothered. Also, why bother - she's not a factor here. You keep talking about her and I keep saying: so what? she's not relevant anymore. Focus on the now Tim, past is behind us. You call gut instinct with some common sense of knowing how corrupt things are being lazy. That's okay with me. Quote Freedom of the Press is 1st amendment. I don't know what you are talking about, but I only hear 1 person talking about limits on the press and he's currently in charge of the executive branch of government. yeah, because you so easily forget all those leftist groups shouting down those with opinions. Quote Per capita the difference between immigrant and non immigrant families receiving social benefits is 20%. That's not a big number, and it gets much smaller when you remove US born children of immigrants who are receiving a benefit. In terms of overall population, there are just more native people receiving a social benefit. look at the details however you wish, there are plenty of shit-turd Somolians living in the Morse-Karl Rd. area. we don't need to import a single one of them as they do nothing positive for us. YMMV and I'm sure you'll have some story about you walking among them and having a beer with ease as if you're best friends with some. Congrats. Quote How about rather than casting some false moral deficiency on foreign people, we work on the root causes of poverty such as education and job assistance? Oh wait, you think poor people are poor because they are lazy, nevermind. I'm all for it. However, to ignore the obvious is dumb, so let's not. No, not all poor are lazy but they have a role in their situation as we all do. Quote how? we are the biggest kid on the school yard and were at the forefront diplomacy. Now? worthless. How have they taken advantage of us? Seriously, you need me to go over that? No you don't so let's end the long winded bs. Quote It's not that "they" don't like the phrase "America First" so much as those Americans who know that "America First" was the rally call of Nazi-ism and later Soviet interference in America. Excuse me if I don't really trust anybody using that phrase as being altruistic. You have a wierd obsession with Nazi's. You realize no one cares that your Jewish or likely even knows right? There's no secret movement to out you or hurt you. Quote She's making money, I know that. She can do whatever she wants, but she's outside the political sphere. You can think whatever you want, but that don't make it true - and considering you aren't exactly a political insider I'd just chalk this up to your usual paranoia. you're awfully naive for an educated man. Quote If it is so obvious, where is your proof? I highly doubt you were ever concerned with convincing me, I had no delusions to the sort with you. I just liked adding to the noise because it used to be fun, but honestly I am starting to worry about how stable you really are from the things you say. I'm not at all worried about convincing anyone. Change comes from within and all people have to learn from their mistakes. We're all a little unstable in some way. Fuck with ones beliefs and yes, everyone at some point will snap; you too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TTQ B4U Posted January 25, 2018 Report Share Posted January 25, 2018 spankis said: Truly no offense to anybody, but I continue to be surprised to learn about who among friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and fellow usernames voted for Donny T. I'm not delusional about the variety of motivations behind that decision, but just surprised almost every time. Viewpoints and red vs blue (mostly) aside, even once I'm able to understand at least somewhat the reasoning some voters had, I fall back to the voices in my head screaming "Ok sure, fine. But c'mon this fuckin guy gets trusted to carry the flag and be your voice, really?!" Lots of people who voted didn't vote for him even if they voted for him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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