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More people working = more people paying taxes


THAT is what makes your blood boil?


Unemployment is at an all time low, hopefully it will offset what we're losing. I just have a hard time seeing that. I read somewhere that in the last 2 years unemployment shrunk by less than 1%, with teenage unemployment shrinking way more than any other group, which caused the drop. I'm open to be proven wrong here.


It's one thing that pisses me off. Religion has no place anywhere IMO, especially not politics. Religion is what drives some/most of the dumbest decisions ever made in history. It's old, outdated, made up fairy tales that people use to control others.

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It's one thing that pisses me off. Religion has no place anywhere IMO, especially not politics. Religion is what drives some/most of the dumbest decisions ever made in history. It's old, outdated, made up fairy tales that people use to control others.


100% agree. You have three basically similar religions hogging the majority of religious practitioners in the world and they are fighting stupid bloody wars over literally inches of difference. It's fucked politics, it's fucked community, it's fucked education, and it is going to keep doing so for as long as we let it.


I have said it many times here, what makes for a good personal set of rules for an individual to live by, often makes for shitty public policy to address the ills of a community or group.

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How did everyone think the SOTU went last night?


I thought it was good. Solid, well written speech and he did a better job of reading from a prompter. I think I can count two occasions where he's clearly practiced and done that well. Not that it matters but it's a point I noticed.


Overall I continue to agree with his agenda still shake my head at Pelosi and others who spent the night sucking on their dentures or sitting in protest or simply walking out. The same fuck-sticks that call for him to unify the nation walk out when they don't like him talking about standing for the flag, honoring our heros, defending our nation or in general looking out for America and it's citizens vs the rest of the world and those that are out to harm us.

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What I liked:


- He hired a speechwriter apparently, rehearsed his speech, and didn't do his usual "ad lib nonsense".


he did a better job of reading from a prompter. I think I can count two occasions where he's clearly practiced and done that well. Not that it matters but it's a point I noticed.


Comments like this just shows what a sad state we're in. The leader of our nation gets praised for rehearsing his speech, like a child :lol:


I really liked that he was able to tie his shoes by himself and that he didn't pick his nose on stage.

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Comments like this just shows what a sad state we're in. The leader of our nation gets praised for rehearsing his speech, like a child :lol:


I really liked that he was able to tie his shoes by himself and that he didn't pick his nose on stage.


We've been here before. Remember how much W was mocked for just making up words out of thin air? I mean his name actually became the description of these things in the zeitgeist --> Bushisim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushism


Before that it was Ford, who Chevy Chase used to imitate on SNL as a semi-mentally disabled klutz. It was so popular that people today still think of Ford as a Forrest Gump like President (and it also helped launch Chase's career).


The difference between Bush, Ford, and the Orange Oligarch is that neither Ford nor Bush, even on their best impromptu day wouldn't "accidentally" Nazi-ism, or mock disabled people. They both understood there was a higher standard they were being held to and their deviation was a folksy way of subtly subverting that to keep in touch with mainstream Americans, where as DJT basically says "Fuck your higher standard, America is about Jerry Springer, and casual racism, and cheating on your wife with a porn star - why should we aspire for better". And that is kind of the point of contention, I don't think we have ever had a president before that acted like we shouldn't all collectively aspire to be our better selves.

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I thought it was good. Solid, well written speech and he did a better job of reading from a prompter. I think I can count two occasions where he's clearly practiced and done that well. Not that it matters but it's a point I noticed.


Overall I continue to agree with his agenda still shake my head at Pelosi and others who spent the night sucking on their dentures or sitting in protest or simply walking out. The same fuck-sticks that call for him to unify the nation walk out when they don't like him talking about standing for the flag, honoring our heros, defending our nation or in general looking out for America and it's citizens vs the rest of the world and those that are out to harm us.



I agree. I think the democrats really embarrassed themselves last night. Trump makes a comment about how low unemployment is, everyone claps except for the dems. Whether it's Obama or Trump that is a GOOD THING for America. Instances like this prove they don't care about the American people, only about their agenda whether it helps the citizens or not. Then we got to watch super priveleaged boy Joe Kennedy drool and quietly use buzzwords for 15 minutes criticizing Trump and republicans because, yeah they're classless. Congrats Dems, keep up the bad work so we can move another party into the elections because you guys are a complete joke. Joe Kennedy? :lolguy:

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I agree. I think the democrats really embarrassed themselves last night. Trump makes a comment about how low unemployment is, everyone claps except for the dems. Whether it's Obama or Trump that is a GOOD THING for America. Instances like this prove they don't care about the American people, only about their agenda whether it helps the citizens or not.



Is this the first State of the Union you've watched?


I spent 30 seconds finding this, here's

. Cut to a wide shot of only half the room clapping, you can see Paul Ryan sitting there not clapping along with every single Republican. Does that mean Republicans don't think recovering from the 2008 recession was a good thing? They only care about their agenda?


Look, it's idiotic that congress critters only clap during the SOTU when their own guy is giving the speech, but if there ever was a case for "both sides do it too," oh my god, this is it. This is standard behavior for both parties, going back as long as I can remember, and if you think it means what you just claimed it means, you're a stupid fucking twat. Do I need to go find more examples or are you going to retract your dumbass statement?

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I remember the GOP being just as bitter at Obama's SoTU's. Funny to see the flip-flop within 10 years.


What I also thought was funny is how Trump pretty much read only from the teleprompter facing the GOP side of the floor, and would only pivot to the Dems in order to do this open-handed-scatter movement with his arm, like he was saying "Even YOU GUYS have to agree with this!". :lol:


The bar has been set low. Trump did a good job reading from a pre-written script. Part of this is pageantry that every President goes through. I couldn't help but question how much of this he'll be able to deliver upon, given the noise/foot-in-mouth that Trump has gotten himself into just within this first year in office.


My high-school years were Clinton, my 20s were Bush Era....I feel that coming out of the recession Obama had an uphill battle, getting the GOP to work with him. Trump is further alienating an already-politically divided country, adding difficulty to getting the Dems to work with him. Unfortunately, I still find his ability to remain his own worst enemy to be what hurts him the most.

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I read somewhere that in the last 2 years unemployment shrunk by less than 1%, with teenage unemployment shrinking way more than any other group, which caused the drop. I'm open to be proven wrong here.


It's one thing that pisses me off. Religion has no place anywhere IMO, especially not politics. Religion is what drives some/most of the dumbest decisions ever made in history. It's old, outdated, made up fairy tales that people use to control others.


Our teenage generation is among the laziest, self centered group of people who think something is owed to them that I've ever heard of. Any generation who doesn't think they have to listen to police, can talk to their parents like they are garbage and most of all are confused on what gender they are is prone to have employment issues, not out of no jobs, but out of sheer laziness. My children are included in this... They are lazy and when you try to correct it, you have teacher's etc... coddling them.


I completely agree with you about religion.

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Comments like this just shows what a sad state we're in. The leader of our nation gets praised for rehearsing his speech, like a child :lol:


I really liked that he was able to tie his shoes by himself and that he didn't pick his nose on stage.


dude, EVERYTHING he says and does he gets shit for... the media and Hollywood "elite" have done nothing but bash the guy at every turn and unfortunately have made sheep out of most of america. I think his twitter posting gets him in trouble and fuels the fire but give me a break, still right now, Yahoo home page is talking about the fact that his wife wore a white outfit and there's a hidden meaning behind it.


I'd rather have a President who at times speaks out of turn than a president who has destroyed the nation even half as much as Obama did... we have more civil unrest since his presidency than any other presidency I can ever remember. Seriously BLM, Antifa... hate groups... National Deficit trippled... People are confused about basic biology, just plain civil unrest. Like Trump or not, he's who we need.

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dude, EVERYTHING he says and does he gets shit for... the media and Hollywood "elite" have done nothing but bash the guy at every turn and unfortunately have made sheep out of most of america. I think his twitter posting gets him in trouble and fuels the fire but give me a break, still right now, Yahoo home page is talking about the fact that his wife wore a white outfit and there's a hidden meaning behind it.


I'd rather have a President who at times speaks out of turn than a president who has destroyed the nation even half as much as Obama did... we have more civil unrest since his presidency than any other presidency I can ever remember. Seriously BLM, Antifa... hate groups... National Deficit trippled... People are confused about basic biology, just plain civil unrest. Like Trump or not, he's who we need.


I think that 99% of the time he is deserving of the shit he gets. If the Yahoo homepage thing is true, then yeah, that's just silliness. It is Yahoo after-all :lol:


Obama also did not destroy this nation :lol: Shit, I believe the reason that the Dems didn't clap was because Trump was trying to take credit for things the last administration accomplished.

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I think that 99% of the time he is deserving of the shit he gets. If the Yahoo homepage thing is true, then yeah, that's just silliness. It is Yahoo after-all :lol:


Obama also did not destroy this nation :lol: Shit, I believe the reason that the Dems didn't clap was because Trump was trying to take credit for things the last administration accomplished.


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I think that 99% of the time he is deserving of the shit he gets. If the Yahoo homepage thing is true, then yeah, that's just silliness. It is Yahoo after-all :lol:


Obama also did not destroy this nation :lol: Shit, I believe the reason that the Dems didn't clap was because Trump was trying to take credit for things the last administration accomplished.



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A lot going on in the criminal enterprise this week. The Nunes memo, which Republicans apparently discretely changed before sending it over to the white house for release approval, was kicked back to the house intelligence committee, presumably after Trump realized that rumors and innuendo surrounding the memo would be more effective than the actual trainwreck of a memo. This may have had something to do with the FBI publicly releasing a statement (an unusual move) stating that the memo contained "material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy."


To make it worse, Trump's own pick to head the FBI after he fired James Comey, Chris Wray, is standing by the FBI in attacking the memo, and the FBI for its part appears to be standing by him. And Don Jr let slip what we all knew already, that Andrew McCabe didn't leave of his own volition.


Apparently "drain the swamp" means purging civil servants tasked with investigating Trump's criminal enterprise.


Just this morning Trump has continued his war on his own FBI, accusing them of politicizing investigations in favor of Democrats, apparently forgetting that his own Rod-Rosenstein-crafted flimsy excuse for firing Comey was that the FBI had apparently politicized the Clinton investigation in order to hurt Democrats.


It's amazing how quickly law-and-order, pro-law-enforcement, "lock her up" Republicans have done a complete 180 on the sanctity of the FBI.


Clearly there's a conspiracy here. The obvious one, the one we're all seeing play out in public, is that Trump, Nunes, et al are conspiring to obstruct or end a lawful and necessary investigation into Russian election meddling, an investigation that has already snagged 4 criminals, by purging the FBI of career civil servants unwilling to bend the knee to Trump, and publicly attacking the integrity of the organization itself.


The alternate conspiracy, the one that exists only in the narrative Trump and his cronies have invented in order to carry out their own conspiracy, is that deep state liberals in the FBI just have it in for him, and somehow they're also being paid by Russia. Or something like that, it's hard to take this all seriously.


Where there's smoke and fire, indeed, there must be fire. We need to end this ridiculousness.

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A lot going on in the criminal enterprise this week. The Nunes memo, which Republicans apparently discretely changed before sending it over to the white house for release approval, was kicked back to the house intelligence committee, presumably after Trump realized that rumors and innuendo surrounding the memo would be more effective than the actual trainwreck of a memo. This may have had something to do with the FBI publicly releasing a statement (an unusual move) stating that the memo contained "material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy."


To make it worse, Trump's own pick to head the FBI after he fired James Comey, Chris Wray, is standing by the FBI in attacking the memo, and the FBI for its part appears to be standing by him. And Don Jr let slip what we all knew already, that Andrew McCabe didn't leave of his own volition.


Apparently "drain the swamp" means purging civil servants tasked with investigating Trump's criminal enterprise.


Just this morning Trump has continued his war on his own FBI, accusing them of politicizing investigations in favor of Democrats, apparently forgetting that his own Rod-Rosenstein-crafted flimsy excuse for firing Comey was that the FBI had apparently politicized the Clinton investigation in order to hurt Democrats.


It's amazing how quickly law-and-order, pro-law-enforcement, "lock her up" Republicans have done a complete 180 on the sanctity of the FBI.


Clearly there's a conspiracy here. The obvious one, the one we're all seeing play out in public, is that Trump, Nunes, et al are conspiring to obstruct or end a lawful and necessary investigation into Russian election meddling, an investigation that has already snagged 4 criminals, by purging the FBI of career civil servants unwilling to bend the knee to Trump, and publicly attacking the integrity of the organization itself.


The alternate conspiracy, the one that exists only in the narrative Trump and his cronies have invented in order to carry out their own conspiracy, is that deep state liberals in the FBI just have it in for him, and somehow they're also being paid by Russia. Or something like that, it's hard to take this all seriously.


Where there's smoke and fire, indeed, there must be fire. We need to end this ridiculousness.




How do you like being wrong? Oh let me guess, you still have doubts? Hey everyone, Greg the conspiracy theorist doesn't like what happened so he's creating his own narrative. :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:



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So the memo is out and it's a real nothingburger.


that's because we already knew there were shenanigans going on at the FBI and Justice Dept. from way back when Billy boy had his tarmac conversation and even before that. pretty sad really. may have to re-watch Snowdan again this weekend. Motherfucker wasn't wrong.

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that's because we already knew there were shenanigans going on at the FBI and Justice Dept. from way back when Billy boy had his tarmac conversation and even before that. pretty sad really. may have to re-watch Snowdan again this weekend. Motherfucker wasn't wrong.


These shenanigans include Trump appointees calling out the memo for containing material omissions of fact? The Deep State goes deep if it includes Trump.

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