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So ugh...military parade eh?




Curious to hear the thoughts of the Trumperinos are on this one.


More government = bad. Government display of power = good.

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So ugh...military parade eh?




Curious to hear the thoughts of the Trumperinos are on this one.


More government = bad. Government display of power = good.


Trump says hey I want one of those. That was awesome.


The very honorable Washington post reports trump is going to have a parade.


Reality. There won't be a parade.

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So ugh...military parade eh?




Curious to hear the thoughts of the Trumperinos are on this one.


More government = bad. Government display of power = good.


I prefer us not have a military parade.

What are your thoughts on the Memo? It's interesting how quiet it got in here once that came out. I guess if you pretend it didn't happen then it didn't, right?

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What do you think the memo accomplished?


Trey Gowdy said that the memo shouldn't have any affect on Mueller's investigation and that it should continue unimpeded, but that problems with FISA warrants should be looked into, or something to that effect. I see no problem with that stance, do you?

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I prefer us not have a military parade.

What are your thoughts on the Memo? It's interesting how quiet it got in here once that came out. I guess if you pretend it didn't happen then it didn't, right?


It did get quiet in here.


Here are my thoughts on what I know about the memo:


The memo makes a bunch of allegations that I cannot have an opinion on whether they are true or not because I simply don't know.


What it does sound like to me is that they are trying to discredit the FBI and the way they conducted the investigation of Russian interference in the election. Kind of like "The suspect was seen at the crime scene, his fingerprints are on the murder weapon, but the cop has been heard using the N-word before and dated the paperwork wrong so the suspect is free to go".

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What it does sound like to me is that they are trying to discredit the FBI


I think the FBI's own people have done that for themselves. The love-birds text messages are interesting. They should just release all those to the public vs some memos.

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How about carter page being a mole for the FBI. Works for the FBI then they get a title 1 FISA warrant against him which is only for foreign spies. Yeah the amount of corruption in the DOJ and FBI is sickening. The entire Obama admin was corrupt.
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How about carter page being a mole for the FBI. Works for the FBI then they get a title 1 FISA warrant against him which is only for foreign spies. Yeah the amount of corruption in the DOJ and FBI is sickening. The entire Obama admin was corrupt.


This doesn't make any sense. If Carter Page was working with the FBI he could just let them tap his phones and give them access to whatever they want, and they wouldn't have had to document it all with the FISA court...

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Congratulations @ElonMusk and @SpaceX on the successful #FalconHeavy launch. This achievement, along with @NASA’s commercial and international partners, continues to show American ingenuity at its best!


I guess someone forgot to inform the Donald that Musk is from one of those shithole countries that now shows "American" ingenuity.

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I guess someone forgot to inform the Donald that Musk is from one of those shithole countries that now shows "American" ingenuity.


Not really. He never called South Africa a shit hole country and Musk is far from being a boat person from Somalia that lives along Karl Rd. He's well educated, comes from an educated family and came to the US as a Canadian Citizen with even more education. He had of the merit that Trump is stating we need to look for in people. Same with Steve Jobs who's biological father was well educated and wealthy prior to coming here.

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Trump made a blanket statement of African countries. It's been little over a year since I've been there, but pretty sure it's still in Africa and it's still a country.


So we only want people who are already well off? Well good fucking luck with that. People usually want to move somewhere better because they aren't well off, looking to do better. Plenty of examples of people who were or who's ancesters came here with pretty much jack shit and becoming successful and making contributions to the US and the world. Anyone who isn't a native American, for example.


Speaking of S. Africa. This reminds me of the logic of some "native" South Africans who like to blame all their problems on Europeans coming to the country, and that they don't believe in "western" science and culture as they send a tweet on their mobile phone.

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Trump made a blanket statement of African countries. It's been little over a year since I've been there, but pretty sure it's still in Africa and it's still a country.


I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know what specifically he was referencing. The people from these places that are shit holes know it too. Just the same if you're not from a shit hole area of Africa you know that too. Stop playing games with words and statements.


It's time everyone get-real and face the truth where it's applicable. The US has plenty of shit hole areas and others can feel free to the US is a shit-hole too. 1. We know that's not true, 2. We also know Gary, IN and the South-side of Chicago are the types of areas that are shit holes and that even the people there know it and the rest of us know our areas aren't. To get bent over such a statement and to willingly separate context is childish.


On the other side of the world, I was just in Haiti at the end of last year on a mission building homes with about 30 others I know in the group and the place is a hole, has been and the people there know it too. Lots of great people there and it's sad, but the same is true of our own country and many of our people. I'd love to save the world, but we can't. It's not wrong to accept that and move on. It's actually the responsible thing to do. We have to take care of our own first and slow down the rate of which we are contributing elsewhere until we have our own house in order.


So we only want people who are already well off? Well good fucking luck with that. People usually want to move somewhere better because they aren't well off, looking to do better.
How about we don't take in the dirt-bags so many are defending? It's pretty easy to recognize and ferret out trash and the ones in the middle need to be vetted well. We can help some of them but not all of them. Again, stop playing games and recognize that it's time to focus on America first. Same holds true in our personal lives. The wife and I do a lot for others but we know the line is drawn at the point of which you don't jeopardize or hurt your own family when doing so.


Plenty of examples of people who were or who's ancesters came here with pretty much jack shit and becoming successful and making contributions to the US and the world. Anyone who isn't a native American, for example.
True. One of my best friends who ironically is black, a Muslim and has a very Muslim name, came here alone at age 15 with just handful of money and couldn't afford to come with his family. He lived in a shelter but worked from day 1 and made it through our system to where he is today he is a very successful person in the medical industry, living in a very nice house with an American wife and kids and is a proud Trump supporter. He came in the right way and brought over plenty of Merit. His family hasn't made their way here and he knows he's fortunate to have.


We aren't in the same position today as we were back when these "ancestors" including mine, were making their way to our shores. Times are different and the entire world is different. Yes, I support changing the way our immigration policy functions. Our systems are taxed already and it's time to lower the water pressure those systems can catch up.

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True. One of my best friends who ironically is black, a Muslim and has a very Muslim name, came here alone at age 15 with just handful of money and couldn't afford to come with his family. He lived in a shelter but worked from day 1 and made it through our system to where he is today he is a very successful person in the medical industry, living in a very nice house with an American wife and kids and is a proud Trump supporter. He came in the right way and brought over plenty of Merit. His family hasn't made their way here and he knows he's fortunate to have.


Just to be clear, one of your best friends is a pristine example of a poor immigrant who started with nothing, was afforded a shot at the American dream, and turned out to be a stellar member of society, and you still support policies that would have prevented him from coming here in the first place?


Fucking cold, man.

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Just to be clear, one of your best friends is a pristine example of a poor immigrant who started with nothing, was afforded a shot at the American dream, and turned out to be a stellar member of society, and you still support policies that would have prevented him from coming here in the first place?


Fucking cold, man.



Probably because for every 1 of those there are 20 that live off of our taxes. You want to give MY money to them? Fucking cold, man.

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Probably because for every 1 of those there are 20 that live off of our taxes. You want to give MY money to them? Fucking cold, man.


The majority recipients of public assistance programs in immigrant households (both legal and illegal) are children. You want to deny the children access to milk and cheese and bread? fucking cold, man.


BTW, Native people use more public assistance for "cash welfare" and housing, where as immigrants use public assistance more than natives for Food and Medicaid.

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Just to be clear, one of your best friends is a pristine example of a poor immigrant who started with nothing, was afforded a shot at the American dream, and turned out to be a stellar member of society, and you still support policies that would have prevented him from coming here in the first place? Fucking cold, man.


Yes and no. First, he wasn't some dirt-bag poor immigrant with no found history or taken in as a stray cat. He applied the legit way and when vetted, which he noted was a several year process involving interviews, he was able to show that he and his family were citizens of South Africa in good standing and able to carry their own. His father is a doctor and his mother was a school teacher. He came from a middle class family not a homeless shelter that would require they live off gov't assistance. Not a slam on the latter family mind you but their situation is a factor that I believe we need to consider. We aren't country of cat-ladies taking in every single stray we find only to live among a pile of cat shit. We have to be selective as it's the responsible thing to do.


The key is also these are HIS VIEWS TOO. So as an immigrant like he was, yes, he too supports changing our immigration system. Nothing pisses him off more than to see our country take in a bunch of trashy Somalians or others only to let them set a bad example vs someone like him. The former ruin it for the good ones and that's our fault for permitting it through poor practices.


Ironically it's also funny to hear him talk about how he as a True African, is treated differently by the black community. Especially the poor. I've actually witnessed it first-hand as we travel together and he is indeed looked upon differently. It's like they snub him as soon as they hear his accent. The ironic part is when they reference African American's when in fact he is truely an African American.

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Yes and no. First, he wasn't some dirt-bag poor immigrant with no found history or taken in as a stray cat. He applied the legit way and when vetted, which he noted was a several year process involving interviews, he was able to show that he and his family were citizens of South Africa in good standing and able to carry their own. His father is a doctor and his mother was a school teacher. He came from a middle class family not a homeless shelter that would require they live off gov't assistance. Not a slam on the latter family mind you but their situation is a factor that I believe we need to consider. We aren't country of cat-ladies taking in every single stray we find only to live among a pile of cat shit. We have to be selective as it's the responsible thing to do.


The key is also these are HIS VIEWS TOO. So as an immigrant like he was, yes, he too supports changing our immigration system. Nothing pisses him off more than to see our country take in a bunch of trashy Somalians or others only to let them set a bad example vs someone like him. The former ruin it for the good ones and that's our fault for permitting it through poor practices.


Ironically it's also funny to hear him talk about how he as a True African, is treated differently by the black community. Especially the poor. I've actually witnessed it first-hand as we travel together and he is indeed looked upon differently. It's like they snub him as soon as they hear his accent. The ironic part is when they reference African American's when in fact he is truely an African American.


Thank you for that perspective.


It's interesting to me, this modern conservative view of immigration seems like an admittance that the American dream I learned about as a kid is BS. (The American dream, of course, being a contrast of the class system of feudal England, where your lot in life was determined by your family's position in society. Rather, in America, it didn't matter who your parents were, or how much money they had, or your race/religion/nationality; anybody could become anybody).


Not that the erosion of the American dream is a conservative viewpoint, I think progressives have been shouting for years about how the American dream doesn't actually apply to a lot of underprivileged classes, but there was always a lot of pushback from conservatives about how the various success stories prove that it's still true.


And yet, here we have a modern approach, which says yes, it does matter who your parents are, and how much money they have, and if you don't meet those minimum qualifications then it doesn't matter how hard you work, you probably won't succeed here, so we shouldn't let you in lest you become a drain on public resources.


That's how it feels, at least. Maybe it's true, but it just doesn't describe the American I want to live in.


But again, I do appreciate the perspective.

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Just to be clear, one of your best friends is a pristine example of a poor immigrant who started with nothing, was afforded a shot at the American dream, and turned out to be a stellar member of society, and you still support policies that would have prevented him from coming here in the first place?


Fucking cold, man.


Probably because for every 1 of those there are 20 that live off of our taxes. You want to give MY money to them? Fucking cold, man.


The majority recipients of public assistance programs in immigrant households (both legal and illegal) are children. You want to deny the children access to milk and cheese and bread? fucking cold, man.


Have you guys been outside recently? I'm ready for winter to be over.


Fucking cold, man.

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