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THAT made you laugh? Jesus you're more a fucking loser than I thought.


that made everyone laugh.


What the hell is a soyboy anyway? and how is eating soy an insult? everyone eats soy, it's in like most of the products people eat these days anyway (srsly it's in like half taco bell's menu items). If that is the Alex Jones wannabe replacement for cuck that is the saddest thing I have ever heard - It's like trying to insult someone by calling them oxygen breathers.

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that made everyone laugh.


What the hell is a soyboy anyway? and how is eating soy an insult? everyone eats soy, it's in like most of the products people eat these days anyway (srsly it's in like half taco bell's menu items). If that is the Alex Jones wannabe replacement for cuck that is the saddest thing I have ever heard.


Not surprised you cite Taco Bell :lolguy:



This is how I picture Greg and Grant



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This is how I picture Greg and Grant while I fap to the mean comments that I encourage them to write about me on the internet. Shame cumming is soooooooo gooood!!!!!!



Fixed it for you. ;)



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speaking of....



let's get back on track for a second before Brandon threatens to come to your house to "talk".....




US President Donald Trump, who said on Wednesday that missiles were "coming", has now tweeted that he "never said when".


fucking seriously!?! either he is the best twitter troll that has ever existed or he's mentally retarded to the mental capacity of a 7 year old.

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Here are Trevor Noah's heros. It's long, but interesting for those who care about history. Dives into the Soviet Union, Vietnam and even how the media isn't interested in truth, but rather the story that better fits their agenda. Potentially NWS due to graphic depictions of violence.


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On the job training for Rosie the Riviter is easy. On the job training for someone that makes tools and dies, programs welding robots, CNC lathes/mills/etc is not, and it's a hell of a high risk for a business to take. During the war there was much more manual labor, where adding more people meant increasing your output, and they could have varying skills. These days it's much more automated, the throughput is much higher, and the tolerances are much higher. Adding muscle doesn't mean you can make more.


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I guess you are thinking that because the unemployment rate is low there aren’t any people to do these jobs? The rate is taken from a small demographic of people who actually seek employment, not those able to work. Again willingness to work seems to be the factor. According to your reply, it seems they manufactured lesser quality items back then, and the workforce was just muscle no brains.


As was stated to me , “The world needs ditch diggers too” should have resonance today, it it is lost. Not all people are suited to be Nuclear physicists, but all have the ability to achieve goals and assist in society. Finding a way to harness some pride and accomplishment would do wonders, and leave less energy for those who would like to do unproductive things. People taking advantage of systems designed to temporarily help, neither helps them or the people who monetarily support these programs. Bringing outside country work forces in, without concentrating on accentuating the positive aspects of the existing people keeps adding to this issue.


Regardless of how complicated,or excuse ridden these issues are made, it is a simple matter of how things work. If 98% or your car is working, but one of the four tires is flat, you simply cannot operate that car. The tire needs to be repaired. If the tire is repaired and keeps going flat, it would be extremely beneficial to determine the cause of the failure and fix the underlying problem, instead of constantly repairing the tire. Same goes for a living being and a well functioning productive society. When your mother cleans up your messy room, she is doing you no justice, unless she teaches you how to do it, and makes you feel good about doing it.

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From what I see above, the conservative people having a discussion, while the liberal spews nasty personal hate remarks. This is all I seem to see and hear on the media as well as from democratic liberals. I never paid attention to this, but as soon as I did, it was crystal clear as in the replies above.


The same person who posted this ignored my (what I think was a) thoughtful response to a direct question about manufacturing and trade imbalances, and proceeded to make some inane suggestion about how I should give away my house.


How many internet points do I get for pointing out this irony?

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Republicans: "Democrats just want to give taxpayer money to poor people to trick them into continuing to vote for Democrats."


Also Republicans: "Our only accomplishment since we've taken power is to jack up the annual deficit to unprecedented levels to give you all a big tax cut. Don't you like your tax cut? Keep voting for us!!"


<Paul Ryan, having accomplished all he set out to do, retires>

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The same person who posted this ignored my (what I think was a) thoughtful response to a direct question about manufacturing and trade imbalances, and proceeded to make some inane suggestion about how I should give away my house.


How many internet points do I get for pointing out this irony?


Come on Greg, if you are going to call him a hypocrite at least spike the ball:


It is very clear how small your little world is,



Again you are an idiot.



I found a definition of Kerry in the dictionary as well. It seems you are named after a large piece of shit. The definition is spot on.



Maybe you could relocate to Area 51? From now on, as in John Carpenter’s movie, you will be referred to as “The Thing”.



You sure bring your class directly from Manhasset, and it shows. The true colors of a New York buffoon. Keep preaching



We are just fine out here, I suggest you go elsewhere, you seem far too smart for living here. I guess the smarter attorneys got to stay home in New York ,and they shipped the lower paying people to Ohio. Appears like we got the shitty end of the deal. Maybe one day you can get promoted and go back, you’re not wanted here , I thought I had made that clear.



The reality is, when it is discussing different subtle shades of what he believes in, then it's a discussion - if it is a fundamental disagreement then it is nasty hate remarks. Just like it's insulting when I do it but when he does it he just thinks he's speaking the truth. :dumb:

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Anybody see Stephanopoulos's interview with Comey? How about Colbert's? Anybody want to weigh in?


My 2 cents, I have mixed feelings about Comey. On the one hand I admire his composure, integrity, and commitment to ethics as a law enforcement officer in the service of this country. On the other hand, in both interviews he hit squarely upon what was clearly a bad call, and talks at length about how difficult a decision it was, but in the end continues to give an account of what is recognized as an obvious mis-read of the situation. He also underplays the decision he made as being the lesser of two evils but honestly I don't feel like it was unless you inject his personal partisan politics into it.

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Gotta say, that Trump-Melania hand hold is the worst thing I've seen in a long time.


Meh...I must prefer the small jabs like this than if she outright just left him and we had to deal with a publicly falling apart president.

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