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Geeto67's Political Playground


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I don't want to talk. I think you are human garbage and if you really need to hear it from me in person, fine I will oblige you. I don't know what other discussion you need. I don't think you are coming to my house to talk. Considering the masked threats you have made here I do not believe for one moment that if you indeed show up on my doorstep that you are there for a benign reason. If that is unclear let me make it clear: If you show up on my doorstep I fully believe you are there to do me and my family harm. <---still feel like a hero? Still think you are the good guy?


PM sent.



Who said I was the good guy? I'll see ya soon ;)

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Who said I was the good guy? I'll see ya soon ;)


Good to know you are dangerous person intent on doing people harm for their opinion of you (which if you remember they have a constitutional right to) as a way of proving you are not human garbage. :dumb:

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Good to know you are dangerous person intent on doing people harm for their opinion of you (which if you remember they have a constitutional right to) as a way of proving you are not human garbage. :dumb:


Again, where and when did I say I was doing harm to anyone? I can see you shaking in your shoes from here :lolguy:

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Again, where and when did I say I was doing harm to anyone?


For the Sake of a clear record:


I can't wait to see you at cars and coffee this year. I hope to fucking god you say that shit to my face.


The only thing I'd be worried about with you is you falling on me, because although I consider myself fairly strong, I don't think I could lift 500lbs of pure fat off me.


Sure, what's your address? I won't threaten you over the internet. We'll just see what happens when I show up in front of your house.


I just wanted to talk ;)


Who said I was the good guy? I'll see ya soon ;)



And in case you didn't think it was obvious, others made comments in this thread that it was clear you were making threats.




I can see you shaking in your shoes from here :lolguy:


Should we add stalking to your list of potential crimes? Just to be clear, I have not threatened you physically, I have not insisted to meet you at your house, I have not done anything other than to express my opinion that you are human garbage. So far you have not disappointed in proving me right.


You have all you need. The ball is in your court to walk away from this or not. I think the fact that I pm'ed you my address shows I am not shaking in my boots.

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For the Sake of a clear record:













And in case you didn't think it was obvious, others made comments in this thread that it was clear you were making threats.






Should we add stalking to your list of potential crimes? Just to be clear, I have not threatened you physically, I have not insisted to meet you at your house, I have not done anything other than to express my opinion that you are human garbage. So far you have not disappointed in proving me right.


You have all you need. The ball is in your court to walk away from this or not. I think the fact that I pm'ed you my address shows I am not shaking in my boots.


See ya soon cupcake :thumbup:

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See ya soon cupcake :thumbup:


Day 0 of Brandon not showing up at my house.


Do we need to phone in a tip to the FBI for this or should we just book the entire cars and coffee event to show up and help keep the good times rolling :p

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Oh I won't be coming during the day, sweetheart


That's why it's Day 0 sweet lips. Tomorrow will be day 1, because you won't show tonight. Jesus fucking Christ you don't even know how a count up timer works.


Do we need to phone in a tip to the FBI for this or should we just book the entire cars and coffee event to show up and help keep the good times rolling :p


You could ask them to show but I have a feeling that, like is common with most experiences with Brandon, they will be disappointed.


since I am throwing more gasoline on this fire:

Very typical to disrespect a combat vet.


I am not disrespecting a combat vet, I am disrespecting you. My opinion that you lack empathy, sympathy, human decency, and are basically a waste of human existence has nothing to do with your alleged military record - it's drawn directly from what you have chosen to post and your literal lack of compassion toward victims of....literally....anything. Honestly, I don't know if you were even in the military, I have no proof of it, nor do I want any. I am entitled to my opinion, as you are to yours and the only things that baffles me here are 1) why do you care so much? and 2) why are you so hell bent on doing someone physical harm because of an opinion that your character is mostly comprised of human feces? 3) what do you think physical harm is going to accomplish? It isn't going to change my opinion, in fact the more you push this the more you prove to everyone reading you are literally the human waste that I called you out for, so what's your end game?



Also that's a real nice victim mentality you have, snowflake. I thought you were tired of all the victims whining and complaining that they don't get respect for having gone through some shit, I didn't realize that you just meant everyone but you.

Edited by Geeto67
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Kerry, WTF?


Just seeing how far mr "come say it to my face" wants to take it. If I end up shot in the face, I'll let you guys know tomorrow.


This is kind of fun, I haven't had someone even fake threaten me in a while.

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Tell them not to take you to Grant. We don't take children and we're full anyways.


I'll make sure to ask for you by name.


Please live stream this on periscope and let me know when you are filming. PM me on CR it will notify my phone. Thank you.


It hadn't occurred to me to do that. Although, why do you want to livestream nothing?



This is just a dumb kid who took it too far through his typing. He's not actually stupid enough in real life to throw away his whole future to physically attack someone who called him a name on the internet. My money is he's gonna lay low off CR for a few days, let this blow over, and he'll forget all about it and come back having learned nothing about his toxic victim hating rhetoric.


To be honest though, I'm kinda surprised he was stupid enough to be threatening in writing on the internet. Now if something happens to me, even if it is an accident and not fatal, he's a prime suspect.

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Day 1 of Brandon not showing up at my house.


Just because you didn't see me, doesn't mean I wasn't there ;)



I'll make sure to ask for you by name.




It hadn't occurred to me to do that. Although, why do you want to livestream nothing?



This is just a dumb kid who took it too far through his typing. He's not actually stupid enough in real life to throw away his whole future to physically attack someone who called him a name on the internet. My money is he's gonna lay low off CR for a few days, let this blow over, and he'll forget all about it and come back having learned nothing about his toxic victim hating rhetoric.


To be honest though, I'm kinda surprised he was stupid enough to be threatening in writing on the internet. Now if something happens to me, even if it is an accident and not fatal, he's a prime suspect.


Where is the threat? You keep saying that, but I don't think you know what that word means.

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Just because you didn't see me, doesn't mean I wasn't there ;)



or it could be you weren't there.




Where is the threat? You keep saying that, but I don't think you know what that word means.


you are some kind of retarded aren't you? it's detailed in an earlier post. Even some of the mods were talking about how they can't really have you making threats on the board last night, they probably haven't taken action because, like me, they realize you are harmless.


Still, If you are banking on the idea that you haven't overtly stated you are going to kick my ass or something like that, our prisons are full of people that don't understand that their comments are taken in aggregate, in context, and with presumed intent. Just inferring any kind of harm is enough.


Dude, stop being lame. It's bad enough you have to live as human garbage, don't make it worse.

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I have literally made no threats. Kerry is all about technicalities until it doesn't favor him. Tell me where I threatened you. I looked back at previous posts and cannot find one threat. This should be easy.


Maybe the mods can help? If I threatened anyone, I will take full responsibility, but I know I didn't.

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