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I wasn't referencing anyone in specific Tim, but clearly I hit a nerve with you. But thank you for demonstrating what I was talking about before, with this thing about brown people and it being "trendy to hate on white people".


sure you weren't. didn't hit a nerve with me either. I'm active in this thread and you know that too. just remember too that the likes of Ferrakan and his followers are just as prevalent and a threat as all us Molan Labe White Supremacist categories that you like to put people in and you will never be their friend because you're white, Jewish and from NY. and the gangs of Somali's that tagged my buddies car near Karl Rd. who are the ones I'm typically referencing won't see your empathy as anything but a weakness. they don't like you either so don't be that foolish loan white guy among them as if you're their buddy marching for their cause. I don't think you're that naive though.

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just remember too that the likes of Ferrakan and his followers are just as prevalent and a threat as all us Molan Labe White Supremacist categories that you like to put people in and you will never be their friend because you're white, Jewish and from NY.


The Southern Poverty Law center classifies the Nation of Islam as a Black Separatist hate group, not any different from the klan or any other what would be considered a white supremacist hate group. Yeah they suck, bit time for the racisim and the homophobia, and all the other bullshit, but are they really that active these days? I mean when was the last time you heard the NOI holding a violent rally, or..well...anything?


But since when have I ever brought up the Nation of Islam or Louis Farrakhan, at all? or said that I support them in any way? Why are we talking about them now? Oh that's right, you need some sort of comparative moral justification to maintain this idea you have about white people being under attack.


Also, I am pretty sure I never said molon labe and white supremacy are mutually exclusive. I'm pretty sure they aren't, however my personal opinion is that the venn diagram of both groups is not narrow, but I have no proof of that. Not that I have said that before this conversation.



and the gangs of Somali's that tagged my buddies car near Karl Rd. who are the ones I'm typically referencing won't see your empathy as anything but a weakness. they don't like you either so don't be that foolish loan white guy among them as if you're their buddy marching for their cause. I don't think you're that naive though.


Why do you measure the right thing to do by whether people will like me or not? seems odd. Are you insinuating that I am some sort of "race traitor"? because it sure sounds like that to me. Keep in mind, white supremacists wouldn't have me either, I'm just way easier to hide.

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The Southern Poverty Law center classifies the Nation of Islam as a Black Separatist hate group, not any different from the klan or any other what would be considered a white supremacist hate group.


But since when have I ever brought up the Nation of Islam or Louis Farrakhan, at all? Why are we talking about them now? Oh that's right, you need some sort of comparative moral justification to maintain this idea you have about white people being under attack.


Also, I am pretty sure I never said molon labe and white supremacy are mutually exclusive. I'm pretty sure they aren't, however my personal opinion is that the venn diagram of both groups is not narrow, but I have no proof of that. Not that I have said that before this conversation.


Why do you measure the right thing to do by whether people will like me or not? seems odd.


the fact that you give SPLC any credence isn't surprising. we'll have to agree to disagree on them.


You've been all over talk here when it comes to Muslims and race. Why are they off limits simply because you didn't specifically mentioned Farrakhan? You've also mentioned your being attacked because your Jewish....in fact you've mentioned that on CR several times. I even countered it with the fact that you acted like you're the only one here when you're not. I won't dig for the thread(s). Talk about whites being under attack......are you now self identifying as black?


You also lump people into groups so much several people have pointed out not just me. In fact that's what you do best then cry foul when others do it in return.

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h see, the "lie profusely" about it is the rub. Most politicians feel like they have to lie profusely about it because the majority of Americans will judge them, even if the sex is consensual.


Well it’s good you can look past these small character flaws. With that logic we could overlook Jeffrey Dahmers errors, because he was a good cook. I am glad that you consider yourself intelligent, I will chalk it up to the Dunning-Kruger effect. No fixing that.

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h see, the "lie profusely" about it is the rub. Most politicians feel like they have to lie profusely about it because the majority of Americans will judge them, even if the sex is consensual.


Well it’s good you can look past these small character flaws. With that logic we could overlook Jeffrey Dahmers errors, because he was a good cook. I am glad that you consider yourself intelligent, I will chalk it up to the Dunning-Kruger effect. No fixing that.


Everybody has character flaws. There is no morally perfect person. I want to know why the sex life of your politician is specifically important to you in deciding whether he can do his job?

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Everybody has character flaws. There is no morally perfect person. I want to know why the sex life of your politician is specifically important to you in deciding whether he can do his job?


Seems to be constantly brought up about our current President

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Seems to be constantly brought up about our current President


He has more flaws than...ahem...most


Still,sticking his dick in a porn star doesn't mean he's incompetent, the fact that he forgot to sign the NDA after he bought her off doesn't help him though.

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the fact that you give SPLC any credence isn't surprising. we'll have to agree to disagree on them.


You've been all over talk here when it comes to Muslims and race. Why are they off limits simply because you didn't specifically mentioned Farrakhan? You've also mentioned your being attacked because your Jewish....in fact you've mentioned that on CR several times. I even countered it with the fact that you acted like you're the only one here when you're not. I won't dig for the thread(s). Talk about whites being under attack......are you now self identifying as black?


You also lump people into groups so much several people have pointed out not just me. In fact that's what you do best then cry foul when others do it in return.




Tim, I think any benefit of the doubt I was giving you just went out the window.


Farrakhan isn't off limits, I just don't understand the relevance? Tell me why we are talking about them? I don't think you'll ever find me defending them.

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Should this lady go to prison?



What, it's she's just making a SBR, not like that's a big deal right?


That's right up there with all the idiot journalists that were/are trying to make illegal gun purchases to create a "story". I doubt any of them did time.

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What, it's she's just making a SBR, not like that's a big deal right?


That's right up there with all the idiot journalists that were/are trying to make illegal gun purchases to create a "story". I doubt any of them did time.


I think she should get the maximum sentence. We really need to send a message here in the wake of these tragedies.

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She should go to jail for making a vertical phone video. Someone tell that dumbass to turn her phone sideways


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk


There really is a special place in hell for people who take vertical video and photos...

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She should go to jail for making a vertical phone video. Someone tell that dumbass to turn her phone sideways


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk


There really is a special place in hell for people who take vertical video and photos...


Something we all can agree on

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How about the potential upcoming talks with N. Korea?


I thought this was a pretty funny quote:


"It’s all bluster, there’s no deal, because he doesn’t know how to make a deal," host Joe Scarborough said Friday. "He’s horrible at making deals. That’s why the man ended up $9 billion in debt."


"He can’t even make a deal with a porn star," Brzezinski replied, in reference to a nondisclosure agreement between Trump and adult film actress Stormy Daniels. "He doesn’t even sign the papers of the deal that he struck."


"That’s exactly right," Scarborough said. "His lawyers can’t even draft a competent deal to keep a porn star quiet. How is he going to keep the North Koreans from getting nuclear weapons?"


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What a complete and utter douche canoe. I hope Trump gets this done so these insanely biased media morons can shove a sock down their throats. I'm sure a lot of people are rooting for this not to happen simply because they don't want to see Trump succeed. Because, fuck America if it's Trump bettering it.

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What a complete and utter douche canoe. I hope Trump gets this done so these insanely biased media morons can shove a sock down their throats. I'm sure a lot of people are rooting for this not to happen simply because they don't want to see Trump succeed. Because, fuck America if it's Trump bettering it.


To be fair, Trump attacked Morning Joe and Mika pretty savagely last year, and as I remember it was largely unprovoked. They criticized some move he made, and he attacked them personally, something about a bleeding face lift?. There is no love lost between them but remember two things:


1) Morning Joe isn't news - it's entertainment. It's about as credible for news as "the daily show".


2) Morning Joe is a conservative program, despite the network. Joe Scarborough's show replaced Don Imus's old show and was put in place keep his conservative demographic.


Don't fall for the trap, they are on air specifically to draw a reaction and provide biased entertainment. It isn't even worth the animated eyeroll gif.

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I bet Gina Haspel saw some dark shit running that prison in Thialand.


There is no evidence of that. Besides, people have proven since the beginning of time that torture works!


Never mind all that, she is the first female CIA director! #feminism

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There is no evidence of that. Besides, people have proven since the beginning of time that torture works!


Never mind all that, she is the first female CIA director! #feminism


You know, historically you don't see a lot of CIA directors appointed to diplomatic positions because it sends the wrong message to the rest of the world...something about your lead spy running diplomatic affairs creates mistrust.


Sure you see them move to head of the NSA, or secretary of defense positions, maybe even private sector security firms or just flat out retire, but usually not something outside of intelligence. In fact the only one I can think of was George H.W. Bush who went on to be vice president and then president.


It will be interesting to see what this has wrought.

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