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Lots of great behaviors on Saturday in NYC. If you've never been to the parade or out in NYC on St. Patty's day then you're missing out on a lot of fun people watching.....and that wonderful smell of piss and puke. The decision some people make will blow your mind.


Now who’s the pussy?



St paddy’s day in NYC is a lot of fun. It’s not even close to as violent and shady as it used to be.

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Now who’s the pussy?



St paddy’s day in NYC is a lot of fun. It’s not even close to as violent and shady as it used to be.

I wasn't implying violence or anything like that you twat


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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I wasn't implying violence or anything like that you twat


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk


So let me get this straight....you objection isn't that alcoholism and violence is a plague upon the irish people and for some reason there is an international holiday that somehow celebrates it as if it were a positive attribute, nor are you objecting to a national holiday in the US that basically encourages reckless drinking behavior.


Your problem is that you don't understand why drunk people do generally what drunk people do (because it blows your mind) and they don't make the choices you would make in that situation. Greg is right, you must be fun at parties (<--sarcasm).


I can tell you the St paddy's day parades in the 90's were drunken brawls. That was still the era when NYC was more like Beirut than Disneyland. It wasn't riot level, a couple of kids would dust up, the crowd would give them space and then the cops would come in, beat the crap out of everyone brawling, and all went on fine and few people got arrested if any. Now it's just like a really large college kegger. no big deal and no reason to shit on drunk people for being drunk people. Trust me, Mardi Gras is 1000x worse on the pee and puke and semen front.

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I'd just like to take this opportunity to congratulate His Excellency Vladimir Putin for another fantastic election that he won, and most certainly didn't rig, or hired an international firm to use Facebook data to spread propaganda. In celebration, I'm planning on going out tonight and drinking vodka recklessly if anyone wants to join.
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So let me get this straight....you objection isn't that alcoholism and violence is a plague upon the irish people and for some reason there is an international holiday that somehow celebrates it as if it were a positive attribute, nor are you objecting to a national holiday in the US that basically encourages reckless drinking behavior.


Your problem is that you don't understand why drunk people do generally what drunk people do (because it blows your mind) and they don't make the choices you would make in that situation. Greg is right, you must be fun at parties (<--sarcasm).


I can tell you the St paddy's day parades in the 90's were drunken brawls. That was still the era when NYC was more like Beirut than Disneyland. It wasn't riot level, a couple of kids would dust up, the crowd would give them space and then the cops would come in, beat the crap out of everyone brawling, and all went on fine and few people got arrested if any. Now it's just like a really large college kegger. no big deal and no reason to shit on drunk people for being drunk people. Trust me, Mardi Gras is 1000x worse on the pee and puke and semen front.


Just going to quote the last line of this post

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Yeah Kerry, I don't know what the hell you're going on about. I said that Tim was lame, and Tim responded that he's not lame because he went to a party in NYC, which is a pretty goddamn lame rebuttal (I'm hip, fellow children), but nowhere in there was there a treatise on Irish alcoholism or whatever you're blithering about.
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no I added that bit for fun.


he's also fond of saying "I can't be racist, I have a Black relative" which I think is the modern version of "I have black friends", but whatever.


Modern St. Paddy's day in NYC is like a character parade at Disney world. Not exactly "mind blowing stuff" if you have ever been around drunk people. Having your mind blown by the poor choices drunk people consistently and predictably make is like saying mayonnaise is spicy - hence why I called him a pussy.

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he's also fond of saying "I can't be racist, I have a Black relative" which I think is the modern version of "I have black friends", but whatever.


oh yeah, I forgot your Jewish Heritage, even though you're not one in a religious sense, somehow makes you sensitive to any reference that involves race or racism. Somehow that being Jewish causes you to have a need to count confederate flags you see because to you they are a warning label, and together it's all a part of a self preservation mechanism......because we all know in today's climate white Jewish males from NY are under attack. :rolleyes: Is that some sort of fear for modern day Nazi Antisemitism or just a cry for attention where none would even be seen otherwise because honestly no one cares about or would even know your religious heritage.

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oh yeah, I forgot your Jewish Heritage, even though you're not one in a religious sense, somehow makes you sensitive to any reference that involves race or racism.


No, just the slurs and stereotypes that impact me. Being a decent human is what makes me cringe when I hear the n word tossed into casual conversation, not my heritage or whatever. Apparently being a decent human being means being a senstivie pussy.


Somehow that being Jewish causes you to have a need to count confederate flags you see because to you they are a warning label, and together it's all a part of a self preservation mechanism


Again, it's got nothing to do with my heritage - I just don't really want to interact with ignorant jackasses if I can help it. If you are proudly flying the confederate flag in everyday life, it's a pretty safe bet you aren't a "fine person" (to use the president's words). It's your right to do it, just as it's mine to think you are a racist dipshit.


hearing someone say they Jew-ed someone down on a price doesn't make me fly into a rage, or wound me emotionally, but I ain't exactly going to go out of my way to interact with that person in a positive way either. I imagine this his how most people of minority races deal with bigotry day to day. But make no mistake it's still bigotry.


......because we all know in today's climate white Jewish males from NY are under attack. :rolleyes: Is that some sort of fear for modern day Nazi Antisemitism or just a cry for attention where none would even be seen otherwise because honestly no one cares about your religious heritage.


I think that is just your ignorance as to the fact that antisemitism never went away and is actually on the rise. You don't see it because you don't understand and aren't empathetic to anybody else's condition beyond your own.


Also, and I think I need to point this out because you don't seem to grasp it - Being Jewish is not just a religion, it is an ethnicity as well. Doesn't matter what I believe religiously, I can be no less Jewish than someone can be black or Hispanic. This was the driving rhetoric behind the Third Reich and their "Master Race" - a demographic devoid of the RACE of jews, it's the reason why they had all sorts of blood laws as to what defined you as a jew, similar to what the southern states had to determine if you were black during slavery.


I don't know why you are saying it's a cry for attention, you bring it up more than I do. Still, bitching and moaning and generally discounting the opinion of someone pointing out the obvious that the world has a negative opinion of their race is an integral component to bigotry.

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Speaking of...it just so happens to be Israeli Apartheid Week




mazel tov


Nothing like some good old fashioned sneaky racism. This is right up there with "Intersectionality" as an academic concept.

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If you are proudly flying the confederate flag in everyday life, it's a pretty safe bet you aren't a "fine person" (to use the president's words). It's your right to do it, just as it's mine to think you are a racist dipshit.


Have you ever lived in the south? Like a SE state?

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No, just the slurs and stereotypes that impact me. Being a decent human is what makes me cringe when I hear the n word tossed into casual conversation, not my heritage or whatever. Apparently being a decent human being means being a senstivie pussy.


good thing I've not used the N word in our conversations or here.


Again, it's got nothing to do with my heritage - I just don't really want to interact with ignorant jackasses if I can help it. If you are proudly flying the confederate flag in everyday life, it's a pretty safe bet you aren't a "fine person" (to use the president's words). It's your right to do it, just as it's mine to think you are a racist dipshit.
Good thing I don't fly a confederate flag.

hearing someone say they Jew-ed someone down on a price doesn't make me fly into a rage, or wound me emotionally, but I ain't exactly going to go out of my way to interact with that person in a positive way either. I imagine this his how most people of minority races deal with bigotry day to day. But make no mistake it's still bigotry.

not a phrase I use.


I think that is just your ignorance as to the fact that antisemitism never went away and is actually on the rise. You don't see it because you don't understand and aren't empathetic to anybody else's condition beyond your own.
same to you in regards to the racism towards whites and Christians that also exists.


Also, and I think I need to point this out because you don't seem to grasp it - Being Jewish is not just a religion, it is an ethnicity as well. Doesn't matter what I believe religiously, I can be no less Jewish than someone can be black or Hispanic.
You don't because I grasp it. I simply pulled my points directly from a quote you put in a post a while back.


I don't know why you are saying it's a cry for attention, you bring it up more than I do. Still, bitching and moaning and generally discounting the opinion of someone pointing out the obvious that the world has a negative opinion of their race is an integral component to bigotry.
I say it's a cry for attention because you're on the internet here where most who read this have never met you nor know you're Jewish nor do they likely care and you brought it up and injected it where it was just odd to do. I know and have met you and still it never dawned on me nor was it really even relevant. You brought it up though.


You know as well as anyone that you also discount the opinions of others who also are simply pointing out the obvious and also do it in such a way that casts a negative opinion on them. You do it to whites and Christians and I'm quite confident you know it too. You just try and hide it behind walls of text and smart ass talk while hold that higher-than-tho attitude many here have brought up to you. We all know you don't care, thus why you have had that rep here since about day one. At first it really ticked a lot of people off because you attempted to play it off or hide it, but as time has gone on, most realize it's just how you roll vs putting it out there up-front.

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I lived in Louisiana for 4 years. My Cousins grew up on a farm in Fayetteville, AR (go razorbacks) and I visited them more than a few times.


And you didn't meet or know any white people who had confederate flags who were good people? I lived in Mississippi for 4 years and I knew plenty who had plenty of black friends and they didn't seem to mind at all and were genuinely good people. The confederate flag thing really didn't become a big issue until the left wanted it to be a big issue.


I'm sure our definition of a good person is different though. Your definition seems to be someone who appears good on the surface by being politically correct in every sense where as mine is someone who will come pick me up if my car is on the side of the road in the middle of the night or a friend who will come help me wrench if I can't figure it out along with many other things.

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good thing I've not used the N word in our conversations or here.


Good thing I don't fly a confederate flag.

not a phrase I use.


World doesn't revolve around you Tim.


same to you in regards to the racism towards whites and Christians that also exists.


Don't confuse whites with racist whites. The sum total of the white race isn't playing these tribal games, it's just a small vocal sect.


I take particular offense that you seem to want to separate me from the white race as well since my paternal Italian heritage puts me into that group as well, and for a lot of society the Jewish heritage is considered a subset of white. You know who goes out of their way to draw these exclusionary distinctions? hate groups.



As for the rhetoric toward Christians - well that's a matter of opinion. Christianity in general comes with it's own hypocrisy, e.g. hatred of LGBT, hatred of the poor, etc and pointing it out isn't any different than those people who feel they need to point out the hyprcrisy of certain political positions. I personally find it laughable that a religion that preaches love all and be kind to all is the basis for hate and discrimination, and there are plenty of Christians that feel the same way.


You don't because I grasp it. I simply pulled my points directly from a quote you put in a post a while back.


your words and rhetoric say otherwise.


I say it's a cry for attention because you're on the internet here where most who read this have never met you nor know you're Jewish nor do they likely care and you brought it up and injected it where it was just odd to do. I know and have met you and still it never dawned on me nor was it really even relevant. You brought it up though.


yeah, maybe I brought it up once initially (twice at most), but you seem to bring it up more often. As I have said in the past - I don't go out of my way to start these conversations, I mostly am just responding to the nonsense people post here.


You know as well as anyone that you also discount the opinions of others who also are simply pointing out the obvious and also do it in such a way that casts a negative opinion on them. You do it to whites and Christians and I'm quite confident you know it too. You just try and hide it behind walls of text and smart ass talk while hold that higher-than-tho attitude many here have brought up to you.


Nobody is saying that discounting the opinions of others whole cloth is wrong, just those where you go out of the way to do it on the basis of race.


You realize you are basically calling me a race traitor here. By saying I discount the whole shared opinion of all whites (of which we established earlier i am one) is inferring I am selling out my own race. Also, don't presume that because I discount your opinion that I am discounting the opinion of all whites, because I am pretty sure you weren't elected the white person spokesperson.

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World doesn't revolve around you Tim.


good thing I was simply quoting your post and not the world.


Don't confuse whites with racist whites. The sum total of the white race isn't playing these tribal games, it's just a small vocal sect.


I take particular offense that you seem to want to separate me from the white race as well since my paternal Italian heritage puts me into that group as well, and for a lot of society the Jewish heritage is considered a subset of white. You know who goes out of their way to draw these exclusionary distinctions? hate groups.

I don't confuse the two but you don't always separate whites and racist whites when you post about the matter. I'm also not separating you in any way, I'm simply taking the lead you set out there by noting your Jewish Heritage. I don't honestly care one bit who is what here on CR.


As for the rhetoric toward Christians - well that's a matter of opinion. Christianity in general comes with it's own hypocrisy, e.g. hatred of LGBT, hatred of the poor, etc and pointing it out isn't any different than those people who feel they need to point out the hyprcrisy of certain political positions.
Agree...and remember those pesky things called opinions aren't only had by me or by you, everyone has them. Christians aren't alone when it comes to having some type of hypocrisy either.


I personally find it laughable that a religion that preaches love all and be kind to all is the basis for hate and discrimination, and there are plenty of Christians that feel the same way.
again, Christians aren't alone. in the end, it doesn't matter what the religion/ideology says it's what their followers exhibit in the way of behaviors.


your words and rhetoric say otherwise.
whatever dude, it's your post those words came directly from. deflecting back to what I say or do won't change that.


yeah, maybe I brought it up once initially (twice at most), but you seem to bring it up more often. As I have said in the past - I don't go out of my way to start these conversations, I mostly am just responding to the nonsense people post here.

I don't keep count as it doesn't really matter. If you brought it up twice, it exists within you just the same and it's out there whether in a post you start or a conversation you participate in nonsense or not. No need to beat a dead horse as it's been out there for a while.


Nobody is saying that discounting the opinions of others whole cloth is wrong, just those where you go out of the way to do it on the basis of race. You realize you are basically calling me a race traitor here. By saying I discount the whole shared opinion of all whites (of which we established earlier i am one) is inferring I am selling out my own race. Also, don't presume that because I discount your opinion that I am discounting the opinion of all whites, because I am pretty sure you weren't elected the white person spokesperson.
they are your words/responses and your behaviors. if you fit a definition, that puts you there, it's certainly not because I said so as I agree with you completely; I'm not the elected spokesperson of white people everywhere. I'm glad we agree on that at least.
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And you didn't meet or know any white people who had confederate flags who were good people?


Let's define "had" - there is a big difference between owning one, and even displaying it in their own home, vs displaying it in a very public place with the intention of communicating to the world this is a part of your identity.


I own a confederate flag, I bought it for a play in college. I'm not going to go out of my way to waive it in front of my house or put it in the back window of my car...because frankly it doesn't represent me.


So did I know good people who "had" flags? yes. Did I know people I considered to be "good people" who publicly displayed those flags? no, not really where my definition of good includes "racially sensitive". It doesn't mean those people had no redeeming qualities what so ever, but it does mean that hate was a very public part of their character.




I lived in Mississippi for 4 years and I knew plenty who had plenty of black friends and they didn't seem to mind at all and were genuinely good people.

I'm glad we had different experiences, but again see my definition of good vs your definition of good. I suspect you are willing to overlook something I am not.


The confederate flag thing really didn't become a big issue until the left wanted it to be a big issue.


And when did you think that was exactly? As in what year? First off, what we know as the confederate flag isn't actually a representative flag of the confederate states of america. That flag looks like this:



The flag we have come to know as the confederate flag was actually the battle flag of the northern VA army. Why is this important? well after the end of the civil war symbols of the confederacy were considered taboo. So those still aligned with the cause of southern independence picked this obscure symbol to fly as a way of protesting reconstruction and showing solidarity for the southern cause (slavery). So if you want to know when it became an "issue" - well that was the first day one was hung post civil war.


It took 100 years from the end of the civil war for attitudes to change enough for black people to be granted civil rights in this country in it's laws. It's no surprise that at 150+ years people still haven't come around on this clearly intended symbol of hate.



I'm sure our definition of a good person is different though. Your definition seems to be someone who appears good on the surface by being politically correct in every sense where as mine is someone who will come pick me up if my car is on the side of the road in the middle of the night or a friend who will come help me wrench if I can't figure it out along with many other things.


see my above discussion as to the difference of a good person or not. Good itself is a highly subjective concept and more complex than the black and white in which you seem to want it to be. We are all flawed characters, and i'm sure to the ones we have wronged in life we aren't "good" and to those who love us we are. The fundamental difference here isn't about PC on the surface or deep down - it's about whether a very public display of bigotry as personal identity is a deal breaker for wanting to interact with someone or not. It is for me, is it for you?

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good thing I was simply quoting your post and not the world.


English, please? you were talking about how my general statements applied to you, as if you were the only person to which some of this stuff was directed.


I don't confuse the two but you don't always separate whites and racist whites when you post about the matter. I'm also not separating you in any way, I'm simply taking the lead you set out there by noting your Jewish Heritage. I don't honestly care one bit who is what here on CR.


I think the thing you object to is that I don't always separate you from your latently racist white opinions. But then again they are your opinions.


Also this "taking the lead" nonsense is flimsy - assuming I do the thing you are complaining about, so you doing it makes it ok? Do two wrongs suddenly make a right? Do three rights not make a left anymore? Are dogs and cats living together? oh wait...no, and again assuming you are just taking the lead - somehow you doing it is worse because you should know better.


Agree...and remember those pesky things called opinions aren't only had by me or by you, everyone has them. Christians aren't alone when it comes to having some type of hypocrisy either.


again, Christians aren't alone. in the end, it doesn't matter what the religion/ideology says it's what their followers exhibit in the way of behaviors.


Lets not forget this is a political discussion thread. I'm gladly admit I have very little tolerance for religious discussions of any kind in political discourse because I think it's general bad policy to let government policy to be dictated by religious agenda. Plus I'm not even sure what's considered a "christian" opinion. You can be against legal abortion laws and not be christian, Christianity doesn't own a patent on shitty ideas. 1/2 of Christianity is Judaism or Islam anyway (that old testament thingy? yeah that's called the Tanakh in Judaism, and that new testament thingy? yeah that's 93 verses in the Quran) so if I have been crapping on a "christian" ideal I would by extension be shitting on Muslim or Jewish one as well. Are you sure I wasn't just being dismissive of a generally shitty idea that happens to be a part of "Christianity" and you want to make some religious discrimination case out of it? because I am pretty sure that's what's happening.



I don't keep count as it doesn't really matter. If you brought it up twice, it exists within you just the same and it's out there whether in a post you start or a conversation you participate in nonsense or not. No need to beat a dead horse as it's been out there for a while.


Then why are we still talking about it and why do you keep bringing it up? Also why do you use it as a point to indicate my opinion is somehow inferior?


I'm not the elected spokesperson of white people everywhere. I'm glad we agree on that at least.


Good because I am pretty sure I wouldn't vote for you.

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My brother has lived in a very small town about 1hr+ outside Houston since the early 80's and is more Texan than Ohioan anymore. Lots of people down there are normal good people who are not racist towards blacks but see the traditional battle flag as a representation of good old southern pride, valor and honor for the fight they see as occurring more around stats rights not as a flag that supports the right to slavery.


Regardless of what some or perhaps many might say, they fly the flag for those reasons and while they may not exhibit what some would say is a sensitivity to those that are offended by it, they are indeed good people and not bad people who simply don't want to acknowledge a false belief that they are somehow racists for it. In other words you might call them bad people for not giving a shit but they see it as a group of others calling them racists for no valid reason.


They aren't racists for simply flying a flag or being insensitive. There are other behaviors that go into being a racist towards blacks and no, they don't exhibit those.

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My brother has lived in a very small town about 1hr+ outside Houston since the early 80's and is more Texan than Ohioan anymore. Lots of people down there are normal good people who are not racist towards blacks but see the traditional battle flag as a representation of good old southern pride, valor and honor for the fight they see as occurring more around stats rights not as a flag that supports the right to slavery.


I'm sure it has all that good stuff like southern (white) pride once you conveniently ignore the 150+ years it was used as an outright symbol of oppression and racial hatred. thing is though - once it becomes associated with that, and it was intentionally associated with that, you can't really dis-associate. Just by flying it you can't "take it back", esp when southern "pride" is in itself 100% the white experience from that era. There was a movement in the 1960's and 70's to re-appropriate the confederate flag by black culture, it didn't have the intended effects and actually empowered those who understood and supported the hateful message.


Would you be this tolerant or understanding of someone flying the nazi standard in front of their home? The Swastika was a good luck charm prior to the third Reich, but if you were walking down the street would you think that?


Regardless of what some or perhaps many might say, they fly the flag for those reasons and while they may not exhibit what some would say is a sensitivity to those that are offended by it, they are indeed good people and not bad people who simply don't want to acknowledge a false belief that they are somehow racists for it. In other words you might call them bad people for not giving a shit but they see it as a group of others calling them racists for no valid reason.


So your argument is they are stupid and have good intentions? and that makes them good people? Nobody is confused about the message the southern cross conveys, expecting people to give them the benefit of the doubt as to their character when they fly a symbol that is rightfully associated with bigotry is just asking too much of people.


They aren't racists for simply flying a flag or being insensitive. There are other behaviors that go into being a racist towards blacks and no, they don't exhibit those.


So what are people who completely disregard the hostile message toward a particular race that their actions convey? I mean think about it, really think - to them the collective opinion of a race of people as to the message being conveyed by the flag which is specific to that racial characteristic is less important than the display of "southern heritage". What do you call that when you treat another race as lesser just because of their race? I'm pretty sure the word is racist, but you tell me.


Let's go even further - would you call this insensitivity a good measure of character? Or since you are so critical of the choices people make would you say this is making good choices?

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