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Trump takes it in the ass from Korea?


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I'd take hanging or decapitation over a mortar or being burned alive.


As for the abortions, who really cares about those as those aren't human lives anyway.


The rest of the stuff is pretty brutal. It's why I ask people who complain about how bad 'murica is to actually consider what it's like to live in many other parts of the world.



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How is that even relevant lol


Oh dear, I'm going to have to explain it.


It wasn't relevant, except to point out how irrelevant your own post was.


See, you seem to be starting from an assumption that the Trump/Kim summit was a success, perhaps because Trump has unilaterally declared it to be one. That would mean that we're somehow further away from nuclear war than we were 2 days ago, and you're bewildered as to how I could be against that.


What I'm telling you is that, based on stuff I've read from foreign policy experts on both sides of the aisle, the Trump/Kim summit had as much effect on preventing nuclear war as if Trump had fucked your girlfriend. In addition to doing nothing other than getting meaningless platitudes out of a Kim, which has happened several times in the past 25 years, the US has apparently made concessions that nobody agrees are wise.


To put it simply -- the summit was ineffective at best, and damaging to our national security at worst, and it's Trump's fault -- change my mind.


I would love to meet you sometime. Any chance you can make a c&c in the future?


You're more likely to find me mid-Ohio but have been to C&C 2 or 3 times. Not sure when I'll make it out there again because 3 kids and a reserve commitment makes standing around in a parking lot costly.

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He’ll complain and whine no matter what. Must suck to feel that way every.single.day.....


You would know. I mean, this is pretty much exactly how every conservative felt during the 8 years Obama was in charge, right?

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North Korea still has the exact same amount of nuclear weapons and facilities.

Trump pledges to immediately suspend US-South Korean military exercises.

"President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!" - Trump




At least Trump and "little rocket man" aren't going back and forth threatening to nuke one another, so there's that.

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You would know. I mean, this is pretty much exactly how every conservative felt during the 8 years Obama was in charge, right?


500 days, you're just hitting your stride now in the role reversal of a lifetime :p

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So my America First policy and belief is what you were referencing by saying I talk like a tough guy. Gotcha.


Well, the "Fuck the rest of the world" and "kill them all and let god sort em out" attitude which seem to travel with your nationalism are kind of that dumb tough guy bravado so...yeah.




So you’re saying we would sanction and bully others to following our way had they tried to engage with NKO or not follow our lead? Wow! So I guess it was okay to “talk tough” so long as it’s about NKO but when it comes to American Interests in trade or immigration we’re assholes for holding ground? Interesting.


Would, have, and did. I'm not saying that the US doing that was right - but it's what been done up to this point. You were saying that the others had an opportunity because the door was open and I was saying yeah but we were a pretty big bouncer standing in front of that door.


I don't know what point you are trying to make now other than to just spout false equivalent gibberish - But if you are asking if foreign diplomatic policy is handled differently than domestic policy, the answer is yes they are different things that have different approaches and different complexities. Oh that's right, you also refuse to believe that things are complex so...



And we will still likely deploy the same tactics and tall them to fuck off and follow our way / lead just the same. Why would that change because of this meeting? The world clearly isn’t fair nor has our past actions so telling others to fuck off and do as we say not as we do isn’t anything new under Trump. That’s been our policy for years.


Well, those tactics have to have some teeth do they not? Look at this big picture, not just the summit in isolation. We've pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, We Pulled out of the Iran Deal, we imposed tariffs on our strongest allies and then called them weak and dishonest, and now we are going against a mutually agreed to course of action that we proposed, set up, and got our allies to agree to. Frankly, why would our allies back us on the continuing course of action of sanctions if it isn't in their interest anymore? What's the leverage? The greatest value the US had in the global arena was it's reputation - we made deals and we stuck to them, we proposed initiatives that benefited everyone - and the summit is the latest in a long line of erosion of that reputation. Make no mistake, we need that reputation, being seen as unstable is not a good look for US.



In the end China still only cares about China and their intention is to surpass us globally.


Yeah but that doesn't mean you get to ignore the middle part where we used the debt market as a way of coaxing an alliance out of an otherwise reluctant world power. At this point China's strength is tied to American prosperity, but if we weaken to the point where they get leverage - then they can hurt us and surpass us. As long as we were strong they were strong, and our weakness was their weakness. Uncoupling that means that they could surpass us - something they couldn't do when they needed us to grow their economy. By the way, they are still a long ways off from "surpassing" us. We look at them as this looming world power, but they can't even sort our civil engineering in a lot of their infrastructure. They need us a lot more than we need them, and I for one would like to keep it that way.



There’s no like or dislike about it to me. I agree, there is a two way here. Again, define Legitimizing...there’s no change to the relationship when it comes to sanctions.


If the collective world powers (what we used to call an alliance) don't recognize the legitimacy of a regime to rule the country, it has many specific ramifications. The private companies of those countries can't do business with your nationals or government, you don't get to participate in the UN, the Olympics, attend summits, etc. The US not recognizing North Korean Sovereignty and Kim Jong Il's assertion to soverign rule is a big deal. To date, North Korea has managed to get 93 nations to recognize it's rule - enough to get it a seat at the UN and open diplomatic relations and trade with those countries - where by our sanctions are the only bar to trade. And our failure to recognize the nation is the primary reason we can write such broad ranging sanctions. Recognition is our biggest bargaining chip with NK


Although he hasn't reversed the US's official position yet - where his predecessors have stopped short and he hasn't in in his statements and actions with North Korea. In the past the US would act through Sweden in any matters involving North Korea, putting an agent between us and them. Whether we like it or not - diplomatic recognition can be established through implication, not just political act. The visit of a head of state, the signing of a bilateral treaty, negotiations of trade, can all create a de-facto recognition of sovereignty. Usually the state has to proclaim that those acts do not constitute recognition before hand, something Trump has not explicitly done.


The fear here is that due to his absolute inexperience and incompetence coupled to his desire for personal recognition, Trump may "accidentally" give away the US's biggest bargaining chip without getting anything in return. Also, if it does happen, our alliances with Japan and South Korea will weaken significantly.


understand now?




I see that but again, our being the bully on the block if we don’t get our way isn’t something new then. Got it. Just wanted to make sure you saw that it isn’t something Trump is bringing to the table or new.


Nope, bullying by the US in diplomatic relations isn't new. But bullying isn't what trump brings to the table. What he brings to the table is actually the opposite - in trying to be a bully he may have undermined the leverage that allowed us to act as one in the first place. That's the "new" thing he brings to this - plowing through the china shop like a bull driving a bulldozer and not understanding that the china inside is fragile.



It’s not a sign of respect when they want you to continually take it in the ass either. They are just pissed that he’s taking a stance that looks at what’s happening and raising a fuss when it’s more in their favor than ours.


Is it really "taking in the ass"? The concerns Trump has, while somewhat legitimate, aren't exactly the kind of thing to nuke the whole deal over. I don't think this is taking it in the ass, I think of it more as mutual jerking off where we lubed our hand and they didn't lube theirs - we are still getting jerked off either way, but probably not as pleasant as we like. I think you are kinda inflating the problems he is trying to address to somehow legitimize his actions, when really he is remodeling your kitchen with a hand grenade.





Trump doesn’t have “people”. Fuck sticks in all parties in DC don’t like to see their cheese being moved. It’s not surprising to see that so much money and effort was and still is being put into keeping shit from coming out and getting him and his policies out of office. The corruption most everyone knew is starting to show and that’s always going to put people against him.


I am pretty sure the entire staff of the white house would disagree with you. But he def has People - they are those in the republican party who sold out their values and felt it was more important to go along with him rather than resist, or as I like to call them "The Republican Party".


And yeah there is a lot of resistance to his "policies" because some of them are just freaking awful. Like bad for everyone awful. If you see your kid trying to burn the house down, you don't wait for the fire department to put out the blaze, you take the matches away. It's not corruption to stop an inexperienced person from making professional mistakes - it's common sense.

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Well, the "Fuck the rest of the world" and "kill them all and let god sort em out" attitude which seem to travel with your nationalism are kind of that dumb tough guy bravado so...yeah.



So looking out for America and it's citizens is fucking the rest of the world and killing them too? WOW! Sounds a little over the top and dramatic to me.



Would, have, and did. I'm not saying that the US doing that was right - but it's what been done up to this point. You were saying that the others had an opportunity because the door was open and I was saying yeah but we were a pretty big bouncer standing in front of that door.
well then they should have had the leadership courage to approach said bouncer and begin talks. World leaders making excuses and not taking action is pretty weak on their part and thus when they don't make a move, they are stuck facing someone else's move. Perhaps their people need to pick better leaders.


Oh that's right, you also refuse to believe that things are complex so...
and you like to make things long winded and complicated just like a lawyer and politician thus why both are costly and move slow. welcome to the past 75+ years of our leadership. time for a change. the world isn't waiting around for anyone. many companies failed because they feared change and feared making decisions to try.



Well, those tactics have to have some teeth do they not? Look at this big picture, not just the summit in isolation. We've pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, We Pulled out of the Iran Deal, we imposed tariffs on our strongest allies and then called them weak and dishonest, and now we are going against a mutually agreed to course of action that we proposed, set up, and got our allies to agree to. Frankly, why would our allies back us on the continuing course of action of sanctions if it isn't in their interest anymore? What's the leverage? The greatest value the US had in the global arena was it's reputation - we made deals and we stuck to them, we proposed initiatives that benefited everyone - and the summit is the latest in a long line of erosion of that reputation. Make no mistake, we need that reputation, being seen as unstable is not a good look for US.
those deals were dumb and costly and we've let the world spend our money and we've weakened our own position. the global arena doesn't like that someone is looking out for America vs just letting them continue to raid our piggy bank. sure their pissed just like my son was pissed that we put time limits on his cell phone and computer use.



Yeah but that doesn't mean you get to ignore the middle part where we used the debt market as a way of coaxing an alliance out of an otherwise reluctant world power. At this point China's strength is tied to American prosperity, but if we weaken to the point where they get leverage - then they can hurt us and surpass us. As long as we were strong they were strong, and our weakness was their weakness. Uncoupling that means that they could surpass us - something they couldn't do when they needed us to grow their economy. By the way, they are still a long ways off from "surpassing" us. We look at them as this looming world power, but they can't even sort our civil engineering in a lot of their infrastructure. They need us a lot more than we need them, and I for one would like to keep it that way.
nothing within this meeting weakend us with China.



If the collective world powers (what we used to call an alliance) don't recognize the legitimacy of a regime to rule the country, it has many specific ramifications. The private companies of those countries can't do business with your nationals or government, you don't get to participate in the UN, the Olympics, attend summits, etc. The US not recognizing North Korean Sovereignty and Kim Jong Il's assertion to soverign rule is a big deal. To date, North Korea has managed to get 93 nations to recognize it's rule - enough to get it a seat at the UN and open diplomatic relations and trade with those countries - where by our sanctions are the only bar to trade. And our failure to recognize the nation is the primary reason we can write such broad ranging sanctions. Recognition is our biggest bargaining chip with NK
Ignoring the enemy and pretending that how we 'see' them is the reality of the rest of the world is dumb. As you noted, 93 nations and growing realize this. They participated in the Olympics prior to this meeting. In fact it was South Korea that agreed with them so they could to send athletes and a delegation to the Winter Olympics. We still have sanctions on them and can still command our ways as we wish against others. We still have our bargaining chip. In fact IMO we have more as Kim now knows Trump is open to talks. Prior to that he was met with a closed door thus no wonder why he was acting up like he was.



The fear here is that due to his absolute inexperience and incompetence coupled to his desire for personal recognition, Trump may "accidentally" give away the US's biggest bargaining chip without getting anything in return. Also, if it does happen, our alliances with Japan and South Korea will weaken significantly.
sounds like people in Washington should start working together and stop fucking around playing politics. my biggest fear and gripe is there are a lot of old fucks that need to go in order to make that happen. if they want to see success then they best become a part of making that happen and stop the whining and finger pointing. Trump isnt going to wait around for them so just like I noted above, either they make a move or live with his. This isn't just Trump's show, everyone has a role to play here and abroad.


Nope, bullying by the US in diplomatic relations isn't new. But bullying isn't what trump brings to the table. What he brings to the table is actually the opposite - in trying to be a bully he may have undermined the leverage that allowed us to act as one in the first place. That's the "new" thing he brings to this - plowing through the china shop like a bull driving a bulldozer and not understanding that the china inside is fragile.

then it sounds like you better encourage your democratic leaders to learn to manage-up and work with those around them. when my boss is on a tirade or a path that we think is wrong, the leadership team helps him see the light. That's part of why leadership is layered. if we stood around and tried to blame him like congress does, we'd be fired by his boss and those we serve for not leading.



I think of it more as mutual jerking off where we lubed our hand and they didn't lube theirs - we are still getting jerked off either way, but probably not as pleasant as we like.
time they learn to lube up then or enjoy the same dry rub from Trump in return. no more one way streets.



And yeah there is a lot of resistance to his "policies" because some of them are just freaking awful. Like bad for everyone awful.
we can agree to disagree here. I support his policies more than him and I don't fall for the drama lama bullshit he puts out on social media like so many do. If he came out and told Angela Merkel she has nothing to fear when it comes to people wanting to grab her pussy, the world would be aghast but she knows it's true.
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Greg, what would you rather see, the world on brink of nuclear war, or Trump acknowledging Kim?



Maybe another Obama Castro love fest because you know, he was such a great guy that he even stuck out the game given the attack that occurred that week.










or another hot-mic moment with a Russian




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So looking out for America and it's citizens is fucking the rest of the world and killing them too? WOW! Sounds a little over the top and dramatic to me.


you are the one calling for military intervention so...



well then they should have had the leadership courage to approach said bouncer and begin talks. World leaders making excuses and not taking action is pretty weak on their part and thus when they don't make a move, they are stuck facing someone else's move. Perhaps their people need to pick better leaders.


I love how you assume that they didn't rather than the reality that we threw our weight around. The rest of the world isn't "weak" and I don't hear any world leaders "making excuses". Most of them have gone further than we have in this arena, but without out buy in progress stops.



and you like to make things long winded and complicated just like a lawyer and politician thus why both are costly and move slow. welcome to the past 75+ years of our leadership. time for a change.


I don't "make" anything complicated. Shit just is sometimes. People aren't out there engineering complexity - it happens organically most of the time.



those deals were dumb and costly and we've let the world spend our money and we've weakened our own position. the global arena doesn't like that someone is looking out for America vs just letting them continue to raid our piggy bank. sure their pissed just like my son was pissed that we put time limits on his cell phone and computer use.


dumb how? costly how? we profited from them. Come on Tim, back it up - don't just say something was costly, show me how it was costly.


So far every statement Trump makes on trade and tariffs have been fact checked to be wildly flawed: https://apnews.com/6ffb31982dfd4ea7b4e029d11697a593/AP-FACT-CHECK:-Trump's-bottom-line-stats-on-trade-are-wrong


If you are just repeating his rhetoric, then you are repeating his mistakes.




nothing within this meeting weakend us with China.




But analysts said with the easing of tensions, China and South Korea were not likely to continue fully enforcing the tough measures needed to make sure North Korea makes good on its latest promises.



Ignoring the enemy and pretending that how we 'see' them is the reality of the rest of the world is dumb. As you noted, 93 nations and growing realize this. They participated in the Olympics prior to this meeting. In fact it was South Korea that agreed with them so they could to send athletes and a delegation to the Winter Olympics. We still have sanctions on them and can still command our ways as we wish against others. We still have our bargaining chip. In fact IMO we have more as Kim now knows Trump is open to talks. Prior to that he was met with a closed door thus no wonder why he was acting up like he was.


Is it? I mean, even if we were in the minority of recognition we were still pretty damn effective. North Korea's interests are not aligned with our own - lack of recognition as leverage was a way to get them to come accept their place in the world on our terms (sounds like putting America first - doesn't it?). I think you really overstate the power of the US in the global community, we aren't the 800 lb gorilla we used to be.


sounds like people in Washington should start working together and stop fucking around playing politics. my biggest fear and gripe is there are a lot of old fucks that need to go in order to make that happen. if they want to see success then they best become a part of making that happen and stop the whining and finger pointing. Trump isnt going to wait around for them so just like I noted above, either they make a move or live with his. This isn't just Trump's show, everyone has a role to play here and abroad.


Start with Mitch McConnell. I mean if you were really committed to this you have to recognize that obstruction and lack of bi-partizanship has been the republican strategy since 2008.


Truth is, we had a lot more bipartisan success under Obama than we did in a lot of other presidencies. He's up there with Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, HW Bush, and Clinton. You'll never recognize that though because he's not from your team. He also faced the largest one sided political opposition to bipartisanship in history.



then it sounds like you better encourage your democratic leaders to learn to manage-up and work with those around them. when my boss is on a tirade or a path that we think is wrong, the leadership team helps him see the light. That's part of why leadership is layered. if we stood around and tried to blame him like congress does, we'd be fired by his boss and those we serve for not leading.


There are limits to how much someone is willing to work with you. So far, considering their options, they have been gracious.



time they learn to lube up then.

ok, but do we have to blow up the mutual hand job to get that done? seems unnecessary....




we can agree to disagree here. I support his policies more than him.


I don't even think you know what his policies are. Honestly I don't think he does either so much of it seem reactionary and based on false or misinterpreted information. I think you just want to see shit explode, instead of the slow crawl of diplomacy.


I found this article very helpful for understanding what's at stake here, maybe you will too: https://www.vox.com/world/2018/6/12/17448866/trump-south-korea-alliance-trudeau-g7

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Maybe another Obama Castro love fest because you know, he was such a great guy that he even stuck out the game given the attack that occurred that week.










or another hot-mic moment with a Russian






Whataboutism - classic Russian Propaganda, eh comrade?


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you are the one calling for military intervention so...



I am? Last I check my opinion was the meeting was a good move.



I love how you assume that they didn't rather than the reality that we threw our weight around. The rest of the world isn't "weak" and I don't hear any world leaders "making excuses". Most of them have gone further than we have in this arena, but without out buy in progress stops.



So were they not able to get buy in or was it that "we were a pretty big bouncer standing in front of that door?" Either way they weren't effective at making their point in a convincing manner I guess.


People aren't out there engineering complexity - it happens organically most of the time.



I believe that. Lawyers and career politicians love to take their time. It's job security.



So far every statement Trump makes on trade and tariffs have been fact checked to be wildly flawed:



yeah, you're right Kerry, there's nothing unfair about our trade deficits and how we're being treated by others. Kerry on.....



Is it? I mean, even if we were in the minority of recognition we were still pretty damn effective. North Korea's interests are not aligned with our own - lack of recognition as leverage was a way to get them to come accept their place in the world on our terms (sounds like putting America first - doesn't it?). I think you really overstate the power of the US in the global community, we aren't the 800 lb gorilla we used to be.



You're right, we aren't what we used to be; time to get back to being the leader vs the pin cushion.



Start with Mitch McConnell. I mean if you were really committed to this you have to recognize that obstruction and lack of bi-partizanship has been the republican strategy since 2008.



I would. Ryan too. Schumer, Pelosi and bat shit crazy dumb ass Maxine Waters.



There are limits to how much someone is willing to work with you. So far, considering their options, they have been gracious.






I don't even think you know what his policies are. Honestly I don't think he does either so much of it seem reactionary and based on false or misinterpreted information. I think you just want to see shit explode, instead of the slow crawl of diplomacy.



You're right Kerry. You're the Wizard of CR.

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Whataboutism - classic Russian Propaganda, eh comrade?



Nope, just examples of Obama reaching out to solve the worlds problems in such upstanding and beneficial ways with upstanding people. I don't think I need to plug in anything related to Iran but then you approve of all that I'm sure.

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Nope, just examples of Obama reaching out to solve the worlds problems in such upstanding and beneficial ways with upstanding people. I don't think I need to plug in anything related to Iran but then you approve of all that I'm sure.


Lord knows Fox News didn't approve.


Racism? Blatant partisanship at the expense of our country's unity? Gross ignorance/incompetence?


All of the above?

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I hate to resort to partisan sniping but come on guys, this is ridiculous. Tim, you know goddamn well that if Obama had sat down with Kim Jong Un as equals, without any preconditions, and made concessions without getting anything in return, Fox News and the conservative media would have spent weeks raking him over the coals. We know this is true because they already did, even though Obama's supposed failure of leadership never actually happened.


Change my mind.

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I hate to resort to partisan sniping but come on guys, this is ridiculous. Tim, you know goddamn well that if Obama had sat down with Kim Jong Un as equals, without any preconditions, and made concessions without getting anything in return, Fox News and the conservative media would have spent weeks raking him over the coals. We know this is true because they already did, even though Obama's supposed failure of leadership never actually happened.


I think the one commentors there summed it up pretty well. Obama went on tour apologizing to the world; Trump is telling the world he's the President of the United States and here to look out for our people first.


Not sure what you were expecting from his first meeting here but from it he no doubt has a better first-hand understanding of this guy than Obama did; he got us a commitment to return Korean War remains and a handful of hostages were released just prior to it; related or not. What did we we cave on...running war time training drills? Yeah...like that's hard to restart. Again, I doubt Kim needs to see these training drills anymore. I think there's enough hardware off his shore to make our stance pretty clear and I'm sure he's well aware of our capabilities. Add to it he knows his lack of capability vs us.

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I think the one commentors there summed it up pretty well. Obama went on tour apologizing to the world; Trump is telling the world he's the President of the United States and here to look out for our people first.


"Sorry about these provocative war games, Mr. Kim. We'll cut those out." At least Obama apologized to our allies, not some worthless despots like Kim and Putin.


Not sure what you were expecting from his first meeting here but from it he no doubt has a better first-hand understanding of this guy than Obama did; he got us a commitment to return Korean War remains and a handful of hostages were released just prior to it; related or not. What did we we cave on...running war time training drills? Yeah...like that's hard to restart. Again, I doubt Kim needs to see these training drills anymore. I think there's enough hardware off his shore to make our stance pretty clear and I'm sure he's well aware of our capabilities. Add to it he knows his lack of capability vs us.


Oh wow, war remains? That's never happened before.


Harman says in the past, North Korea allowed the U.S. to recover hundreds of American remains. Much of that was during the previous round of nuclear talks between 1996 and 2005 when that process collapsed. On a recent fact-finding mission to Seoul, Harman says he was told North Korea is holding 200 more sets of remains but it was going to take some bargaining to get them back.


So NK has a history of holding war remains hostage to get concessions during talks. What a hardball player, that Trump!


And you still don't understand that the training we do over there isn't a show of force, it's actual, you know, training, so we can fight better when it comes to it. Training is about 95% of what the military does you dolt.


What else you got to convince me that you wouldn't be right here saying racist shit about Obama if he had accomplished all the nothing that Trump accomplished?

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"Sorry about these provocative war games, Mr. Kim. We'll cut those out." At least Obama apologized to our allies, not some worthless despots like Kim and Putin.


Show me where Trump went on an apology tour. In terms of Kim, I would speculate that there are likely leaders in positions of power within in N. Korea who like the status quo and might try to assassinate KJU before giving up that power. Perhaps that's the next move and would that be a bad thing? Get him killed without even having to be a part of it. Hmmm.


And you still don't understand that the training we do over there isn't a show of force, it's actual, you know, training, so we can fight better when it comes to it. Training is about 95% of what the military does you dolt.
more personal attacks. you sound like a butt-hurt Hollywood actor. what's ironic too is most of those Hollywood Trump haters who paint him as vile and evil are the ones yelling "fuck trump" on live TV, holding chopped off heads up and laughing and calling his daughter a cunt. The irony is so clear and deep with them. For me the Matt Lauer fall was the best kick in their own nuts.


LOL that we're even debating the stopping of wartime training as a concession. the funny thing is I'm still surprised the left supports war games. go figure! but hey, there are Hollywood elitists dems that want to blow up the white house too. you're correct though, we gave Kim something he wanted; now it's his turn and will be his decision to follow up with action. Had we not provided any type of offering we would be seen as the super power bully just trying to push him into submission. smart move; now it's his turn to decide the fate of his people and country.


What else you got to convince me that you wouldn't be right here saying racist shit about Obama if he had accomplished all the nothing that Trump accomplished?
I'm not here to convince you of anything. That would be especially stupid considering you're trying to inject race into this now. WOW!


in the end, feel free to try and diminish what he's done by stating it's nothing. the ongoing dislike and hate the media and others continue to display for trump will always be seen as a negative and the optimism and hope he is showing will continue to be seen as a positive. which is ironic as the left is always trying to paint him as the dark and negative one. let's see how that all continues to play out on the matter.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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dumb how? costly how? we profited from them. Come on Tim, back it up - don't just say something was costly, show me how it was costly.



Here it is on Canada. Perhaps De Niro should be the one to go fuck himself instead of apologizing. Who the hell is he to apologize for anyone anyway?




Trade Balance


  • The U.S. goods trade deficit with Canada was $17.5 billion in 2017, a 59.7% increase ($6.5 billion) over 2016.
  • The United States has a services trade surplus of an estimated $26 billion with Canada in 2017, up 8.0% from 2016.

Mexico sells $55 billion dollars a year more in goods, China an unbelievable $375 billion a year more. The European Union is up by $95 billion a year (latest stats available).



Any questions, have your AP News people call the Office of the United States Trade Representative and let them debate it further or dig into what specifics in each area of trade within those numbers are deficits or surpluses as of course nothing is the same across the board.

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I’m pretty sure we have a trade deficit because we make almost nothing in this fucking country. And Americans don’t want manufacturing jobs, and the folks in this country that would be happy working in manufacturing are being deported daily. However I’m not a very smart man, but I know what love is.
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I’m pretty sure we have a trade deficit because we make almost nothing in this fucking country. And Americans don’t want manufacturing jobs, and the folks in this country that would be happy working in manufacturing are being deported daily. However I’m not a very smart man, but I know what love is.


Serious question: You think Americans don't want manufacturing jobs? I know of towns that were devastated when manufacturing/factory jobs left for China and everyone got laid off. I worked in manufacturing in my younger years, and I know people that still do.

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Let me ask you this, when you were growing up, what are you told by your parents? To go to college or go get a 9-5 at the plant? Sure a small manufacturing plant helps a small rural community, but not in urban areas. Hell even Amazon knows young adults are their talent pool for their wharehouses and now are offering to pay for college as a way to stop the high turnover they have. They have signed a couple agreements with CSCC including some are mandating they take pharmacy tech classes because Amazon is about to enter the Pharmacy Market.
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Here it is on Canada. Perhaps De Niro should be the one to go fuck himself instead of apologizing. Who the hell is he to apologize for anyone anyway?




Trade Balance


  • The U.S. goods trade deficit with Canada was $17.5 billion in 2017, a 59.7% increase ($6.5 billion) over 2016.
  • The United States has a services trade surplus of an estimated $26 billion with Canada in 2017, up 8.0% from 2016.

Mexico sells $55 billion dollars a year more in goods, China an unbelievable $375 billion a year more. The European Union is up by $95 billion a year (latest stats available).



Any questions, have your AP News people call the Office of the United States Trade Representative and let them debate it further or dig into what specifics in each area of trade within those numbers are deficits or surpluses as of course nothing is the same across the board.


Tim, you know how to do simple math right?


$26>$17. So we have a net overall trade surplus of $9 Billion with Canada. That means we make money off our deal with them. Tell me how that's bad? The Trump advisors (like Peter Navarro) don't factor services trade in any of their analysis - they literally pretend it doesn't exist. Tell me how that is being big picture, or even intelligent?


Furthermore Trump has built his latest Canadian trade policy around the dairy industry and Canadian tarriffs on it, which runs at a surplus for the US, but only accounts for 0.2% of total goods exported.


Sure it looks like we are being taken advantage of if you ignore literally all the industries we make money off of canada in trade, but once you do the smart thing a zoom out - we make money.


Let's take Mexico, a country where we have an actual trade deficit with. $64.1 Trade deficit on good with Mexico in 2017 and a $7 Billion services surplus with Mexico. Doesn't sound good since we still have a $57 Billion trade deficit, but do we actually? Mexico Reported a $132.4 Billion surplus for the US. What does that mean? Well it means that there are $75.3 Billion dollars in goods and services the US imports from Mexico and then re-exports to other countries. Even though the good originates in mexico, it is treated on paper as a US originated export, which means we don't offset the raw numbers. The US makes an $11.2 billion surplus on stuff it imports from mexico and then exports to other nations. What are these things you ask? how about whole cars, auto parts, produce and agriculture, etc... $11.2 Billion overall surplus to us still doesn't sound like a bad deal to me.




What am I missing here Tim, where is the part where we are profitable but somehow still being ripped off?


Trump's rhetoric is literally If there is a Deficit we are being ripped off, but in reality he manufactured the deficit by just ignoring other important numbers that play a factor.


I would say this is another example of him not taking someone's word for it and just trying something to see what happened, but you know what? the US actually did this before: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot%E2%80%93Hawley_Tariff_Act

Spoiler alert: it had very short run success, but almost tragic long run effects that took almost 30 years or more to undo. But tell me again how the president is doing something "new" that hasn't been tried before.

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Let me ask you this, when you were growing up, what are you told by your parents? To go to college or go get a 9-5 at the plant? Sure a small manufacturing plant helps a small rural community, but not in urban areas. Hell even Amazon knows young adults are their talent pool for their wharehouses and now are offering to pay for college as a way to stop the high turnover they have. They have signed a couple agreements with CSCC including some are mandating they take pharmacy tech classes because Amazon is about to enter the Pharmacy Market.


I was told to do what I wanted to do as long as it was honorable work. Whether becoming a doctor or being a trash man.


Which route I took to achieve my goals wasn't shoved down my throat one way or another.

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