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Trump takes it in the ass from Korea?


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I'm sure you're passionate about the whole birther thing but i you honestly think that's what brought him to political prominence then you and many others have not only been humiliated by his win but still don't get it. Sad.


We're all humiliated at this point. We elected as birther as president. Spreading racist lies has no consequences in America. Truly embarrassing.

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Spreading racist lies has no consequences in America.


One man gets all that credit eh? WOW! Funny how it takes a village to raise a child yet little old Donald Trump the dolt from NY can turn a country to evil with a mere tweet.


Funny how he is the all powerful OZ when it's negative but boy if a butterfly spreads it's wings on a sunny day, there's no fucking way in hell he had a thing to do with it. LOL! Man you could be on CNN.

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Truth be told, I don't really care about Trump as much as the millions of people who didn't find his racist lies to be disqualifying and still voted for him. That's what's really depressing. I know you voted for him, but since you don't seem to have any problem telling or spreading lies here, it's not surprising that his racism and lying wouldn't bother you. Just depressing. Sad. For America.
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he farts and the media picks it up and runs with it.

He's not special in that regard. They do that with every president going back to Regan. The difference - Every other President didn't fart in public.


There is a longer conversation to be had here about the shift in media and how they used to not report on things of low character and how the attitude changed with the Gary Hart Scandal - but for simplicity's sake, stop pretending like he's getting special treatment - he's not, he's seems to be operating under the "negative attention is better than no attention at all" theory.


lost leader products are one thing but not entire lines of business or in this case tangible goods.


Well we are talking about loss leader products - for the US sub lines of business are "products". Not everything in goods are loss leader just because of an overall loss. I would rather he not try and fix the losses on steel by penalizing agriculture where we make money - and tariffs do that.



agree, but we still need to insure trade both ways is fair between countries and it's not wrong or insulting to work towards that.


You still haven't shown me where it is on the whole not fair. You keep saying "these trade deals" like the whole deal is bad, but really the deal is solid - it's the cheating like china dumping steel at below cost that's not part of the deal that's the problem.


Small business vs large company is completely different.


So far I have worked in both, what's your point. You are trying to say I don't understand basic economic concepts because I didn't run my own business, and it turns out I have - so now what? I don't understand universal economic concepts because I haven't run a multi-billion dollar small business like our commander in chief has? Is he the only one qualified to understand these concepts?


No Tim, the reality is you were trying to be condescending by talking out of your ass and making assumptions. jut stop, it's dumb and I lose respect for you when you say stupid things like this.


I never spoke a word about me but thanks for putting me on that high horse. Look forward to chatting with you live about it though. Unless you continue to bring the personal attacks. Again, you're more like Trump than you care to admit. It's an east coast thing so you may as well accept it. I have a good friend who is from Philly and despises Trump too but he's just as big a blow hard.


You put yourself there chief. It's not a personal attack to point out you just flat out don't know what you are talking about. It is also a fact you were being an ass about it, which is convenient because it also happens to be my opinion. But whatever, I didn't know you were going to be such a snowflake about it, I thought you were made of tougher stuff Tim, what happened to "Turds" and all that other hate speech you spew? Your nuts are going to shrivel up just because I called you an Ass? Sad.

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Kerry, I’d say he runs a pretty successful detailing business for himself. Or do you only look at this thread anymore when you login? I see several cars including my own Tim has accepted cash for service. Last I checked that would be a business.
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He's not special in that regard. They do that with every president going back to Regan. The difference - Every other President didn't fart in public.


You asked, I answered. Everyone farts in public.


stop pretending like he's getting special treatment - he's not, he's seems to be operating under the "negative attention is better than no attention at all" theory.
no pretending here at all. the media is over the top negative with their 24x7 coverage of Trump Hate. We've seen hate coverage before but never like this. relationship is symbiotic. It's pretty clear that the media is generally hateful of Trump and likewise they are use to seeing him as undisciplined in his reactions to criticism. he does love he coverage either way so the relationship works all around.


I would rather he not try and fix the losses on steel by penalizing agriculture where we make money - and tariffs do that.
Agree and so would he, so the point is for the other countries to make losses more equitable. The tariffs are just a beginning point to those talks. We'll see how fair and equitable those other countries are going to be and if in fact they are truly our Allies on more front than just militarily.


No Tim, the reality is you were trying to be condescending by talking out of your ass and making assumptions. jut stop, it's dumb and I lose respect for you when you say stupid things like this.
condescending is your M.O. dude. clearly it gets to you. man you are so fucking Trump-like it's uncanny.


You put yourself there chief. It's not a personal attack to point out you just flat out don't know what you are talking about. It is also a fact you were being an ass about it, which is convenient because it also happens to be my opinion. But whatever, I didn't know you were going to be such a snowflake about it, I thought you were made of tougher stuff Tim, what happened to "Turds" and all that other hate speech you spew? Your nuts are going to shrivel up just because I called you an Ass? Sad.
you continue to prove my point that all you spew about hating on Trump and how he behaves and attacks people is more and more EXACTLY what you are. It's just becoming so much more clear now. It's actually funny. Don't worry man, I'm not a snowflake nor do I care but it is funny how the stars aligned and your true colors are showing. He tweets and you post here. The difference is he's comfortable with who he is and you seem to have an internal struggle still brewing trying to prove you're not like that. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Kerry, I’d say he runs a pretty successful detailing business for himself. Or do you only look at this thread anymore when you login? I see several cars including my own Tim has accepted cash for service. Last I checked that would be a business.


We all have side hustles, that's his, I have mine, I'm sure you have yours. I meant his day job, the thing he does for actual money to pay his mortgage and bills and stuff.

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We all have side hustles, that's his, I have mine, I'm sure you have yours. I meant his day job, the thing he does for actual money to pay his mortgage and bills and stuff.



for me it's side gig doing something I enjoy and in a way paying forward to the people here by doing something that perhaps they don't want to do or don't have all the stuff to do. I credit Andy here with prodding me into doing it and giving me tips early on. :thumbup:

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You asked, I answered.

Fair point - but it's weird, you are ok with his almost stream of conscious public statements to the media, but then hugely critical of the media when they publish it. I can't follow that logic Tim, you just want "the media" to be the bad guy.


no pretending here at all. the media is over the top negative with their 24x7 coverage of Trump Hate. We've seen hate coverage before but never like this. he does love he coverage either way so the relationship is symbiotic.


There is a lot to cover, who's fault it that? maybe the person making the public statements? is it negative? yeah Trump says a lot of stuff that is controversial and negative - they just report it because THAT IS THEIR JOB. How is it missing you that he's the source of the negativity? Again, you just really hate that megaphone.


Agree and so would he, so the point is for the other countries to make losses more equitable. The tariffs are just a beginning point to those talks. We'll see how fair and equitable those other countries are going to be and if in fact they are truly our Allies on more front than just militarily.


Except that he doesn't agree because that's what he did. And honestly let's stop making this about him for a second, he has an economic advisor, and people who are putting together these plans and the paperwork to justify it. The problem is that their work doesn't hold up to any kind of professional economic scrutiny. He's spewing bad information at full volume, because he's getting bad information, because he's pretty shitty at hiring people. Just watch the apprentice: it's not hard to see he's a bad boss.


condescending is your M.O. dude. clearly it gets to you. man you are so fucking Trump-like it's uncanny.


you continue to prove my point that all you spew about hating on Trump and how he behaves and attacks people is more and more EXACTLY what you are. It's just becoming so much more clear now. It's actually funny. Don't worry man, I'm not a snowflake nor do I care but it is funny how the stars aligned and your true colors are showing. He tweets and you post here. The difference is he's comfortable with who he is and you seem to have an internal struggle still brewing trying to prove you're not like that.




Strong words from someone who calls literally anybody he morally agrees with Turds. I mean, you know you do that right? This isn't news to you that Turds is condescending and insulting and you use it like it is a conjunction. Really Tim, and deep down we both know this, the only turd is you - it's how you feel about yourself and how you see that part of yourself in the rest of the world. I feel sorry for you Tim, weak and sad and frightened by brown people, I mean turds.

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Fair point - but it's weird, you are ok with his almost stream of conscious public statements to the media, but then hugely critical of the media when they publish it. I can't follow that logic Tim, you just want "the media" to be the bad guy.


I could care less if the media reports on his comments to them. Ironically that word is most fitting...media. It's nearly all entertainment partisan hacks any more vs true reporting.


There is a lot to cover, who's fault it that? maybe the person making the public statements? is it negative? yeah Trump says a lot of stuff that is controversial and negative - they just report it because THAT IS THEIR JOB. How is it missing you that he's the source of the negativity? Again, you just really hate that megaphone.
The vast majority of it is not reporting. Reporting the news is one thing, 24x7 entertainment driven repeating of the same mass distributed talking points across the networks is just media noise. I think that's what is being referenced as the echo chamber.


Except that he doesn't agree...

he doesn't want our trade deals to be fair and equitable? really?


Strong words from someone who calls literally anybody he morally agrees with Turds.
I think you meant disagrees but then I don't recall calling someones a turd for their moral beliefs. I think a thug kid who show clear signs of no fucks given, robbing cars and stealing things from businesses, then strutting past the cops as they try and apprehend him while holding a weapon is a turd, yes.


Really Tim, and deep down we both know this, the only turd is you - it's how you feel about yourself and how you see that part of yourself in the rest of the world.
See....there....you're doing it again. You complain about people making judgements about you, when as you state they don't know you but then you do it just the same. The irony here has thickened. I can't follow that logic Kerry, you just want Trump or anyone debating you to be seen as the bad guy.
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Well I’m convinced he’ll get re-elected in 2 years, Democrats will noninate some nobody. They sent me a letter asking for fucking money because I voted in the democratic primary. That was hysterical, I mailed it back to them with “fuck off” written in huge sharpie over the application. (Postage was pre paid) Only reason I voted in the democratic primary was to vote against Hillary, and what did I learn? That process is and continues to be a farce. My vote didn’t count at all. The fucking funny part is the Democratic Party cares more about raising money than winning the election, that’s why they are fucking losers. They care about raising money More than Republicans, and I still think if they nominated Bernie he would have mopped the floor with Trump in that election. Fucking Democrat losers. Even Democrats are scared of their own beliefs otherwise they would have nominated Bernie. Edited by Benjamin
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