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Trump takes it in the ass from Korea?


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Meeting one of any business deal usually is just a get to know one another session and one in which we figure out what success looks like on both sides. Way better than denying the meeting. Kinda hard to solve anything when you don’t know what the other side is looking for or willing to bargain with.


So in the end, those looking for a magic solution and rainbows clearly have never been in sales or worked out any type of deal before. Shit doesn’t happen overnight. But hey....keep saying it was a dick in Trump’s ass if that makes you feel better. Hate on.



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Shit happened overnight for NK, they got us to stop our "provocative" military exercises.


Maybe your business/sales deals suck because you give shit up without getting anything in return.


Oh sorry, those are "free-bes", I forgot.

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Shit happened overnight for NK, they got us to stop our "provocative" military exercises.


Took years to get to this point actually. No one before wanted to deal with it and thought it was best to just not communicate. Stupid. Not many coaches in life tell people to ignore and avoid their problems. In fact it’s quite the opposite.




Maybe your business/sales deals suck because you give shit up without getting anything in return.


Yep, I’m just a struggling actor.





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Didn’t this dude have his own brother killed with a deadly toxin? Seems trustworthy.


And Greg, thank you for your service.


And Tim, are you posting like Trump tweets? LOL adding “Sad.” At the end. :lolguy:


And uncle killed with a mortar I believe as well.

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Took years to get to this point actually. No one before wanted to deal with it and thought it was best to just not communicate. Stupid. Not many coaches in life tell people to ignore and avoid their problems. In fact it’s quite the opposite.


How do you lie so freely and still live with yourself? History of negotiations with NK.


I teach my kids that lying is wrong, and being willfully ignorant isn't much better. What do you teach your kids?

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Define giving him legitimacy. What, putting their flag next to ours and meeting with him grants him some special powers?


Actually Tim, it kinda does. It never fails to surprise me that for someone who tries to talk as tough as you do, the concept of credibility on a global stage eludes you.


Notwithstanding how much Trump has damaged the US's in the last year, the US as a nation talking to NK opens the door for other nations to do the same. Refusing to associate with NK was leverage in our diplomatic interactions with China. So yeah, Trump having a conversation with NK means that China doesn't have to be as careful in it's dealings with NK as it did in the past.


The view of him by his people isn’t going to change. They are starving and most are living below the life of my dogs and the outdoor cats roaming the streets of any US City. Like them seeing him on stage is going to impact their lives for the better.....it’s not and they know it. Who gives a shit what his people think of him anyway.


What do you know about how his people view him? NK has an iron curtain up, and the only people we hear from are the defectors. Plus, how much does it matter to dictators what their people think of them?


The alternative is you have a guy backed into a corner and he knows there are only three choices.....stay in the hole you’re in and starve, fight and likely die before anything you fire hits their targets - no win for anyone, or come to the table. Bringing him to the table and offering him nothing but what we have already and insisting he kisses ass isn’t going to do anything to move the matter forward. If we want him to take control and make a move weather it’s war or not, then we can sit back and do nothing. That’s been the policy for pretty much decades and it’s done nothing to move things forward. TIme for a change.


NK's been "Starving" since the 1950's. We've seen 3 different leaders come and go since then (Kim Il sung, Kim Jong il, Kim Jong Un), and they haven't starved to death yet. They are prepared to stay in the hole and keep going longer than we are able to sweat them out. The black market is thriving because of their efforts currently - so whether the people are starving or not, the regime isn't in a bad place.


To put it in language you'll understand: by the US not recognizing his regime, they were on the US's shit list - and our allies had to tread very lightly or not at all in their dealings with them. Now, even if we say they are on our shitlist, the ROW isn't going to really worry as much about their dealings because they can just say "well we are exploring options, just like you did". Get it?







Does it really matter? It’s not like we need to continue to flex muscles and show off. That time is over. The next move is either forward to take real action and light the place up. My guess is if he dicks around, then the US Will deliver a throat punch and then offer another opportunity to step up or get put down.


We aren't doing shit and you know it. Any threat toward a nation by the US is an empty promise, and action is going to be seen as a joke because our leader is seen as a joke.



Trump and his team are actually doing something vs holding their dicks and playing games.

Is something radical, even if it blows up in our faces preferred to the slow march of diplomacy? Why?

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Trump is everything Republicans said Obama was


(From die hard conservative, professor at the Navy War College, avowed Obama hater, and admitted Never-Trumper Tom Nichols)


The difference is that Obama was pursuing a strategy. It might have been the wrong strategy, but it was a purposeful approach directed toward a major objective of his administration’s policy. Indeed, his critics — with me among them — might argue that Obama was so completely focused on the execution of his overarching vision that he made avoidable mistakes and lost sight of the escalating diplomatic costs.


Trump, by contrast, has approached North Korea exactly as Republicans once feared Obama would: without a strategy, driven by TV coverage, interested only in the short-term ego boost of a photo op that does more harm than good — who gets the better end of the deal, after all, when a two-bit dictator poses side by side with the putative leader of the free world? Obama’s critics screeched about pallets of cash being delivered to Iran — I didn’t like it, either — but that seems a masterstroke of diplomacy compared with Trump declaring the inhabitants of North Korea’s gulags “the great winners” of the summit and halting U.S. “war games” with South Korea because, as Trump bafflingly explained Tuesday, it will save us “a tremendous amount of money” and because they’re “provocative,” besides. (Until now, American presidents refused to adopt the nomenclature of our enemies, referring to such operations as “joint exercises,” not war games. It’s exactly the kind of ignorant mistake that Republicans were certain Obama would make, starting from his first day in office.)


Trump's negotiation style is pure art of the moron


(From conservative Never-Trumper Rick Wilson)


Thank you, because nothing says Presidential Stature like your juvenile dick-waving and insults attacking the heads of state of the G7 nations. Thanks are also in order for deploying your clown-car motorcade of loudmouth, shock-jock aides to make the damage worse.


Great work taking direction from the Home Office in Moscow; you spent more time at the G7 summit doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding than you did strengthening the ties between the United States and our closest allies.


Even so, I’m supposed to thank the president, right? Well, thank you, Donald. You sent a message to our allies in Asia and beyond that you’re willing to compromise their security and ours for an inconsequential photo-op with a hopped-up fatboy dictator who looks like Pyongyang already has a Krispy Kreme and a Popeyes, and he’s the only one allowed to eat in them.


South Korean military leader left speechless


Retired lieutenant-general In-Bum Chun, a three-star general who served in the Republic of Korea Army for nearly 40 years, said he would have expected that kind of an announcement to come at a later phase of negotiations with North Korea.


"Something that would have been thoroughly consulted with Korea, and probably with Japan. So it came as a bit of a surprise," he said.


Fuck you allies, get in line, or ask NK what Trump agreed to. Apparently that's how things are done when you suck at negotiating.

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Actually Tim, it kinda does. It never fails to surprise me that for someone who tries to talk as tough as you do, the concept of credibility on a global stage eludes you.


And for someone who claims to be so righteous you always seem to go for the personal attacks in a very passive aggressive manner. Not odd anymore but not what I pegged you for initially.




Notwithstanding how much Trump has damaged the US's in the last year, the US as a nation talking to NK opens the door for other nations to do the same.


That door has been open all along. Perhaps they have had leaders who couldn’t or didn’t want to make the first move. Oh well.


Refusing to associate with NK was leverage in our diplomatic interactions with China. So yeah, Trump having a conversation with NK means that China doesn't have to be as careful in it's dealings with NK as it did in the past.



China gives no fuck about us. No more than we really care about them.




What do you know about how his people view him? NK has an iron curtain up, and the only people we hear from are the defectors. Plus, how much does it matter to dictators what their people think of them?


Your last point....I made that a little ways up. His people bring him no value other than his own sense of power. We in the states own pets like dogs and cats and to him they are essentially that.




NK's been "Starving" since the 1950's. We've seen 3 different leaders come and go since then (Kim Il sung, Kim Jong il, Kim Jong Un), and they haven't starved to death yet. They are prepared to stay in the hole and keep going longer than we are able to sweat them out. The black market is thriving because of their efforts currently - so whether the people are starving or not, the regime isn't in a bad place.


Agree, Kim and the regime are in place and their goal is to maintain their power and survive.


To put it in language you'll understand: by the US not recognizing his regime, they were on the US's shit list - and our allies had to tread very lightly or not at all in their dealings with them. Now, even if we say they are on our shitlist, the ROW isn't going to really worry as much about their dealings because they can just say "well we are exploring options, just like you did". Get it?


Why did our Allies have to tread lightly? Just because we said so? Fuck that. If they had any real leadership they wouldn’t need our permission to accomplish a goal. If they wanted to engage NK for some reason, then they could have worked with us to do so if they really wanted to but they didn’t.


We aren't doing shit and you know it. Any threat toward a nation by the US is an empty promise, and action is going to be seen as a joke because our leader is seen as a joke.


So says Kerry. You really do think a lot of yourself for playing as if you’re so humble. Kerry is in the room and he’s the biggest and smartest guy here so we can all go home now. Guess we can close this thread then eh? You know you’re a lot like Trump only in a longer winded form.

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And for someone who claims to be so righteous you always seem to go for the personal attacks in a very passive aggressive manner. Not odd anymore but not what I pegged you for initially.


Nobody here is claiming to be righteous. It's not a personal attack, it's a statement of fact: you don't value global credibility or diplomacy. It's ok, you are an "America First" Nationalist so I don't expect you to value it, but I am often surprised that you talk like it doesn't exist - and that's just a jump I can't follow.



That door has been open all along. Perhaps they have had leaders who couldn’t or didn’t want to make the first move. Oh well.


Has it? up till now the US has been the dominant force in global diplomacy, I don't think the door has been open because nobody has been willing to risk the US sanctions. We have done everything from officially restricting trade to boarding civilian merchant ships going from NK to other countries in the past - ain't nobody wanted to risk that kind of attention. I don't think they will as readily fall in line now.



China gives no fuck about us. No more than we really care about them.


I can't take you seriously when you make statements like this. China's first interest is China, that much it true, but much of it's interests are aligned with the US's interests because of how much money they have floating in our economy. China will back North Korea only where it's interests align as well, and honestly China's interests align with us more often than they do with North Korea. You can see this in every US sanction China agreed to abide by and every UN resolution against NK they backed.


Whether you like it or not, China and the US have a quasi co-dependent economy. We care very much about them buying Bonds and securities and they care very much about the money they spend on those things and what's coming to them, and in the past failing to uphold those sanctions hurt them - but if the US is legitimizing North Korea, then how much will not holding up those sanctions really hurt their position?




Why did our Allies have to tread lightly? Just because we said so? Fuck that. If they had any real leadership they wouldn’t need our permission to accomplish a goal. If they wanted to engage NK for some reason, then they could have worked with us to do so if they really wanted to but they didn’t.


Well, because we are the cornerstone of the global banking system, the cornerstone of global trade, the largest marketplace for a lot of foreign countries' goods. So yeah, they didn't want to fuck with us because doing so fucked with their money. And we had a pretty much 0 tolerance for dealing with NK.


Being on the outside of the banking system alone is a huge problem. Just ask Russia.



So says Kerry. You really do think a lot of yourself for playing as if you’re so humble. Guess we can close this thread then eh?


It's not so says me, you don't have to take my word for it - it's a matter of public record. It's not a sign of respect when your allies come out of a meeting with you and shit talk your plans and policies.


But more than that - he doesn't even have consensus of his own people. Whenever he tries to blow something really bad up congress or his own advisors come out of the woodwork to talk him down off the ledge.

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And uncle killed with a mortar I believe as well.


Government executions (that we know about) in North Korea are a horror show.


Jang Song Taek, Kim's uncle by marrage, as well as his aides and one nephew were executed by being burned alive with a flamethrower in 2013 (there are differing accounts as to whether he was also shot with an anti-aircraft gun while still burning). NK's firing squad uses machine guns and public executions by firing squad happen in a stadium. Hanging and decapitation round out the more popular ways people are publicly executed in North Korea.


And that's before we talk about the gulags for political prisoners, the forced abortions, the killing of infants as punishment, etc...


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if trump cured cancer greg would find a way to make it negative


If Trump spent billions of dollars doing nothing and then claimed to have cured cancer without actually doing anything y'all fuckers would still attack me for pointing that out.


eta: "At least he's doing something, unlike all of those scientists who haven't even tried," Tim would lie.

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Nobody here is claiming to be righteous. It's not a personal attack, it's a statement of fact: you don't value global credibility or diplomacy. It's ok, you are an "America First" Nationalist so I don't expect you to value it, but I am often surprised that you talk like it doesn't exist - and that's just a jump I can't follow.


So my America First policy and belief is what you were referencing by saying I talk like a tough guy. Gotcha.




Has it? up till now the US has been the dominant force in global diplomacy, I don't think the door has been open because nobody has been willing to risk the US sanctions.


So you’re saying we would sanction and bully others to following our way had they tried to engage with NKO or not follow our lead? Wow! So I guess it was okay to “talk tough” so long as it’s about NKO but when it comes to American Interests in trade or immigration we’re assholes for holding ground? Interesting.


We have done everything from officially restricting trade to boarding civilian merchant ships going from NK to other countries in the past - ain't nobody wanted to risk that kind of attention. I don't think they will as readily fall in line now.


And we will still likely deploy the same tactics and tall them to fuck off and follow our way / lead just the same. Why would that change because of this meeting? The world clearly isn’t fair nor has our past actions so telling others to fuck off and do as we say not as we do isn’t anything new under Trump. That’s been our policy for years.




I can't take you seriously when you make statements like this. China's first interest is China, that much it true, but much of it's interests are aligned with the US's interests because of how much money they have floating in our economy. China will back North Korea only where it's interests align as well, and honestly China's interests align with us more often than they do with North Korea. You can see this in every US sanction China agreed to abide by and every UN resolution against NK they backed.


In the end China still only cares about China and their intention is to surpass us globally.




Whether you like it or not, China and the US have a quasi co-dependent economy. We care very much about them buying Bonds and securities and they care very much about the money they spend on those things and what's coming to them, and in the past failing to uphold those sanctions hurt them - but if the US is legitimizing North Korea, then how much will not holding up those sanctions really hurt their position?


There’s no like or dislike about it to me. I agree, there is a two way here. Again, define Legitimizing...there’s no change to the relationship when it comes to sanctions.




Well, because we are the cornerstone of the global banking system, the cornerstone of global trade, the largest marketplace for a lot of foreign countries' goods. So yeah, they didn't want to fuck with us because doing so fucked with their money. And we had a pretty much 0 tolerance for dealing with NK.


I see that but again, our being the bully on the block if we don’t get our way isn’t something new then. Got it. Just wanted to make sure you saw that it isn’t something Trump is bringing to the table or new.




It's not so says me, you don't have to take my word for it - it's a matter of public record. It's not a sign of respect when your allies come out of a meeting with you and shit talk your plans and policies.


It’s not a sign of respect when they want you to continually take it in the ass either. They are just pissed that he’s taking a stance that looks at what’s happening and raising a fuss when it’s more in their favor than ours.




But more than that - he doesn't even have consensus of his own people. Whenever he tries to blow something really bad up congress or his own advisors come out of the woodwork to talk him down off the ledge.



Trump doesn’t have “people”. Fuck sticks in all parties in DC don’t like to see their cheese being moved. It’s not surprising to see that so much money and effort was and still is being put into keeping shit from coming out and getting him and his policies out of office. The corruption most everyone knew is starting to show and that’s always going to put people against him.




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here is how worthless NK's promise of denuclearization actually is:




It's nice to know we got "something" for the national security we gave up in the region. And by "something" I mean nothing of value at all.

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If Trump spent billions of dollars doing nothing and then claimed to have cured cancer without actually doing anything y'all fuckers would still attack me for pointing that out.


Probably, but perhaps he should follow Bill and Hil liar y’s role and just pocket money and cackle like the feckless cunt she really is while putting cigars up pussies instead of just grabbing them or paying them like a porn star.


eta: "At least he's doing something, unlike all of those scientists who haven't even tried," Tim would lie.



He’s working to fix our fucked up immigration system and deal with illegal turds

He’s got the economy free’d up not bogged down

He’s basically following the exact plan he put forth when he was running for office and still for some reason shocking people.



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So the life-long military leaders have been wasting money on pointless military training exercises for decades?! What are you saying exactly? YOU know more than them?



Leadership in our society never wastes money. What I said above in previous posts is exactly what I’m saying. Perhaps you need to re-read it.




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Greg, what would you rather see, the world on brink of nuclear war, or Trump acknowledging Kim?



He’ll complain and whine no matter what. Must suck to feel that way every.single.day.....



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Government executions (that we know about) in North Korea are a horror show.


Jang Song Taek, Kim's uncle by marrage, as well as his aides and one nephew were executed by being burned alive with a flamethrower in 2013 (there are differing accounts as to whether he was also shot with an anti-aircraft gun while still burning). NK's firing squad uses machine guns and public executions by firing squad happen in a stadium. Hanging and decapitation round out the more popular ways people are publicly executed in North Korea.


And that's before we talk about the gulags for political prisoners, the forced abortions, the killing of infants as punishment, etc...



I'd take hanging or decapitation over a mortar or being burned alive.


As for the abortions, who really cares about those as those aren't human lives anyway.


The rest of the stuff is pretty brutal. It's why I ask people who complain about how bad 'murica is to actually consider what it's like to live in many other parts of the world.

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