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Bumpstocks - Now Illegal in Columbus


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:lol: Triggered (bad pun intended). :gabe:




Oh come off it, he's not an idiot and these things aren't that complicated.


Where did I say he was an idiot or that this was complicated? I give Kerry shit. Kerry gives me (and everyone else) shit. We do so almost daily in chatbox. One of these days I'm gonna take him up on his offer made via text message and meet him for a drink. I do not think Kerry is an idiot at all.


The automatic weapons restriction is about guns that go "ratatatat," and the mechanism they used to do that was to focus on weapons that fired more than one round with a single trigger pull.




Bumpstocks make weapons go "ratatatat"


Disagree. Bump stocks are just stocks. They don't make a gun behave any differently than one without. Bump firing was discovered long before the bump stocks were ever invented.



The stock does nothing. It's a novelty at best and a complete waste of money IMO.


but hur de hur each round is it's own trigger pull, so it skirts the letter of the law but clearly violates the spirit.


I wasn't aware laws had spirits. TIL. ;)


It doesn't "skirt" anything. The ban on fully automatic weapons is for a completely different class of firearm. I get what you're saying. Someone "found a way to skirt the law banning automatic weapons". Yeah...the bump stock didn't do that. That's all I'm saying. It's a silly toy and to be honest IDGAF if it gets banned. I don't think a law will prevent folks who really want one from getting them but the stock in itself does absolutely nothing IMO.


It's the mechanical equivalent of holding your finger 2 inches from your sister's face and saying "I'm not touching you" in the backseat.


I don't have a sister.


I bet I get told I'm wrong about both my opinion that they're worthless and the fact that a stock does not change the function of a rifle anymore than a sling or bipod does.

Edited by Otis Nice
Parenthesis in the wrong place was driving me mad.
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2) There is very good legal argument that could be made at the federal level for why a bump stock ban is appropriate. So what's wrong with that? What's wrong with saying - hey there is a loophole so let's close the loophole?



legal arguments like this do little to nothing at stopping anything thus why lawyers like them as they ensure job security and hourly fees while fulfilling their need to argue and make people with no clue feel good but resolve nothing. if you want to close the loop hole go ban rubber bands too as they are a far cheaper alternative to a bumpstock when it comes to making money into smoke.

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