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Anyone have a wheelchair I could have?

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Haven't got that far into it all yet honestly. I just got released from the hospital yesterday and haven't filled out any paperwork outside of the one from the hospital. I'll speak with them about that when I go back on the 3rd but I don't have any insurance.
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My mom has a portable wheel chair that she doesn't need. It was my Dads. She was looking for about $60 for it. Let me know if you're interested. It's just sitting in her garage in Westerville. I could even pick it up and deliver it if you want since you're all busted up. :)
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Look for one of these, assuming your injury is an ankle, way more maneuverable around the house and tight spaces. My GF had one when she had foot surgery. We took that fucker everywhere. She could get along a lot faster than walking, too.




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How does one shatter a heel? What broke?


Broke my calcaneus. I do tree work. Not giving a detailed event until everything is settled. I fell 30 feet onto concrete though. Everyone told me I'm lucky and all things considered my injuries are minor however, this is supposed to be a really painful break.


I keep forgetting the correct terms so shattered heel is my go to.

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What is that, an urgent care? You saying you fell 30' and didn't go via ambulance (I assume that's what your last post meant) or go to an actual hospital? Jesus. I hope you heal well. Hit up Kirk if you need a name of a good ortho. He sent me to a guy for my wrist that was amazing.
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Fuck, if someone around me feel 30 feet straight down out of a tree onto concrete and didn't die, I'm calling Rome to verify a miracle, not an ambulance.


Sorry, I'm of no help to the OP, except to say, good luck with everything. You'll need it since you've used all of yours up.

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Well a member here offered me a chair which I'll probably take them up on that offer post surgery.


I don't have any insurance so everything is going through workers comp. I don't know if I can request anyone special for any of the PT or whatever but they said my surgeon is pretty top notch and my Outlook for full recovery is extremely high.


For the rest of it, I feel pretty unlucky., If my heel wasn't broken I could've gotten right back to work but, for once the cards weren't in my favor.


I took the spill and tried to go as limp as possible before impact (I've wrecked a motorcycle twice so I've had some practice in this area). My immediate thought was that my ankle was broken so I took off my Spurs to get my boots off to make sure I wasn't bleeding everywhere. No bleeding, I wasn't paralyzed, I could move my toes and my Achilles felt to be okay so all the big worries were okay.


I rolled up a cigarette and had my ground guy get me my phone so I could contact my boss to notify him and see where he wanted me to go to the hospital. I got off the phone with my boss and he was going to text me an address so I had the ground guy start packing up our gear while I called my other worker who was taking a load to the dump and picking up our mini skid. I notified him of what happened and let him know we wouldn't be there when he got back.


Got the text to go to OSU ER on Taylor and E. Broad.


Get there and spend about 15 minutes in the waiting room filling out paperwork while a few other people get called in ahead of me.


I'm in the room for a little bit getting the normal questions, is your skin normally this color?


Yeah beetch, I normally look like Shrek.


What happened?


I fell 30 ft out a tree onto concrete like I told the lady at the front desk.


All hell broke loose at that point and they rushed me into internal trauma or something like that, cut all my clothes off and I had like 15 people around me freaking out like I was going to die. It was rather funny how quickly everything changed. I guess if you don't go into the ER screaming your head of yelling death and murder no one thinks your injury is a big deal, I don't know.


Anyway, it took them about 5 hours to give me any medicine. I had to ask 6 different people if I could get some Advil (I didn't want to sound like a junkie). I got a ton of x-rays from the neck down, CT scan and MRI all of which was new to me.


End result was a broken calcaneus (heel) and a small compound fracture in my back which they don't know if I've been living with since my last motorcycle wreck that I never went to the doctor after or if it was from this event. Either way the neurosurgeon didn't think it was anything with fussing about.


I have surgery on the 11 if my swelling has gone down enough, 4-6 months till I can start working again and a year till I'm really back to myself.


I'm super eager to get back to climbing trees again so I'm sure my attitude will really help with the healing process and what not. Oh yeah, big plus is I'm quitting cigarettes. I guess nicotine really delays the healing process so I'm 4 days in nicotine free as a pack or more a day smoker.

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Damn. Sounds like you are lucky. I also know all about not acting like you are dying in the ER. I've been to the ER too many times over the past few months, long story. Most of the people screaming about pain were the ones who didn't need to be in the ER at all. The people working there knew me after my 2nd visit and knew that I wouldnt be that guy crying for anything. They also knew that I wasnt full of shit and was actually in a decent amount of pain.

Glad it wasnt worse for you. Easily could have done a ton of damage to any number of things. Sorry that it happened though.

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Who’s doing your surgery? This is one of the worst lower extremity injuries you can get. Make sure this goes through work comp. don’t settle until at least a year or more out from the injury. Hopefully someone’s doing the surgery who specializes in trauma, or is a specific foot and ankle surgeon. Yes, this is a serious injury with a high chance of major concurrent fractures—hence your burst fx of the spine. Good luck. Dig in, and prepare for 4-6 month recovery.
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